All Chapters of His Deadly Obsession: Chapter 141 - Chapter 149
149 Chapters
Dad's message
In the hushed confines of Francisco's meeting room, the air hung heavy with tension as his phone vibrated incessantly, each buzz a silent intrusion on the proceedings. Despite the distraction, Francisco remained steadfast in his focus, his attention firmly fixed on the discussion at hand.But as the vibrations persisted, a ripple of unease spread among Francisco's assembled members, their eyes darting nervously from one to another. Sensing the growing discomfort, one member dared to speak up, his voice tentative amidst the palpable tension."Sir, I think someone is calling you," he ventured, his words a hesitant interruption in the midst of Francisco's discourse.Francisco's response was measured, his tone calm but tinged with a hint of impatience."So?" he replied, his gaze unwavering as he dismissed the interruption with a wave of his hand."It's my phone. I will receive it when I want."The member faltered under Francisco's gaze, unsure of how to proceed in the face of his boss's un
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Sir is waiting for you
After bidding farewell to her parents, Hazel and Francisco remained on the call, the atmosphere tinged with a subtle tension. Francisco's gaze lingered on Hazel, his finger tapping idly on the table as he awaited her next words.Taking a deep breath, Hazel met Francisco's gaze with a sense of resolve. "I am sorry. They ruined your valuable time," she offered, her voice tinged with regret.But Francisco's response was immediate and unwavering."It's nothing. As long as you are happy, I am happy," he reassured her.Hazel, however, seemed preoccupied, her mind racing with unspoken concerns. With a sudden burst of courage, she posed a question that caught Francisco off guard. "When will you come back home, tonight?" she inquired, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.Francisco's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected inquiry. Hazel's question was a departure from her usual demeanor, leaving him puzzled by the sudden shift in her behavior. "What?" he responded, his tone laced wi
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A gentle kiss
As the car glided through the streets, Francisco's gaze drifted out of the window, his thoughts lost in contemplation. Hazel mirrored his silence, the tension between them palpable in the confined space of the car.But it was Hazel who broke the uneasy silence, her voice a hesitant interruption in the quiet. "Lily and I could go, you should not need to come with me," she suggested, her words tinged with a hint of uncertainty.Francisco turned towards her, his expression softened by a sense of determination. "I don't want to leave you in another hand," he confessed, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering intensity.Hazel couldn't help but scoff at his response, her tone laced with mockery. "Why? Don't you trust your own people?" she teased, her words a playful jab at his protective instincts.But Francisco's smirk remained, his confidence unwavering as he explained, "I know my people won't betray me, but I just want to spend some more time with you," his words revealing a deeper long
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What happened to you, darling?
Hazel clung to Francisco's arm as they walked through the mall. He guided her with an ease that left her feeling both comforted and unnerved. Each time he suggested a dress or accessory, Hazel found herself nodding in agreement, accepting his choices without protest.It wasn't just because it was part of her plan; there was something else at play. The awkward tension he created in her mind left her feeling off-balance. Francisco's presence had been a constant distraction, his seductive nature and occasional vulgarity making it difficult for her to focus on anything else."Try this," Francisco said suddenly, handing her a dress. Hazel looked up at him, her eyes searching his for a moment before she took the garment and headed to the fitting room. She felt his gaze linger on her until she disappeared behind the door.Inside the trial room, Hazel took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She changed into the dress. The fabric cooled against her skin.When she finally stepped
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I accept you
Hazel arched her brows in surprise."Did you leave me any room to plan something against you?" she retorted, trying to mask her anxiety with defiance.Francisco's eyes narrowed slightly, studying her with a penetrating gaze."I just wanted to thank you," Hazel continued, her voice trembling slightly, "for keeping my parents safe. You... you didn’t hurt them."Her lips quivered as she spoke, the vulnerability in her words clear.Francisco raised his eyebrows, a hint of skepticism in his expression. It seemed he didn’t entirely believe her.The room was elegantly decorated, with large bookshelves and ornate almirahs lining the walls. Hazel pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to compose herself."Just think whatever you want," she said, her tone defiant yet shaky.She turned to twist the knob and leave the room, but paused, her back still facing Francisco. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "And one thing..."Francisco’s eyes remained fixed on her, waiting for her to continue.F
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The stormy night
Hazel's lips quivered as Francisco's cold lips touched her navel. She closed her eyes and placed her hand over them, unable to face the reality of her own vulnerability. She understood that she had become weak to him, ready to spread her legs until her desire was fulfilled.Outside, the sky was black with clouds, and the rumble of thunder echoed, mirroring Hazel's inner turmoil. The restlessness, guilt, and pleasure all swirled within her heart, a storm of emotions as chaotic as the weather outside.Francisco's thumbs tenderly brushed over her pink buds as he kissed her navel. Hazel's lips parted involuntarily, but she suppressed any sound, biting her lower lip to keep herself silent. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and she struggled to maintain control.Francisco looked up at her, his chin resting on her navel, to gauge her reaction. Her face was a portrait of conflicting emotions, and her eyes were tightly shut, hiding from the reality of their situation. With deliberat
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The boy you saved
"Ah..."Hazel parted her lips as she arched her back, tightly gripping the edge of the table. Francisco's face was buried against her neck, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. The rhythmic sound of their bodies meeting filled the room, overwhelming her senses.Hazel bit her lower lip as she felt the peak of her pleasure approaching. She dug her nails into his back, a heavy groan escaping Francisco's lips as he responded by biting her neck. His hips moved rapidly, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge. Hazel's eyes slowly closed, her body surrendering to the waves of ecstasy washing over her.In a sudden, intense rush, she reached her climax, the ultimate pleasure coursing through her. Francisco felt her body shake, her strength leaving her in a powerful release. Understanding her reaction, he slowed his pace, giving her a moment to savor the sensation.Hazel moaned as his movements became gentler, more deliberate. She slowly laid herself back on the table, her breath
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Hazel's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The boy who had once saved her life was now the man who had turned it upside down. Francisco, with his dark past and dangerous present, was the same person she had wanted to thank all those years ago. Her heart felt heavy with the irony of it all.Francisco, sensing her turmoil, rose from her bosom, his breath ragged. He moved up to her face, their eyes locking with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.“This man!” Hazel thought, her hand reaching up to touch his face. She had been so eager to thank that boy, but knowing it was Francisco brought a storm of emotions.“It’s me, Hazel. The one you wanted to thank,” Francisco said softly, breaking into her thoughts.Hazel parted her lips, wanting to say something, anything, but words failed her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Finally, she spoke words that felt both true and false, driven by a mixture of gratitude and her hidden agenda, “Then I am thanking yo
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Hazel turned on the shower, letting the cold water cascade over her body. The chill helped clear her mind, washing away the remnants of sleep and the physical reminders of the previous night. As the water flowed, she took deep breaths, centering herself.Her thoughts were a whirlwind, but one thing was clear: she had to stay focused on her goal. The encounter with Francisco, while unexpected, was just another step in her plan. She couldn't afford to let her emotions derail her.After showering, Hazel stepped out of the bathroom and was startled to find Lily in the room, arranging a tray of food. The bite marks on her body were visible beneath her short frock, making Hazel feel self-conscious. She hesitated for a moment before sitting on the bed and glancing at the abundance of food. "It's a lot, Lily. I don't think I can finish it."Lily smiled broadly at Hazel and replied, "Ms., Master said you need to eat more. And I think Master is not wrong."Hazel's cheeks flushed with embarrassm
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