All Chapters of Billionaire's Secret Baby : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
82 Chapters
Amelia spent the rest of the evening wandering up and down her room devising a perfect scheme not to spill the beans out while still keeping tabs on Stephan.She was aware that one mistake could cause everything she had dedicated herself to unravel. As the night progressed, she felt a disturbing feeling of unease gradually enveloping her, she could feel her airways get clogged and suffocating.She glanced at her watch and noticed it was way after midnight, still, she was not able to sleep. Moments later she was ready to give up any hope of having a restful night when a notification popped on her phone coming from Stephan. She stared at the message in unbelief, rereading it to understand that she was not dreaming. It was his offer of lunch tomorrow in his penthouse.Typically, she would be out there dancing all happy because she was the one who had been reaching out to Stephan but now that she had a private investigator who was compromised she has been feeling uneasy.Her mind raced a
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Soon the day slipped away faster than Amelia had expected, and it was night already. She had to go home. Still, she was holding back, giving time for Stephan to invite her for an overnight. She had never spent a night at his house and she was eager to spend tonight with him. He just used to be so private and guarded, never letting anyone too close. Amelia couldn’t help noticing the time but at the same time, she was combatting herself, trying to think of a reason to stay just for a little while. Nevertheless, before she could come up with a proper idea, Stephan spoke “Did you drive here?” he asked, breaking the comfortable silence. “No, I didn’t,” Amelia answered, knowing that she had purposely refused to drive. She wanted an excuse to stay longer. “Well, I can give you a ride home if you want,” Stephan offered, surprising Amelia with his generosity. “Thank you, but you don’t have to, I can other a cab,” she replied politely trying not to sound too eager “Come on, I’m going hom
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Ruby could feel her heart racing at the thought of moving in with Stephan. The idea both terrified and comforted her. She knew Stephan was doing everything out of genuine concern for their safety, but taking such a big step felt overwhelming. She was now facing the biggest choice of life as she gazed between Naomi and Stefan.The words of Naomi sustained in the air, which just made the situation seem even more taut. Initially, the fact that Stephan was proposing the idea of staying with him astounded her, but slowly his approach became logical for her. The most important thing here was Ethan’s safety, but also, their right to live their own lives and have privacy.Following a deep silence, it was Ruby who broke the maintained silence. “Stephan, I’m glad you’re here for us and want to keep us safe, but I need some solitude to think about this critically.” A big decision has to be made, and I need to be sure that this is the right one not only for Ethan but for me too. Her voice was st
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"Hello my love," Ruby greeted with a tired but satisfied tone. "I'm sorry I didn't call sooner; today has been tough.""It's okay, I grasp. Moving can be stressful," Naomi responded. How are you holding up? Is Ethan settling in alright?" Naomi's concern was evident even through the phone. "He's doing great. Stephan has been so generous and thoughtful, he even had Ethan's room decorated so beautifully," Ruby shared, feeling grateful once again for their new living arrangement. Naomi let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad to hear that, Ruby. And how are you feeling about everything? Is it starting to sink in that this is your new home now?" Ruby paused for a moment, pondering on the events of the day. "It's beginning to feel real. "Stephan has been understanding, and I'm starting to feel hopeful about what's to come," Ruby shared."I'm thrilled for you, Ruby. You deserve every bit of happiness," Naomi responded sincerely."Thanks," Ruby replied with a slight smile.Ruby paused as s
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“Thank you once again, Stephan, this is very generous of you” Ruby said lifting the bag slightly. Stephan simply smiled and inclined his head. Leaving the shop, Stephan’s phone rang halting their stroll. Stephan picked up the call and placed the phone on his ear listening intently to the caller on the other end. After a brief conversation, he ended the call and turned to Ruby with a furrowed brow “It seems there is an urgent matter that has come up at work, I would drop you at home before heading out” The look on his face was so disturbing. “Stephan, what’s wrong? Is everything okay at work” Ruby inquired“Yes everything is fine, nothing serious” Stephan lied looking above Ruby’s head and trying to avoid her gaze. Everything isn’t fine, the call he just received was from his security intel, and they suspect Stephan is been followed. He lied to Ruby because he didn’t want her to worry. Stephan and Ruby hurriedly went home. On arrival, Stephan dashed into his room to prepare for the
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Amelia felt her heart pounding as she looked at the report her investigator had put together. Ruby had moved into Stephan's house. The evidence was undeniable – photos of them laughing over dinner at his place, strolling together in public and even shopping. Doubt and confusion clouded Amelia's mind as she grappled with the revelation. Stephan hated shopping but the pictures showed that he was enjoying shopping with her Amelia walked nervously into her office, repeatedly checking the report for any evidence that could kill her suspicion. However, everything was clear and undeniable Taking a deep breath, Amelia made a decision. Amelia decided to talk to Stephan in person, looking him in the eyes and asking for answers. She wanted the truth, refusing to make assumptions or let her emotions affect her judgment. Even if it hurt, she needed to hear it directly from him.On reaching Stephan's house, Amelia could feel her hands shaking with a blend of fear and anger. She tapped lightly
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“Why is a workaholic like you at home on a weekday?” Amelia inquired. She had been so consumed by her own emotions and assumptions that she didn’t stop to think about the fact that he wasn't working.“My security team thinks it best to work from home for a while because of the stalker” Amelia felt stupid, everything she has done so far has only succeeded in bringing Ruby closer to Stephan. Because of the private investigator she set up, Ruby and Stephan have to live together and he can't even go to work so they are stuck together all day. It was like some cruel joke played on her by fate.“Where is your guest?” Amelia’s question hung in the air as she scanned the living room area.“I think she's upstairs in her room” Stephan replied with a soft tone“My regards to her,” Amelia said as she prepared to leave. She was too vulnerable to be around Stephan.“Leaving so soon? Thought you'd stay for lunch”“I’m sorry, I can’t, I have some errands to run” She lied. Stephan saw her off to the d
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Stephan's heart burst with joy at the sight of Ruby's determination and thankfulness. He understood he did the right thing by assisting her, even though it could lead to more problems with Amelia. The two of them felt at home in the warmth of the lamplight, and camaraderie started to develop between them. Days transformed into weeks, and Stephan helped Ruby build a strong foundation for her business by providing support, guidance, and resources. Investors were captivated by her enthusiasm and motivation, placing her in a position to raise the startup capital for her company in a short time. Stephan noticed his fascination with Ruby increasing with each triumph she made. One evening, they were both on the porch looking over the garden and then Ruby turned to Stephan with a beaming smile on her face."I can't sum up enough how appreciative I am for all that you have done in my life. At the moment when nobody had much faith in me, you did." With all this emotion," Stephan took her hand
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On their way back to Stephan's house, Ethan fell asleep in the backseat, and Ruby looked at him for a second, with warmth in her eyes as she brushed a stray lock of hair away from his face. "My parent seems to have taken a liken to you and Ethan," Stephan said in a very low voice almost like a whisper, his attention still locked on the road. When he said this, Ruby blushed and turned her face away from him to hide the grin on her swelling cheeks.When they arrived at Stephan's house, he insisted on carrying Ethan inside while Ruby gathered their belongings from the car. The silence was absolute as they comforted Ethan and tucked him in bed, reflecting on how the night turned out.As Ruby undressed and changed into her pyjamas, she could not help but count herself lucky as the unforeseen turn their evening had taken did certainly make it a night to remember. Stephan walked into the room with his guarded features giving way to a warm smile."Thank you for today,” he said earnestly.
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Ruby couldn’t contain her excitement any longer, so she dragged Naomi upstairs to her room for some private girl's chat. As Naomi entered, she looked around, taking in the unfamiliar but lavishly furnished room. “Nice room, Stephan did an amazing job making you feel comfortable”“Yeah he did, the room is so spacious and he has been a great host,” Ruby replied leading Naomi to a seat.“Okay spill the beans. How did you get Stephan to invest heavily in your start-up” Naomi asked curiously “Well, I didn’t have to do much convincing, we were having dinner and I said something along the lines of; I’m tired of job hunting only to leave the job whenever Ethan needs my attention and that starting a business would be more ideal and that was it,” Ruby said, her voice filled with a mix of elation and gratitude.“I never knew Stephan Rodriguez was this nice, he is a typical example of not judging a book by its cover” Naomi said "He's been my solid support. When I shared my business idea, he di
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