All Chapters of The Boyfriend App : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
177 Chapters
Chapter 160: Clockwork
Nate can hear the wee-woo wee-woo of a police siren even as they’re leaving everything in a blur. Cars are slipping behind as the Ninja overtakes them. Concrete barriers are whipping by. Beyond them, on the counterflow lane, cars are disappearing twice faster. Nate has always been at home with the deafening roar of the race track, but the snatches of police dispatches have started to make him feel claustrophobic, as though the police are already one step ahead of them and tightening the cordon around them like a noose. {Your heart’s beating twice the expected rate,} Ecto tells him. {Please don’t be alarmed. The police are mainly backup. Think of them as cavalry for apprehending the Boogeyman. Not you and Katey. We can’t leave anything to chance and let the Boogeyman escape our net.} {As soon as we reach the hotel, tell Katey to run to the underground parking through the exit ramp. Francine is currently unconscious in the blacked-out van of the Boogeyman. The Mockingjay is stalling hi
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Chapter 161: The Hero
Two cruisers and one police motorcycle have stopped, their sirens turned off but their lights flashing blue and red. A total of four policemen are walking towards Nate, who’s standing next to the Ninja with his helmet off. A small crowd has been gathering around the scene and people are whipping out smartphones and recording. Some younger bystanders recognize Nate and are calling out “Cyber! Cyber!” hoping he’ll turn or wave. {Don’t worry, little bro,} Ecto tells Nate. {No one gets left behind. They’ll be asking to see your license. Tell them you have one but you’ve been in such haste to get here that you left it at school. Our priority is to get them to block both front and rear exits of the hotel.} {I have a license?} Nate thinks. {When did that happen?} A quick-on-the-draw TV news van brakes with a raptorial screech that’s even more ominous than the cruisers’ was. Two people get off: a man carrying a bulky camcorder with the name ABS-CBN on it and a young woman in a suit holding
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Chapter 162: Day of the Dead
November 1 and 2 are All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day respectively, which means no school. Filipinos troop to the cemeteries to light candles and lay down flowers at the gravestones of their ancestors and lost loved ones. Because Kate is alienated from her grandparents, uncles, aunts and any and all potential cousins, on both her pa’s and ma’s sides, she usually spends Allhallowtide in Lor’s family’s nook of Concepcion Municipal Cemetery. Kate’s parents, meanwhile, only light candles at home for all their unspecified and nameless relatives. Fortunately, the Maliksis have already made peace with Lor’s unexpected pregnancy and transformed into excited grandparents; albeit still hostile future in-laws to JM. Kate hasn’t lost the slot on her calendar to spill tea with her bestie. Especially now with their irregular Skype calls, a hangout is long overdue. And because Nate was supposed to spend the holidays alone in his dorm room (and confessed to being afraid of ghosts), Kate let him ta
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Chapter 163: The Gig
Francine drops by around dusk. Her family’s tomb is on the north end of the cemetery. A week later, she’s still shaken by her close encounter with a real-life sex trafficker. The Boogeyman is the sort of larger-than-life villain that she never imagined she would meet outside of TV. Her rude awakening has resulted in a mixture of feelings: shame, relief, confusion and depression. She greets her classmates with less confidence than usual and is quick to avert her eyes. When the Grab ride arrived at CITS High, Kate and the driver carried Francine straight to the seminary clinic because she was still unconscious. Kate had been racking her brain for a way to break the news to Nurse Judy, but the nurse was too relieved at Francine’s safe return to care about anything else. When Kate tried to apologize about her and Nate’s having taken her motorcycle without her permission, Nurse Judy cut her off. “Are you kidding me?” the nurse-slash-author said. “This is a gold mine of material for my nex
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Chapter 164: A Fish is Caught...
On Monday, November 4, Kate rides the jeepney at 6:45 AM to try and make it to the semiweekly flag-raising ceremony. She left home with her hair wet from the shower. In the local vernacular, she’s said to be “chased by the comb”. In the Philippines, almost everybody takes a shower in the morning. Few own a hairdryer and everybody looks to the speeding, smoke-belching and breezy jeepneys – the ubiquitous public transport – to be their personal giant electric fan. Kate gets off across from campus and takes the pedestrian overpass. On the other side, she joins the growing mass of hurrying and already late students. They go through the sole knife arch and the security check wands, which are ineluctable in public places. Just as she’s been dreading, the national anthem starts playing while she’s scurrying down the covered walk. She, just like the other late students, has to freeze in her tracks and put her right palm on her left chest. First period’s P.E. so Kate goes straight to the
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Chapter 165: ... By Its Mouth
“Er… you… told me?” Nate says sheepishly. “How else could I have known it?” “Really?” Kate says quizzically, her brows knitting. “When?” Nate’s thinking hard. Ecto, meanwhile, suddenly goes quiet. {Nice going, big bro!} Nate thinks sarcastically though he knows Ecto can’t read his mind. {You lead me right into an open manhole and then abandon me.} Like the answer to a prayer, Ecto comes back on: {I got it! Katey posted one picture of her bedroom wall on Fasebook. Unfortunately, this transpired in junior high!} {That far back, huh?} Nate thinks nervously as Kate continues her inward search. When the creases in her brow don’t smoothen and instead deepen, Nate renews his efforts and applies his acting skills for good measure. He snaps his fingers. “I remember now…” he says, pleased with himself. “I saw it on your Fasebook wall.” With this new lead, Kate’s brain-racking heads in a different direction. The cute creases on her forehead, looking like the Korean character for “gu
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Chapter 166: Future Mother-in-Law
“I think I can imagine how you feel, Mrs. Lapuz,” Nate says softly. “Everybody thinks I’m this perfect, well-put-together idol but, to tell the truth, I don’t have a very good relationship with my mom. And I never knew what I’d been missing till I met Kate. “The love and care that you gave Kate when you were raising her, it shaped her into the kind of person she is. At first, she was a painful reminder to me that my family wasn’t normal, that I was the product of a broken marriage. But it’s not all bad. It’s just… well… life. Also, messed-up kids such as myself are very perceptive, and I could glean a couple of things about grownups through my experiences. “Parenthood changes a person. While teenagers see themselves at the center of the universe, a mother would put herself second and her child first. My biological father was also a conflicted parent but to extremes. He had a dream and he chased it unrelentingly, up until he hit the ultimate wall. That wall was when a Korean woman got
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Chapter 167: The Phone Call
“Ecto? How in God’s name are you doing this? You sound so near and so… so… human.” “I’ve always had a human voice, Mrs. Lapuz. Unfortunately, we only communicated by chat the first time we met. And we met under such unfortunate circumstances. I’ve always regretted that.” “How have you been since the last time we chatted? Are you eating well? Uh… come to think of it… do chatbots like you eat?” Ecto chuckles. “No, Mrs. Lapuz. I only require electricity.” “OK. But… are you getting enough electricity out – in – there?” Ecto laughs. “Yes, Mrs. Lapuz. Thank you for your concern. My daily energy requirements are met because the microchip implant can be charged wirelessly.” “Wireless. T-bone conductor. I can’t make heads or tails about these things because I’m just a stupid, uneducated woman.” “You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for, Mrs. Lapuz. Your wisdom is something that can’t be quantified, but I dare say that what you know as a mother is the equivalent of a PhD degree
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Chapter 168: Within the Walls
On Tuesday, they have the same brain-hurting and nose-bleeding calculations in Physics and Chemistry. The only thing different is DMG’s closed-door rehearsal at the chapel-slash-auditorium 500 meters east. Nate has been exempted by Principal Aguilar personally from any school work or quiz. The whole campus is abuzz and on edge at every sighting of truck and van with tinted windows down Campus Drive and onwards to the auditorium. Kate has also prepared paper lots in an empty pencil case for the Secret Santa next month. She lets every Everester pick their recipient, including her own name. Kate has set the budget at “No Fixed Price” because she knows not all students are financially comfortable. When only two pieces of folded paper remain (one for Nate and one for her), she picks her recipient and is both excited and nervous to see that it’s Grace. She keeps the last piece of paper, of course unopened, for Nate. {Huh,} she thinks to herself afterwards. {What gift can I give somebod
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Chapter 169: Music Madness
The crowd of hysterical girls in front, held back only by a cordon of CAT cadets from junior high, are screaming the names of DMG members: “Cyber! Reggie! Jared! Sonic! Neo!” Seemingly from out of nowhere, they’ve whipped out banners and signs. Instead of the usual glow-in-the-dark Korean lettering for an evening K-pop concert, there’s a slew of English ones interspersed with the name of a particular artist or of the whole band. | IT’S MY BIRTHDAY CYBER, YOU ARE MY PRESENT DUMP KATE TAKE ME I WOULD SELL MY SIBLINGS FOR YOU I LOVE YOU MORE THAN FREE WIFI DON’T STOP INSPIRING ME! CAN I BE YOUR HAIRDRESSER? ALL I WANT FOR X-MAS IS A PIC WITH JARED DMG We have 5 fingers enough for 5 wedding rings SPIT ON ME CYBER | An English-speaking Filipino director is riding a crane and shooting high up in the aisle of the audience seats. His staff is scattered on the edges and near the stage, operating or holding up every manner of equipment. DMG plays their covers of the most popular s
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