All Chapters of A vow of hate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
171 Chapters
HAZELThe party was going on smoothly and Christian stood by my side all night. The main event of the night had been done and all that was left to do was mingle and interact. And if there was one thing I'd learned from the elite of Seattle, it was that they took their interactions very seriously. It was all about making connections for them. The dance had just finished and I stood sipping on my fifth glass of wine which warmed my insides and slowly fizzled away my nerves and took my mind away from the fact that Christian had not asked me to dance. I was not worried about it but it made me feel sad in a kind of way, even though I knew I had no right to… even though I would rather not care about it. I knew I shouldn't be drinking that much, but there wasn’t much else to do. After the dance, I watched the different couples across the room and my eyes drifted between the ones kissing and the ones being too close for a public space like this. I turned away from them and came face to face w
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CHRISTIANI saw her waving a lot of cars down but they all refused to stop and drove away. I slowed down behind her and watched her walk, barefooted with shoes in hand and the other hand desperately trying to gather her black dress from the floor. She looked like a runaway bride. She looked a mess, it was no wonder all the cabs weren’t stopping for her. I didn’t mean for this to happen but I had let the anger take over me. I shouldn’t have said those things to her. A part of me argued that she deserved to hear the exact words I had said to her, but a better part of me couldn’t agree with it, and I hated the fact that most situations concerning her stirred up so many conflicting emotions in me. In truth I was initially angry because I did not smell the perfume I got for her on her. She smelled the same as she always did. I heard the emotion in her voice yesterday when she talked about the perfume. I knew I hadn't imagined it, so I expected her to be happy today when she put it on but t
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HAZELI woke up very early the next morning, cheery as ever. I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the house. Preparing breakfast was never my thing and I was not a morning person so even I was surprised at the task I gave myself. As I stood preparing the coffee, I touched my lips and memories of last night assailed me. The kiss and the hold he had on me, I exhaled heavily. I had spent the entire night tossing and turning, and still hadn’t figured out how I was supposed to feel about it. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I started to prepare the waffles for Valerie. I heard her laughing as I passed her room that morning, I knew Tina was getting her ready for school. Not long later they came downstairs and we had a nice chat where she was telling me how Anna brought her pet fish to school the other day. I boxed up her lunch and Dennis came in prepared to take her to school. One thing about her was that she wasn’t fussy about going to preschool, she loved it actua
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The next day, Christain walked into the kitchen where I sat preparing a salad with his mom."Honey, you didn't call back the gardener. The flowers are overgrown already," he said as he went to the bar to pick a bottle."I'll do that tomorrow," I said dismissively, purposely ignoring him as I counted the olives I was adding to the bowl."You said that all through last week and also yesterday," he countered."I say I'll do it tomorrow.” I said half heartedly and turned to his mom. “Sarah, come with me please?. Bask under the sun with me while we eat this healthy bowl of salad. '' I said walking away from him and towards his mom who sat by the poolside."You're really serious about getting that summer body," she said as she followed me outside."Wait till you see me put on my bikini," I told her, knowing that Christian could still hear me. Sarah and I laughed as we got to the pool side to see Valerie swimming around with Tina watching her.Soon after, Christian came outside with a glas
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Christian didn't come down for dinner and it was almost past ten. I had already put Hazel to bed hours ago, I was surprised he hadn't even gone to kiss her goodnight yet, he always did it every night without fail. But for the past few days he had been occupied, I barely even saw him enough to engage in any banter with him. The few times he had come out from his home office after work was to pick a new bottle of wine or gobble up some snacks. All the other times I came in contact with him he was either working out while on a call or walking around on a call. He was truly overworking himself and I knew it was taking a toll on him because he hardly even saw Valerie. I sighed before I made a plate for him and headed for his office. Heading to his office with a glass of juice and some food, I silently prayed he was not in one of his shitty moods tonight. I softly knocked on the door before I pushed it open."Hi,” he paused typing and looked up at me. "You… you didn’t come down for dinner,
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“Is she asleep?” Christian asked when I joined him in the living room after putting Valerie down for the night. I nodded in response to the question and tried not to let the intimate domesticity of the scene unnerve me too much. He was sprawled on one of the huge comfortable new sofas that Mia had talked me into buying when we saw it in one of her many catalogs.“Yes, she was still going on about ‘Nebo’ when she dropped off.” He smiled faintly at that.“I don’t think she’s going to get tired of seeing that movie anytime soon,” he murmured, referring to “finding Nemo”. We had watched the movie five times already this week on Valerie’s insistence, and it was only Wednesday. Christian fingered the rim of the glass of scotch he had poured for himself, indicating a glass of red wine on the little table beside the sofa. “Wine?” Not wanting to refuse and end the comfortable atmosphere between us just yet, I nodded and curled up on the opposite end of the large sofa, tucking my feet beneath
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Being married to Christian Walker had turned out to have its own advantages—apart from the broody eye candy and the almost daily private show I got whenever we ended up in the home gym together, I mean. As much as I didn’t care for the idea of having a driver take me everywhere I needed fo go, I didn’t put up any fight when Christian forced me to go with Dennis in the mornings instead of driving on my own and getting myself into situations—his word, not mine—but it was a word I could have coined myself. Mark hadn’t reached out or showed up in a while, but I knew he was still out there somewhere. Lurking behind the surface. My mother’s cancer had flared up recently, and the doctors were working tirelessly round the clock. I tried not to think of the negative, so each morning, I put on a big smile and went in there to spend the day with her. If I was being honest, I didn’t know what to expect anymore. Christian had concluded on his own that I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to drive
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A god awful cramp in my stomach yanked me out of sleep. I moaned and pulled my knees up to my chest. Every muscle in my stomach seemed to contract and twist. Then a strong wave of nausea slammed into me.Oh God, I was gonna be sick.I felt the vomit begin to rise; knew I’d never be able to hold it back. I scrambled off the bed and rushed to the bathroom like my ass was on fire, knocking down my bedside lamp in the process. I winced as the glass shattered. But I made it to the toilet just in time. I retched violently as vicious contractions racked my stomach. It was so bad I could barely catch my breath between the flows of vomit that surged up my throat and sprayed the toilet pan.“Hazel?” A hand settled on my back just as Christian bent over me. “Shit.”Mortified, I tried waving him away, but he wouldn’t be budged. He held my hair out of the way and rubbed my back as I hurled like a champ. The stench of stomach acid and vomit stung my nostrils. Finally, the contractions stopped, but
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A month laterThe hall that Mia had chosen for her event was probably the most beautiful one I had ever seen. It was decorated in pastel colors, which followed the theme of her new skin care brand that she was launching. Everyone was dressed in different shades of pastels to match the products too. Soft strains of music flowed effortlessly through the room and we walked in with Christian’s hand on the small of my back.It was a Saturday, and it was the launch party for Mia’s new business. The sheer elegance of the gowns and tuxedos in the room never ceased to amaze me no matter how many of these types of events I attended. Whatever the theme was, these people always seemed to find a way to beat my expectations. I knew the dresses these women were often clad in cost a few thousand dollars and they all looked so beautiful in them, which was to be expected if they were putting that much on a piece of clothing. I stood next to Christian as his eyes scanned the room, the smile on my face
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“What were you thinking by inviting him here? This is Mia’s event.”“Exactly, it’s Mia’s event, so I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”“Christian…”“What the fuck is the problem with you, Hazel?” Christian asked as I led him to a more secluded part of the large room.I looked around to make sure no one was working earshot of us, and my eyes caught Mark’s from the bar. I avoided his gaze and turned back to face my husband. I didn’t know what it was in his choice of words and tone that infuriated me, but I was starting to feel myself getting increasingly upset. “What is this, Christian? You’re friends with him now?”Christian regarded me with a cool gaze, and I knew he was getting upset too. “Do you have a problem with that?” He asked in a low growl.I threw my hands in the air, frustrated. “You don’t make friends, Christian. You don’t. The most you can do is maintain relationships for business purposes. But now all of a sudden, you’re buddy buddy with Mark and playing house wit
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