All Chapters of A deal with the playboy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
147 Chapters
ELLA'S POVI felt my cheeks flush as all eyes turned to me. Trent's arm tightened around my waist, nearly knocking the wind out of me. I struggled not to wince."Fellas, meet my smoking hot princess," Trent announced, his arrogant grin plastered across his face.I resisted the strong urge to stomp on his foot, his usual cockiness tires me out. I gave a little wave to his friends, suddenly feeling self-conscious as they stared at me.Liam, Connor, and the other players broke into loud whoops and clapping. I looked down, heat creeping up my neck."To the newest couple in town!" Liam declared, raising a bottle of water. The rest of the guys clinked their bottles in a messy toast. Ugh, jocks. I plastered a coy smile across my face. "Oh stop it, you guys!" I giggled, doing my best to play the part of infatuated girlfriend. I gently removed Trent's arm from my waist and slid onto the bench across from him, smoothing my skirt underneath me."I see you're treating her well. In the place Dami
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ELLA'S POVI grabbed her hand and pulled her from the office. We almost collided into a few lingering students in the hall. I didn't slow down until we were behind the gym, finally alone.I bent over, hands on my knees as I caught my breath. Once my heart rate returned to normal, I turned to Susan."Okay, you need to tell me everything," I said gently. "Who is blackmailing you? What exactly do they have over you? And what on earth did you do?"Susan wrapped her arms around herself, looking small. "I just can't, Ella! This is all too much. Please, it's better if you don't get involved. Just leave me alone to handle this."She turned to leave but I stepped forward, blocking her path. "Absolutely not! I'm not abandoning my best friend to meet up with some creepy blackmailer alone. Now talk to me, Susan!"Susan whirled around, eyes flashing. "Oh, so now I'm your best friend?" she scoffed bitterly. "Funny, I never felt like I still held that position lately."I jerked back as if I had been
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TRENT'S POVDelete what? What did I just fucking see and hear. I decided to stay up late after school to get some extra practice in at the gym - hey, it beats having to go home and face the wrath of my dad, who just came home yesterday after another one of his "business trips."But why did I follow Ella when I spotted her ducking around corners like a wanna-be spy? Curiosity got the best of me I guess. Plus, it was kind of amusing seeing her attempt to sneak around all stealth-like. Girl needs some serious lessons in hiding though!Still, why didn't she immediately run over and help Susan after witnessing...whatever the hell that was with Mr. Blackmailer Dude? And what was with her filming the whole confrontation on her phone? Guess it's not really my business.Susan practically hates my guts ever and If given the chance I'm sure she would gladly feed me to a pack of hungry wolves without hesitation. Can't say I blame her after how I treated her best friend.Heading to my car in the p
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ELLA'S POVThe math test looms only four days away now. I've spent nearly every waking minute of the past weekend cramming formulas and equations - my college prospects are riding on this stupid test.Still, as worried as I am about quadratic functions or analytical geometry, prepping isn't even my biggest worry lately.I can't stop fretting over Susan going radio silent on me. She won't answer texts or calls ever since our blow-up argument. I know I majorly messed up, but the silent treatment is killing me.Even worse, I can't stop replaying Trent's bizarre panic attack on the road. The way he completely zoned out, yelling at invisible demons. Then next minute he seemed fine and brushed it off.It made zero sense...until Trent walked in this morning sporting fresh bruises and bandages on his arms that definitely hadn't been there last week. What was he hiding behind those green eyes? Why did he seem suddenly so...broken? And why the hell was I wasting brain space even worrying about
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ELLA'S POV"I'm afraid I didn't actually witness anything improper," I said evenly as all eyes turned to me. "Susan didn't seem to be doing anything concerning or strange from what I could see."Mrs comfort's mouth dropped wide open with shock, clearly she had been expecting something from me which I failed to say. But with all due respect ma, I can't spill what you want. Just forgive me."Well then Susan, what can you tell us about your appearance in the staff lounge that day."Principal Stevens turned his gaze to Susan who still couldn't meet anyone's eyes. "Why exactly were you present there?" he demanded sharply.Susan paled, clearly unsure how to respond. Thinking fast, I cut in."Actually sir, you didn't ask what I was doing in the staff lounge either. I was also present, remember?"Principal Stevens looked mildly surprised but nodded. "Very well, what was your purpose for being there, Miss Thompson?"I wracked my brain wildly. "Mrs. Lakin had asked me to drop off some stacks o
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TRENT'S POV "Shit!" I shouted, kicking at the ground. The ball had bounced away from the hoop again - the fifth time I missed an easy shot.This damn thing wouldn't leave my head. Gnawing on my concentration and hijacking my mind at the worst possible times."Trent, my office now! Everyone else can head back," Coach called out.I trudged over as my teammates dispersed, seeing Damien flash me a sheepish half-smile before leaving. Coach waited with arms crossed as I entered his office. "What the hell was that out on the court?" "Sorry Coach, I was a bit distracted," I muttered, avoiding his fiery gaze."You really need to stop worrying about everything else if you want to continue being on my team," Coach said, his voice taking on an almost pleading tone now. "I know how talented you are, Trent. But how are you going to cope with these distractions?" "I'm sorry Coach.""Sorry isn't the issue - I need to see changes!" he barked.With a curt nod, I turned and left his office feeling l
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ELLA'S POVI was almost forced to go check what was taking so long. It had already been over an hour but Susan still hadn't arrived at our meeting spot. I tapped my foot repeatedly, pacing back and forth down the empty street. What if something went wrong?As I was about to pull out my phone and dial Susan, I caught sight of her blonde hair in the distance as she rushed towards me. Susan was breathing heavily when she reached me."Finally! What took you so long? Did you give Enzo the money?" I demanded.She paused, gulping down deep breaths, her chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale."Yes? What did that scumbag say?" I pressed impatiently.Susan held up a hand to stall my avalanche of questions. "Calm down, Ella. Yes, I gave him the cash...but then he asked for even more," she sighed.My eyes narrowed dangerously. "Well too bad for him, because after tonight he's not getting another cent."Susan straightened up, looking more determined now. "I actually overheard his call
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TRENT'S POV"Liam, can I borrow one of your dad's cars tonight?" Liam gave me a skeptical look. "What's wrong with your car, dude?"I shifted on my feet, avoiding his eyes. "It just got some issues come up suddenly.""Issues?" Liam raised an eyebrow. "You literally just fixed your car up last week. How's it already busted again?"I shrugged, trying to act casual. "I dunno man, bad luck I guess. Can you please just let me borrow it for tonight?"Liam frowned then sighed. "If my dad finds out I let you take his car, you know we'll both be screwed right?""I'll take the heat, don't worry about it," I assured. "Just need it for a quick errand."After a moment's hesitation, Liam turned and pulled a set of keys from a drawer. "Here's the one for the red range over. Just please don't scratch it up or anything."I clapped Liam on the back as I pocketed the keys. "Thanks bud, I seriously owe you one. I'll get it back to you ASAP."I hurried out, mind racing ever since Ella's odd request for m
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ELLA'S POV"Crap, it's already 6:40am!"I checked the time in panic, realizing I now had barely an hour left to get dressed, review some key topics, and mentally prepare before the pivotal math test.Of course my alarm chose today of all days to fail me. My head was pounding and eyes so heavy from the stress and adrenaline of last night's failed confrontation with Enzo, but I refused to let exhaustion stop me from studying.I quickly grabbed some medication from my drawer and took a couple pills, willing the medication to kick in and relieve my throbbing head. By 7:20am, I had powered through the remaining review material.Tossing the empty pill pack aside, I jumped out of bed now feeling clear headed. I threw the black mask and clothes I'd worn last night in a crumpled heap on the floor. As much as I wanted to dwell on how terrible it went, I had to focus all my mental energy on acing this test now.Each day brought a new battle, and for today, earning the class presidency title took
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ELLA'S POV I did the one thing my fuzzy brain could think of in that moment - I started falling down, pretending to faint. But before I could hit the floor, Trent's arm shot out and caught me, his hand wrapping around my waist.I looked up to see his face swimming before me, four eyes, no three... Ugh, stupid Nytol pills. Can't you just let me pretend to collapse in peace after refusing to help me out here?Trent leaned down, his breath tickling my ear in a way that made me shiver as he whispered. "Don't tell me this is your genius method of thinking he'll let you out of here? We don't have to go to such extremes, dear."Before I could respond, he straightened up again, lifting me along with him. Trent turned to Mr. Hayes, a cocky grin on his face that I knew all too well."Sir, you're really going to deny this student the chance to take urgent medication?" He challenged, while I swayed unsteadily on my feet, the classroom spinning around me."If she gets seriously ill because you re
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