All Chapters of My husband hates me: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
126 Chapters
[ Dark Story - this story involve with lots of scene with which might have triggered you]"I do," The words hung in the air, the words rolled from her lips with so much difficulty. As she uttered those two simple words, she dared to raise her green eyes and her gaze fell upon the man standing before her- the one she had just accepted as her life partner, but there was a nasty smirk settled on his face.His dark blue eyes were now shrouded in darkness, void of any emotion except for an unimaginable depth of hate. His twisted smirk spoke of a sinister satisfaction, the smirk on his face was the result of his well-hidden plan, a plan to destroy his wedded wife whom he vowed to protect from the rest of the world but who will protect her from him."You may now kiss the bride," resounded in her ears, her inner self froze but a satisfied smile danced on his lips. His smirk become wider.Stefano leaned down to her, she backed away slightly, it was instinctive. She seemed so fearful, furious h
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Chapter 1
She am sitting in a luxurious five star hotel where each and everything is just imported the table, the couch, the lights each and everything. Only light and as far as my eyes can reach and I wish one percentage of this light she can have in her life then perhaps she would be honored.Her gaze is meandering around the entire place that screamed only one thing Royalty and Richness. Each individual wears costly things from head to toe .The brand they are wearing maybe she will not be able to even articulate. She am likewise wearing Branded dress named Louis Vuitton, diamond Necklace, and diamond Ring. But the difference is they may have received gifts from their loved ones but she received as Rewards of being his Trophy wife.She was simply sitting on the seat all numb. Everyone is might be from high business class society or Investors or outsider they look very bewitching. She simply feels like an outcast. She never thought her life ended up being this awful. She has just only one thin
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Chapter 2
|Author Pov..*..*..*...Emily sat on passenger sit, the air felt heavy with tension, and the stark reality of her surroundings seemed to intensify the turmoil within her. Emily's hands trembled as she clutched a helm of her dress. She just couldn't hold back her tears. Her whole body is shivering due to anxiety. The journey to her home had been a seemingly endless ride.The quick screech of brakes filled the air, and Emily's heart dropped as the car came to a sudden stop. The darkness outside pressed against the windows, creating a frightening quiet. Panic flooded through her, and her wide eyes were fixed on Stefano, whose face remained stoic in the dim glow of the dashboard lights.The weight of the silence between them hung in the air. Emily's lips quivered as she struggled to articulate the rising tide of fear and questions flooding her mind. Her eyes strained to pierce the darkness and the deserted road, her heart raced.The haunting quiet was broken by his rough voice, “Get out
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Chapter 3
|Author Pov |..*..*..*...His gaze, like a discerning force, roamed over her body that seemed to render her both physically and mentally exposed. The silence hung heavy with anticipation, a pregnant pause before the revelation of his next words. Her body and mind became numb when his next words resonated in room,‘Strip!”As the weight of his words bore down on her, she stilled, frozen in the grip of an involuntary paralysis. Her breaths became shallow and erratic. The tears, betraying her inner turmoil, welled up at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over and mark her cheeks. Her mind spun uncontrollably. Fear, shame, and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness collided.Her feet were aching, so was her body. She had no energy to meet his demand at this moment, she was tired. She ran almost five kilometer, when an average person can ran in fifteen minutes at a speed of 16 km/hr, but they didn’t have this urgency when she knew how much ruthless this person can be when some
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Chapter 4
|Author Pov|..*..*..*...He simply left her by herself on the chilly floor after sating his lust, or perhaps you could call his rage. Her piercing pain reverberated throughout the house. He just immediately walked towards his luxurious room, not even bothering to look back at where she had curled herself into a ball.Entering his room, he opened a bottle of expensive beer and gulped down its contents in one go. The bitterness of the alcohol failed to wash away the memories that rushed into his mind like an uninvited storm. "How dare she let him hold her hand," his inner self seethed.Clutching the bottle tightly in his palm, his knuckles turned white under the pressure. The room, filled with the heavy silence of his brooding. No matter how painful the punishment he had inflicted, it couldn't calm the storm of emotions raging inside him.Next morning,As the haze of the night lifted, she found herself in the same position, lying in a state of semi-consciousness. Despite the disheveled
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Chapter 5
|Author Pov| ..*..*..*... In the professional realm, Stefano Rossi was a formidable force, known for his unyielding dedication to his work. He was a man who drew a clear line between his personal and professional life. While the world perceived him as a successful entrepreneur, the credit for the soaring heights of his company was attributed to his relentless work ethic and the strategic genius of Stefano Rossi, a key player in the success story. Emily played a crucial role as Stefano 's secretary. Despite her indispensable contributions, her efforts seemed to be overshadowed by Stefano 's towering presence. Her sleepless nights, compromised health, and tireless efforts often went unnoticed but at the end all her work labeled as HIS. Some of the employ appreciate how good they looked good together, they were power couple. Some are jealous, whispers floated among those who couldn't fathom how a 'commoner,' as they perceived Emily, had managed to capture the heart of the town's heart
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Chapter 6
Everyone is waiting for the weekend; here she was afraid of weekend.Sunday, the day Emily despise the most, arrives with a heavy weight of loneliness. While others enjoy quality time with their loved ones, she found herself in trapped within four walls.No one eagerly waits for her presence, No one wants to know whether she’d eaten or not. She know no one who would shed a tear if she were disappear from this world and it paint her world with shades of despair.But on the another side,But there is something about Stefano's aura whenever he saw her he felt a unique sense of relaxation his heart. As his legal wife, she was undeniably his, and the possessive feeling that stirred within him was enough to ignite her inner beast.Her presence seemed to cast a soothing spell over him, the connection ran deep more than he can accept and the physical response he experienced was a testament to the power she held over him unknowingly.Emily focused on chopping vegetables in the kitchen, but an
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Chapter 7
(Steve – is a short form of Stefano)Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, glistening as they dripped down on his toned chest. His hands, wrapped in worn-out boxing gloves, were a blur of motion as they continuously tapped the bag. With a swift, powerful kick, he sent the punching bag swinging. The impact reverberated through the gym, resonating with the sound of inner aggression. He circled the bag, eyes never leaving it, as her words reverberated into his ear, "What if someday you come to know that whatever you had believed till now everything was a façade, what you will do then?"As he unleashed a flurry of punches, the bag swayed with the force, absorbing the impact of each blow. “Fuck”- he breathed heavily, those words of her were not leaving his mind.Emily as she claimed of her innocence was something didn’t leave his mind not now nor ever.Steve sat on the ground, breathing heavily; eyes were fixed at a distance. He remembered really well before he reached any conclusion he
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Chapter 8
|Author Pov| ..*..*..*... If it was said, Steve didn't see the pain in her eyes then it would be wrong, he couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of betrayal whenever he tried to extend his soft side to Emily. Every time he looked into her eyes, he searched desperately for any hint of remorse, any flicker of guilt for the unspeakable crime she had committed. On one hand, there was the undeniable attraction he felt towards Emily, a pull that seemed to defy all reason and logic. But on the other hand, there was the haunting memory of his mother, Sofia, whose life had been brutally taken from Steve, and how can he fall in love with the murder of his mother, Sofia. The mere thought of falling in love with the very person responsible for his mother's death filled him with a profound sense of disgust and self-loathing. It was a betrayal of everything he held dear, a betrayal of his own flesh and blood. No he can't. And as per the evidence of her being guilty there was no doubt tha
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Chapter 9
| Author Pov|..*..*..*....After the Hall room incident, Emily and Stefan didn't encounter much. Steve most of the time stay away from her since he knew himself his anger had no limit. He always loses his mind; he was sufferings from serious anger issue.Steve spent of his time with his best friend Caleb, Caleb hate Emily from the beginning-- at first because she didn’t belong from high class so he never showed interest in her and second was obviously the believe of murderer of Mrs. Aria.At first the responsibly of all office work on shoulder of Steve, he managed all by himself along with his mother but after demise of his mother he broke down, as if he lost all his strength and courage to work further. His entire mind went only one thing – the Vengeance.Steve's behavior took a sharp turn as he started exerting pressure on Emily, making her shoulder the burden of all the office work. This unfair distribution of responsibilities put immense pressure on that poor soul but Emily kept
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