All Chapters of Blind Fate: The Beta's Regret: Chapter 81 - Chapter 88
88 Chapters
81 - Wedding Planning
Chloe JaneI’m seated in the cozy living room of our cottage, surrounded by wedding planners and notebooks. The idea of planning a wedding in the middle of the War of The Five feels surreal, yet here I am, trying to pick out floral arrangements and seating charts. Ryker had gently insisted that we invite the Alphas of our allied packs, a strategic move given the circumstances of the war. I understand the necessity, though it’s far from the small ceremony I originally wanted. But these are strange times now. We need to show our allies that we appreciate them, even if it’s only a wedding.A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. I’m expecting Leianna, and a smile spreads across my face at the thought of spending the afternoon with her. I hurry over and open the door to find her standing there, a tentative smile on her face.[“Hey, come in,”] I sign, stepping aside to let her through. She nods, her smile growing as she steps into the warmth of the cottage.After a light lunch, wh
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82 - Names Are Shackles
RuinI’m sitting across from Ryker, my hands clenched into fists on my knees. The silence in the office is thick, almost tangible, as I muster the courage to voice what’s been haunting me for years. Ryker’s gaze is steady, patient, waiting for me to speak.“I want to tell Chloe Jane about my past,” I finally say, the words tasting like ash in my mouth.Ryker’s eyebrows shoot up, surprise etching his features for a moment before he leans back in his chair, nodding slowly. “That’s a big step, Ruin. But it’s a good one. Purging yourself of that past... Chloe Jane will understand. She loves you.”I nod, not entirely convinced but appreciating his support. “Yeah, I just... I don’t want there to be secrets between us. Not about something this big; something that shaped me this round of my reincarnation.”“Good man,” Ryker says, his voice warm with approval. “You’re doing the right thing.”Ryker was the one who found me starving and out of my mind on the streets. He’s the one who took me in
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83 - Wedding Day
Chloe JaneThe air feels charged today, thick with anticipation and the kind of nervous energy that makes my skin prickle. I’m standing in the bridal room, my reflection staring back at me, barely recognizable. My belly is massive now, a constant reminder of the life Deacon and I have created together. It’s hard to believe that in just a few moments, I’ll be walking down the aisle, making everything official in the eyes of our pack and the powerful Alphas gathered here today.Leianna is with me, her presence a calming force amidst the chaos of my thoughts. She’s been my rock through all of this. I couldn’t ask for a better friend or a better person to be here with me today. As I pace back and forth, trying to quell the nausea that’s been my constant companion this evening. I halt my pacing and look at her, desperation clear in my gaze. [“I don’t know if I can do this,”] I sign, my hands shaky. [“Chloe Jane, everything will be perfect,”] she signs, her hands moving with grace. [“Yo
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84 - A Different Kind Of Reception
RuinI never expected to feel the absolute completion that came with seeing Chloe Jane walking down the aisle toward me. I thought I was made of stronger stuff, but apparently not when it comes to the love of my life.As it should be.The moment she steps into my arms for our first dance, it’s like the world shifts under my feet. I’ve faced down monsters, fought battles that would turn a weaker man’s blood to ice, but nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to the weight of her gaze on me, filled with love and trust.I pull her closer, our bodies moving together in rhythm with the music, a soft melody that somehow seems to echo the beat of our hearts. “You’re bloody stunning, love,” I whisper, my voice rough with emotion. “Never thought I’d be the type to get all twisted up inside over a dance.”Chloe Jane laughs, that sound that’s come to mean everything to me. “And yet, here you are,” she says, her hands resting on my shoulders, her eyes sparkling. “Dancing with your wife in front of
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85 - The Next Sovereign
Chloe JaneSitting across from Ryker in his office, the seriousness of the moment weighs heavily on me. The room feels too large, his desk a barrier of polished wood, but I’m here with a purpose that fuels my resolve. The shadows cast by the low light seem to dance around him, making him appear both as the formidable Alpha he is and the mentor I need him to be at this moment.“Ryker, I’ve been thinking a lot about what my next steps should be,” I start, my voice steady despite the fluttering in my stomach. “With my father...with what happened, there’s a void in leadership, and I believe I should step in. To lead in his place, as Sovereign.”Ryker leans back in his chair, his expression unreadable. The silence stretches between us, thick and heavy, until he finally nods, his demeanor serious. “It’s a bold move, Chloe Jane. You have the vision and the heart for it, but it’s not going to be easy. Especially not in the current climate.”I nod, expecting no less. “I know it won’t be. But
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86 - It's All Been Worth It
Chloe JaneThe world snaps into sharp focus with a jolt, my body tensing as a sharp pain slices through my belly, ripping me from the depths of sleep. My breath catches, a soft whimper escaping as I instinctively reach for my stomach, the realization crashing over me like a wave.Deacon is by my side in an instant, his eyes wide with concern and sleep-fuzzed confusion. “Chloe Jane? What is it? What’s wrong?”“It’s … I think it’s time,” I manage to gasp out, another wave of pain crashing over me.“Bloody hell,” he mutters, more to himself than to me, as he switches on the lamp. The soft light fills the room, casting shadows that dance across the walls, doing little to ease the growing tension.He helps me sit up, his movements gentle but quick, his concern palpable. “Let’s get you comfortable, yeah?” he says, helping me into a robe. His voice is steady, but I can hear the undercurrent of worry, the faintest tremor that betrays his nerves.I nod, leaning heavily on him as another contra
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Epilogue - A New Mission… Fatherhood
Deacon The room’s dimmed to just a whisper of light, casting soft shadows across Chloe Jane and our daughter, both of them sleeping soundly. It’s quiet now. The earlier flurry of visitors with their well-wishes and blessings has ebbed away, leaving just the three of us in a peaceful bubble. I’m sitting in a chair pulled up close to the bed, elbows on my knees, chin on my hands, just watching them. Chloe Jane’s got this peaceful look on her face, the kind of serenity you don’t often find in the waking world. And our daughter, nestled in her little bassinet next to her, is just as tranquil. It’s a picture I wish I could frame, keep safe forever. I lean back; the chair creaking softly under my weight, and let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. It’s moments like these, rare and fleeting, that make you ponder the grand scheme of things. The Creators had a plan for me, a path laid out since the dawn of my existence. Being a Horseman comes with its burdens, its expectatio
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Prologue - E. B., D. K.
Phoebe The forest always feels like a different world, a place where I can shed the weight of expectations and just be Phoebe. Not Phoebe, the daughter of Horseman Conquest and A Fate, not the leader-in-waiting of the next generation, just... me. Here, I can escape the destiny that’s been mine since before I was born. It’s a heavy crown, one that requires me to be more than I sometimes feel capable of being. My parents, Goddess bless them, they try to understand, but there’s a part of this journey I have to navigate alone. My brothers, too, they’re caught up in their own destinies, each of us a cog in a machine set in motion before we were even born. Today, the forest feels alive, almost buzzing with a silent energy that speaks directly to my soul. I wander, letting my feet guide me, drawn deeper into the heart of this secluded place. There’s a part of me that dreads returning home, to plaster a smile on my face and pretend all is well. It’s exhausting, playing that role when in
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