All Chapters of The Entangled Prince's Choice: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
75 Chapters
She stared at his eyes continuously as she tried to get the feeling she was experiencing that moment“What on earth is this feeling?” she thought as her mind raced“Are you okay?” he asked holding her waist tightly“Yes I a..m ok..aayy” she managed to stutter and removed his hands from her waist suddenly without standing properly which made her fell on her behind“hey, what’s wrong with you? Are you sure you are okay?” He asked moving closer“I am fine, don’t come closer” she shouted holding her hand up to stop him“I should help you up” he wanted to say but she cuts him short“I can stand by myself” she said quickly standing to her feet“I forgot that I have to be at the kitchen by now, I will come back later” she said and ran out of the infirmary“Why is she behaving that way? Is she really okay?” he muttered as he watched her run away like a chickenShe ran to the kitchen thinking all day about what happened between her and Tope so ended up zoning out often during work“Are you oka
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Prince Jaqen thought hard and long about how he was able to remember the incident at the hunting site but no answer was coming. He wondered why it happened to him for the first time in years. He had lived his life always writing down the day’s incidence before sleeping so that he would wake up to read them the following day since his memories get erased anytime he sleeps over the night. It was really strange that he happened to remember such a terrible incident and he vowed to find out why it was so. “is it because the shock was much or because I was wounded? Why do I keep remembering the incident and nothing else?” he pondered in his room as he tried to remember the events that happened other days but couldn’t After drawing out his guesses and people that were around him, he decided to test all of them one by one. He spent some time with the Alpha, his brother, Falkor and even the Beta but he didn’t remember anything about it the next day. He was about giving up on it when he reme
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Prince Jaqen finished bantering with his older brother, Prince Falkor and Beta Loras in front of the Alpha’s quarters and went away with Derib who was busy scolding him for provoking everyone in such an aggressive manner when he doesn’t have any solid evidence at hand “don’t you think you are playing a dangerous game? What if they hide the evidences you are supposed to see?” Derib stated with worry “I want them to bring the evidences out themselves and lead me to it since being silent and searching for it under the radar is not working. I will make them panic so they can lead me to where the evidences are with their actions” he replied with a grin “But what if they destroy it before you get a hold of it? Isn’t that a wasted effort? You will only be going back to square one” Derib argued further making Prince Jaqen stop to face him “Why are you so bent on jinxing it this early morning? Are you already trying to complain to me that you are tired and I am ruining everything for you?”
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She raced down to the Prince’s quarters to wake up him up as early as possible after branching to the appropriate quarters where she got the cold water and clean towel sprinkled with rose scent as specified by Derib“I don’t why he’s so specific about the rose scent, it’s not like he’s a lady, and he’s just extremely weird” she muttered to herself as she struggled to carry both the towel and the bowl of water“My Prince, I am here! Please wake up for the cleaning of your face” she announced before slowly entering the room and gently tapped him“Can’t I sleep a little more? I don’t want to wake up now” he murmured and turned to the other side making her sighShe was afraid of being yelled at her if she wake him up again so she just quietly sat down beside the bed instead hoping he will wake up by himself soon. After ten minutes, Derib came in and saw her sitting down while Jaqen was still sleeping“What are you doing not waking him up? He should have been done by now, you are just sitt
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25. SICK
THE PREVIOUS DAY’S AFTERNOON Prince Jaqen and Derib went out to find out about the places that sells and melt silver in town which could be of help and give more information about the silver that was used for coating the pit he fell in during the royal hunt “There is no way an ordinary man could buy that much silver without the help of people in the business so I am sure we will find out something when we go out today” Derib informed him as they marched out of the pack “I really hope they cooperate with us but I will not be surprised since the culprits won’t just get casually should in case I decide to dig, they must have their own channel but we might be able to trace them down if we visit the silver miners like you had said” he stated and stopped to greet the Luna whom he encountered at the entrance of the palace “Good afternoon my Luna” he greeted with a small bow and she scoffed “how can I have a son and he would not refer to me as his mother and call me the Luna every time” s
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“Why is he behaving like that? Did something happen?” he wondered as he watched Derib leave the room with the bowl and the towelHe stood up and drew the box out to read his diary as usual but the page was blank, he didn’t write anything the previous day after all“Why is this place blank? Did I not write anything? Why is that?” he plastered himself with questions before rushing out to meet Derib who was coming back from where he went to drop the bowl“come, why didn’t I write anything down yesterday? Do you know why? I can’t seems to remember anything no matter how I think about it?” he said with a frustrated tone“You can never remember anything since you shifted yesterday and blacked out” he replied and went to the room so they can talk better“I shifted yesterday? Why? I don’t shift without a tangible reason so what would have prompted me to do so? Do you know why?” he fired the questions one after the other“I don’t know why you shifted but I met you collapsed on the floor of you
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After the encounter with Elora where Jaqen found out that he had tried to rape her after shifting and also hurt her shoulder in the process, he instructed Derib to find out what he had ingested that night for him to behave that way“Something must have stimulated the action that night, I have been avoiding foods and things of all kind that can make me stay aroused since it’s the high heat period so I must have inhaled or digested something that can spike it” he said with anger“Do you want me to find out what it was?” Derib asked and he slammed his hand on the table“Do I need to say that separately? Of course you should find that out for me by all means” he growled and Derib stood up to get to work immediately“Since you visited the Luna’s chamber that evening before the incidence, there is a high possibility that you ingested something with the tea” Derib stated“What was strange is that my sense of smell couldn’t pick it because if it had picked it, I wouldn’t have taken a drop out
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28. LET GO
Prince Falkor was coming back from his session with Lady Gaia and entered the Prince’s quarters to see someone being ushered into Prince Jaqen’s room by him personally, he wondered who could visit the palace and his room at that moment and decided to come in unannounced.Derib had seen him but pretended not to when he came in as they were entering and when he detected his footsteps he quickly grabbed Elora and hid her behind the huge cupboard to both her and the Prince’s surprise before Prince Falkor could burst into the room.“What are you doing here?” Prince Jaqen blurt out in surprise only for Prince Falkor to burst into the room“Prince Falkor?” Jaqen blurt out in surprise“Why are you surprised to see me? Were you doing something bad?” Prince Falkor remarked scanning the room as he came in deeper to have his seat“What bad thing could I have been doing? You must think everyone is like you” he replied with a scoff“Then why were you taken aback when I came in?” Prince Falkor asked
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He carried him straight to his room before letting her down to her feet, she quickly faced the other side of the room to avoid his gaze and he was surprised about why she was doing that“Why are you suddenly turning away?” he asked walking to have his seat“I’m not turning away, I am just staring at the antics displayed over there” she denied sharply“Ah ah antics! But they are over there” he replied pointing to the opposite direction which made her bit her lipsShe has been caught“Ah that’s true! They are over there, I got confused for a bit” she replied with a chuckle to cover her lie before turning to the said side“will you quit the act and get me my dinner? Do you want me to starve all day?” he cut through her display and she sharply bowed before rushing out of the room“Gosh, he didn’t have to make it more embarrassing” she stated closing her eyes before rushing to the kitchen“Should I go with you? It seems like you will have so much explanation to do if you go alone” Derib of
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Prince Jaqen walked out of the Alpha’s chamber with so much fury and marched to his room while Derib just followed him without asking any questions. They got to the room and Prince Jaqen growled as he remembered everything Falkor was saying, he didn’t even know why he was so furious to that extent“I don’t know what got you angry but it will be better to calm down for now, you should learn how to control your temper” Derib advised“Not you again! I do as I see fit! I cannot be here and someone will be trampling on me as if I am a kid. I must have been lenient with everyone to make them think I am some incompetent fool” he lashed and Derib zipped his mouth, he was furious at that moment and there is nothing anyone can say to make him calm down“I will tell Elora to stay away for the time being, if you need anything you can let me know” Derib informed him and went out of the room leaving him alone to calm down when he’s readyThe day went by with him locking himself in the room and Deri
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