All Chapters of RUTHLESS LOVE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Hope they are safe?
ANTONIO’S POVThe only thing that keeps me going at this point is my unborn child.I don’t think I would be the same if I ever lost my child.All these years……Finding my sister’s killer all to no results……Living aloneHaving no one to tend to my sorrows and painI struggled and kept it all bottled in till it became my motivation and strength to keep moving.And as it stands now, I have something to live for.To fight for. To die for.Even though it is in the belly of this bitch I took as a wife, I still cherish the life living inside her.My son or my daughter, oh no, I am pretty sure it’s a boy.It has to be a boy.And I would have him succeed me, my empire. Everything I have built shall be his.He shall be the next mafia king. I and Vito would have been long gone dead.Even Vito’s bastard son won’t be able to stand him!My thoughts collapsed right in front of me when I received Miranda’s call.Her shaky voice on the phone got me a bit tensed and all I kept thinking of was how I wo
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What's the plan?
DON VITOI don't want to believe what he is telling me!I don't want to.Antonio wants me to keep my location hidden from my bastard son, Jordan.That boy has been nothing but useful to me.He doesn't know anybody.He doesn't have anybody.His mother is out there having coitus with every Dick and Harry on the streets.What a bitch!If what Antonio says about Jordan is true, I'd behead him myself.Working with the Portuguese?How will those wreckers have gotten to him?The same trash I took from his mother and turned him into something useful.I have my doubts.But mafia overall.Mafia is blood.Mafia is family.I want to believe Antonio's information is correct.Else, this might cause a big quarrel between us.I am beginning to think otherwise.Some hours ago, Antonio and Rivera were in that safe house alone.I'm pretty sure she fed him all of these.She poisoned his brains and now he is probably just blabbing nonsense.Maybe this was her plan.To get him to think against everyone aro
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MIRANDAIf fear was a personality, I would be the perfect body to describe it.My eyes weren't settled as I kept looking everywhere in the hotel room.Eager to take to my heels at the slightest sign of danger.What the heck have I just gotten myself to?Violence left and right.We finally left the prison called a mansion and now we are in this hotel room.I’m left with the instructions to keep quiet and not to make any unnecessary sounds till the end of the day.For God's sake, I have a baby inside of me.How am I supposed to live like this?Someone please explain to me, how?I still haven't gotten the shocking scene of Antonio shooting the man like an animal right in front of me.The scenes replay in my head every time I close my eyes.You just wonder why my eyes are everywhere thenWell, this is the reason.I can't even close them. I can't.What I see in that darkness is terrible and unbearable.Not only the sight of blood.Not only the sight of dead bodiesBut freakishly, memories
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The Attendant
MIRANDAIt was a heavy fall.My body is on the ground and my vision becoming blurry by the second.“Sorry ma'am,” the attendant helped me to my feet.“How in heavens did you get in?” I blurted out in anger.Then another fading voice answered.“I'm sorry but we had to find our way in with a spare key. We only do this in times of emergency,” the voice answered.Looking to her side was a creepy-looking dude dressed in a white and blue uniform.The security guard, he must be.He happens to be walking away after talking.She then took me to the bed and gave me water to drink.I didn't know she was actually an attendant.You can't blame me. With everything that is happening, one needs to be extra vigilant.“I'm sorry I didn't respond quickly. I thought it was an……”“It's fine ma'am. But sorry to ask, are you pregnant?”Why would she ask that?Has it become obvious?Nope. I stylishly stared at my belly to see if it was already getting bigger but there was nothing of such.I tried to dodge th
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Feels Strange
MIRANDA“Wake up, Miranda.”“Miranda! Miranda!! Wake up.”I heard a voice call out my name in a sharp tone.The voice came repeatedly in my ears as I struggled to blink my eyes and eventually keep my eyes open.I woke up to the face of Antonio staring at me. His hands were placed on his chin and his face looked pale.“For a strong man that I am, I have to say this you are beginning to scare me.”“For how long will you keep having blackouts? Is this because of the pregnancy?” Antonio asked.I lay there in silence clueless of what to say to Antonio.I was having a migraine. It wasn’t just that. I couldn’t feel my legs. Even my hands became heavy to lift at the time.Antonio’s gaze got me scared.I looked away and around trying to catch a glimpse of where I was.The last thing I remember was me sending that lady attendant out of the room stylishly and avoiding her annoying questions and unnecessary gestures.Then I remember Paulo.His name rang in my head as I recall trying to ignore his
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A Blindspot
ANTONIOA Blindspot.I should have seen this. I should have known Paulo was nothing but a double.I already had my doubts about Jordan before now.I just had a bad idea about that young boy.At least now I am certain he knows about Miranda too.Paulo knows.Protecting her is now my priority.A top priority.I paced the room.“Xander should be fine in no time.”I left him with the Don Vito. He is being tended to by a special nurse as it was risky to take him to a hospital.I had to reason with Don Vito on that one.Ever since the news of my child, different thoughts began to erode my mind.My mafia game had dropped.Nothing else.I had to leave the meeting spot on the excuse of doing a quick sweep.We still can't find Jordan or Paulo.Those two have definitely gone into hiding.No doubt about that.Don Vito has become more inquisitive than usual.I guess that's because of the new perception about Jordan.I picked up my phone and called the Druxels. An affiliate company that helps me wi
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MIRANDA“Ouch!” I grunted at the sight of the needle penetrating my soft skin.“Sorry, Ma'am. You know this would have been avoided if you followed my instructions?” the man who later appeared to be a doctor in my tired eyes, spoke.“Instructions?”What is this man talking about?Some lady attendant who is now magically my driver drove me down here and all he is telling me is that I refuse to follow instructions?Everyone is crazy or I am just the crazier one right now.“Yes, instructions,” he answered in a confident tone.How I wish I could bite his ears off with the gibberish he is saying.I'm not even sure I had seen him before.He doesn't look like the doctor who…..Oh!Oh No!“Mrs. Dante. This is not your first time here. I told you, you have to come for your ante-natal tests.”Oh my.It's the doctor from the other day.The same doctor.How could I not remember himWhat is wrong with me for God's sake?“I'm sorry about that, Doctor. I have a complaint though,” I said.“What's tha
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My Thought...
MIRANDAIt's been over 6 months now since I lost my dear sister to the hands of the devil himself, Don Vito.If death is what is in the curveball life throws at us then what is the essence of living?I hardly sleep as the nightmares now constantly disturb my peace.I wish to avenge my sister. I want to. I need to.She appears in my dreams.And to think that I am now pregnant for the devil's son makes me look evil, myself.What would my sister think of me?What would the world think of me?What would my parents think of me?My parents. I hardly bring them to the conversation, I know.No one cares to ask. Not even Antonio whose baby I now carry inside of me.To him, I'm just a tool for his sexual pleasure and nothing else.I miss my parents. I miss my sister.Though my vengeance is for my sister, the hurt burns for both of them.I had lost my parents at a tender age.Initially, I used to think it only existed in those Hollywood movies where sailors go on adventure and never return. They
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Unknown Deals
ANTONIOI bang my hand heavily on the wall.Out of anger.I still can't believe my eyes.I should have known.I should have suspected.This is not the first time we were dealing with the Portuguese.So why would they turn on us all of a sudden?Something must have spooked them.It was all Don Vito.He made them act this way.Apparently, he had been dealing with them secretly. I didn't know a thing about it.That was unlike him.He is my godfather and he runs practically all he does by me and I do the same also.Well, except for the fact that I have Miranda in my custody.He must not know about that.The Portuguese definitely didn't like the way things turned out.Don Vito was embezzling and left them out of the share.Now they want to take back everything and take the mafia out of the way.All of these papers prove it.This is a big reveal even for me.Rivera was going to use this to buy her way in or out, whichever way.Perhaps Don Vito knew about this, and that was why he ended her
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DON VITOMy solace. My cigar. Always in my hands.If I am not smoking then I am obviously not in my right senses.I sat in my exalted chair puffing smoke in the air repeatedly while I stared at my bastard son who was tied right in front of me.I had been on a wild search ever since Antonio told me the sort of snitch I was having around.I didn’t believe him at first but as it stands, Antonio had my best interest at heart.It wasn’t difficult finding Jordan. Paulo was nowhere to be found.Even Antonio would be surprised if he knew that I already had him in custody.But I didn’t let him know.Antonio was my godson. I knew him better than anyone.He had been with me right from his teenage years.Many people thought he was my son. My biological son.I actually did treat him like one, He grew up to become my second in command.He was a tough one. Smart and intelligent. A boy with vision and addiction to becoming great.I saw him climb up to heights before my very eyes and I just knew I was
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