All Chapters of Choosing Fate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
70 Chapters
Chapter 21
Asher POV I smell her the moment I open the doors to U-GET. Ruby and I come here every Friday to spend time with the pack. Plus, the food is awesome. I can sense her disinterest as soon as I sit down. Brickland and Syl are quick to make conversation. “We missed you at the farmer’s market today, Alpha,” Syl says as she takes a sip of her water. “Speak for yourself,” Saph mutters quietly under her breath. Come on, Bunny, did you forget I’m a werewolf? I don’t say anything in response; I’ll give her that one. “Yea, sorry. I went to the hospital to check on a couple of the patrollers. They weren’t feeling well after their morning shift. They came in with fevers, apparently,” I explain, trying to hide my concern. Werewolves don’t get sick unless we ingest some type of poison. “What other symptoms are they showing?” Saph asks, sounding genuinely curious. She looks over at me, her light brown eyes looking so gorgeous. “Not
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Chapter 22
Saph POV Daya told me that coming to Red Mountain Pack would be good for me. She said it would help me clear my head. I hate admitting that she was right. I was certain that being forced to stay here for a month would be the end of me. It has not even been a week and I already feel like a different person. Syl has been keeping me busy with helping in the pack garden. I have rediscovered the joy of working with my hands and being around plants. I have so many ideas for how I want to rearrange my garden back home. I was truly starting to enjoy myself until he invaded my space. I want to hate him. I do hate him. However, each interaction I have with the smart-mouthed, pink-haired Alpha, makes me question my judgment. He’s a father; the kindest, and gentlest father. I can see the love he has for his daughter, Ruby, whenever he speaks about her. For some reason, I’m starting to want to know more about him. And then I hate myself for even thinking this way.
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Chapter 23
Saph POV My head rolls to the side, sliding off the oversized fold-out chair in Kent’s room, but I’m able to catch myself before I completely fall off the chair onto the white, linoleum floor. I rub my eyes, blinking the sleep away. I must have fallen asleep in Kent’s room. I look outside and see the sun isn’t up yet and Kent is still sleeping. The rash on his neck has been spreading. I’ve tried different mixtures of herbs, which seems to have soothed the pain, but he’s getting worse- all the patrollers are getting worse. Ten others were brought in over the last week. I apply a fresh layer of the herb mixture to Kent’s rash, trying my best not to wake him. A soft knock startles me, making me snap my attention to the door. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya, Bunny. Just wanted to check on him,” Asher- he insists I only call him Asher now- whispers from behind the half-open door. I scrunch my face at the stupid nickname he has given me. His brown eyes and pink
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Chapter 24
Asher POV I almost kissed her. She almost kissed me. I don’t think she would have stopped it. I was millimeters away from pressing my lips to hers. When Archie hollered at me through the mindlink. Fucking Archie. I’m going to kick his ass later for interrupting that moment between me and Saph. I watch her walk back toward the hospital, her hips swaying in red hospital scrubs. I force myself to look away before I grab her and confess everything to her- that she’s my mate, that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since the full moon last week. ‘Ash, now or never to talk to Yaya. I have to run patrols and continue a search party for Grizz.’ Archie grumbles through the link again. He’s been so on edge the last few days. I can’t blame him. I’ve been enraged since we realized Grizz managed to help Artemis escape. I believe in my gut that those two are the reason why my pack members are sick. I reluctantly walk away from Saph and toward the cells where Yaya is. ‘On my way, Ar
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Chapter 25
Archie POV “SHE’S MY MATE!” I shove Ash away from Yaya and hurry over to her. I unhook her chains, ignoring the burns on my hands from the silver. I bring her down to the floor, and she collapses into me. All I have wanted this last week was to hold her and have her close to me. She cries uncontrollably, hissing and groaning when my fingertips graze the raw slashes across her back. Her beautiful skin is now marred because of me. I’ve been so concerned about not letting anyone find out about us- about being judged. I rest my chin atop her head, brushing her wild hair away from her face. Ash is stunned, unmoving from his spot outside the cell. “I’ve got ya, Bright Eyes. I’ve got ya,” I promise her. I’ve been a shit mate since our bond snapped into place almost two weeks ago, and I will do everything I can to prove to her that I want this- that I want her. “Arch…” Ash’s voice cracks. He drops to the ground, sliding against the wall opposite Yaya’s cell. I hear the whip thump against
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Chapter 26
Asher POV Walking out of the cells, knowing my brother- my best friend- has chosen to stay locked in the cells, chained in silver, to stay with his hybrid mate, breaks my heart. He is choosing his mate over his pack, over me. “Everything alright, Alpha? Where is Beta Archie?” One of the guards outside of the security building asks. “No one is allowed down there. Not even to bring down food or water,” I spit out, fuming. “Y-yes, Alpha,” the guards say in unison. I don’t say anything else. I can’t think straight. The maelstrom of emotions is eating away at me. I let my wolf come forward, my clothes ripping and tearing away from my body. I make my way to the forest. Having pulled back most of the patrollers, our borders are now vulnerable. The safety of my pack falls entirely on my shoulders. - - - It’s dark by the time I get back to the pack house. I shift back to my human form, my body is covered in dirt and sweat. I grab a pair o
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Chapter 27
Saph POV I am such an idiot! Of course he doesn’t want me making cookies for him and his daughter! He probably thinks I’m being weird and trying to worm my way into their tradition. I don’t know why I offered to make them cookies, but here I am, mixing flour with baking soda, cracking eggs, and preheating the oven. I’m such an idiot. I pull the first batch out of the oven and rest the cookies on a cooling rack. As I’m placing the second batch in the oven, I hear footsteps racing down the stairs. I close the oven door and turn my attention to the stairs. Asher. He’s back in that pair of gray sweatpants. Just a pair of gray sweatpants. I have felt his body through his clothes. I knew he was muscular, but holy shit. He is lean and cut perfectly. Small beads of water run over the grooves of his abs and disappear into the fabric of his pants. “Gonna burn a hole through me if you keep starin’, Bunny.” I throw my hands over my face and drop to the floor
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Chapter 28
Artemis POV I pace back and forth in the small motel room on the outskirts of a local town. Just one more batch. Grizz promised after this batch we could get Yaya. Then she and I can run away for good. I wring my hands, my palms sweaty. He should be back by now. I never get to leave this room. Grizz said too many people would be looking for us and we can’t risk me being recognized. I told him I could make a potion that would conceal my appearance, but he refused. So, I wait. One cell for another. That’s what my life has become. Fifteen minutes later, the door is unlocked. “Finally! Did you get everything I need?” I rush over to Grizz as he closes the door, locking it behind him. He’s carrying a small sack, and I can smell the different herbs and ingredients I need to make this last batch. This is the last one. “Calm down. This isn’t exactly as easy as grocery shopping,” Grizz scoffs as he rolls his eyes- I mean his eye- at me. He told Y
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Chapter 29
Asher POV I feel something poking the side of my face. I scrunch my eyes together, batting away whatever is tapping me. “Wake up, Papa,” Ruby whispers directly into my ear, pulling me out of my deep sleep. “Wha- what’s the matter?” I spring up, my protective instincts kicking in. Ruby giggles as I work to calm my racing heart. “You were snoring, Papa,” she teases as she mimics a loud snoring sound, then bursts into more giggles, falling back onto her bed. I look around the bed, searching for Saph; she’d dozed off before I finished reading the story. When did she leave? It felt like we truly had a moment last night. We were staring into each other’s eyes, and it seemed like she could sense that there was something between us. It was at that moment that I truly wanted her as my mate. Up until last night, I have been following my wolf’s instincts and keeping Saph close because the bond has been drawing me to her and making me pro
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Chapter 30
Saph POV Distance. Space. That is what I need. I have been letting myself forget. What kind of mate am I to Nathan if I allow myself to have feelings for another man? Let alone, the same man that Nathan died protecting. I can’t do it. Even though seeing him with Ruby last night filled my heart with feelings I believed would never be possible to feel again. I felt hopeful. My life has no place for hope. Hope is life’s cruelest emotion. It makes you think you have a chance of happiness and you blindly trust in the unknown. I used to be hopeful- even after losing my parents. I know better now. Unable to sleep, I decided that the best way to clear my head is to keep busy today. Rather than go to the hospital and help with the patrollers, I walk to the pack gardens to be with Syl. Being outside in nature is calming for me, and I haven’t spent much time with Syl since I started helping at the hospital. My chances of running into Asher…no
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