All Chapters of Landon: My Killer Lover : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
113 Chapters
Never Happened
VictoriåI hummed as I sat on stage, eating one of the blueberry muffins that Landon had gotten me. I was finished setting up and I still had some free time, so I spent it on my own.You're still there, right?Okay, I'm just making sure.Yesterday my father hit me with a frying pan in the head.I would be mad but the sound it made almost had me laughing out loud. He asked my mom if she wanted to help me as I bled and she shook her head. I felt alone. Like there was no-one I could depend on anymore.The door opened and I watched as the guys walked in, coming over and sitting in the front row. "Slater told us you were in here." Damien said.River and Ryder came over, sitting on the stage on either side of me."You look sad, Rhee." River said, looking at my face and I shook my head."I felt kinda sick." I told him, to which he nodded."Let's do Romeo and Juliet." Ryder told River and he nodded excitedly.The both of them stood and I got off of the stage, sitting next to Damien, who smil
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The Grocery
Landon I sat on the couch as they removed her body, checking my watch and seeing that it was now twelve."Clean this up. I'm leaving." I told them, getting up and walking through the front door.Getting to my car, I unlocked it and got in, placing my gun away and placing the key into the ignition.As I was about to turn it, someone slapped my window, not really startling me.I turned my head slowly toward them, watching as a man stood there, staring at me with pure rage in his eyes.Inwardly groaning, he expected me to just roll down the windows but instead, I got out of my car."You animal!" He screamed, swinging at me and I dodged it effortlessly, rolling my eyes."What's you problem?" I asked tonelessly and tears filled his eyes."You killed my wife!" He yelled, charging at me like an angry bull and I lifted my arm, landing a single punch to his face and he fell backward.I watched as he remained on his knees, sobbing as it probably finally hit him that his wife was dead and there
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Victoriå"Landon?" I called quietly as we walked down another aisle and he looked over, showing me that he wasn't listening."Why don't you like people?" I asked, knowing that he had something to do with the fact that the store was empty.He didn't answer for a while, but I knew that he eventually would so I picked up another item."Just don't." He responded and I looked over at him again."Does that mean that you don't like me either and you're just pretending?" I asked and he shook his head, but didn't respond."I'll take that as a 'No, Rhee, you're the bestest, most greatest person I know'."I used my hands to speak dramatically, laughing when I was done and saw his face."Well, I think you're a good person," I placed another item in. "You just don't see it." He looked at me for a while and for the first time ever, he looked away for a split second."You're not?" I asked, knowing that that was a sign of a lie. He just shook his head, looking back at me and I smiled."Not liking or
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Figured it Out
Victoriawatched as Landon's car finally drove away.I went into the kitchen, looking into the bags and seeing that aside from buying extra groceries, He also bought a bag of snacks, including muffins. I smiled, taking the bag and carrying it into my room. Just as I placed it into the closet, my father walked in and I braced myself for what was to come.~I didn't feel like going to the diner today, as the rain fell heavily.Instead I went to the same spot at that park and laid on the dock.The rain washed away the blood on my face and in my hair.It washed away the tears on my cheek and I let out a shaky breath.My face was badly bruised. Like, badly bruised.So were my arms that I didn't bother covering as nobody was out here.I broke down, sitting up and burying my face in my hands as I did.My body shook as I cried, but no noise came out. I had learned over the years to cry silently. In my bedroom, the school bathrooms, public places, anywhere honestly.I looked up at the water
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LandonI sat, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall. Two of my men stood at the door, waiting just like I was. I was starting to become impatient when the door finally opened. The room was in complete darkness and as they turned on the light, their eyes widened. Before they could scream, my men grabbed them, holding either arm."What's this about?" He asked angrily, staring at me as I leaned forward in my chair.But I didn't respond. His eyes began burning with rage and I just sat there, watching him get angrier by the second."Answer me!" He yelled and I smirked, finally standing slowly.I adjusted the rings on my fingers, walking over and standing in front of him."Wait, you're H-"I punched him in the stomach, watching as it instantly winded him. I hit him again, and again, and again. Until he was in too.much pain to even look at me.But I wasn't done.I snapped my fingers, watching as they took him outside. Slowly, I followed behind, watching as without a second though
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LandonI unlocked one of my cars, getting in and starting it. Placing my gun back under my seat, I drove around the fountain and out of the front gates. Music played in my car as I drove, due to her putting it on.But I didn't turn it off. I was too spaced out today. I drove the rest of the way and pulled intot he school gates, not caring that I was hours late. Parking, I got out and watched as the Principal acted as though he didn't see me. Walking through the doors, I went to the class I knew she had now. As I opened the door, all eyes fell on me.But she wasn't there. I walked back out of the school doors and got into my car, driving down the street. It didn't take long before I was at her house. I parked down the street even though I was positive that her father wasn't there. But she didn't need to know that. I got out of my car, slipping on my sunglasses and walking over to her house.I placed a small device in the lock of her front door, watching it unlock. Then I opened the do
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VictoriåLandon had left an hour ago and I was now laying in the tub. I hadn't seen my father in a few hours and even though I should be happy, I felt depressed. It's like it never went away. I leaned my head against the edge and sighed, the warm water making me feel a bit better. After a while I got out, emptying the tub and walking into my bedroom.I changed into a simple pink fluffy sweater and some black leggings. Then I peeked through the blinds as I heard a car pull up. It was a black car that I hadn't seen before and nobody got out. That scared me a bit, as I was home alone. I stared at it, trying to see the license plate."Bella." I screamed, turning around and finding Landon standing there."One day, I'll poop my pants when you do that." I said, placing a hand over my heart. He sat on my bed, handing me a bag filled with different items.There were different types of medication as well as a muffin, some soup and juice. I smiled, placing it onto my nightstand and grabbing my
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Dead Already
VictoriåHey, are you still listening?You know that one moment in your life where you're like:'What the fuck?'Yeah, yeah, that's what's happening right now.I opened my eyes, meeting nothing but complete darkness.I was scared and alone.I was tied to a chair in the middle of the room, my hands aching as I'm sure that they must've been there for a long time.My head throbbed and pounded.There goes two words that shouldn't be said together.My legs were tied as well, and I was more focused on trying to figure out where I was.What smells like poop?Wait, is that me?I tried sniffing myself but I realized that the smell was coming from the corner.But I couldn't see over there, so I sighed, trying to take my hands out of what I was certain were zip ties.So cliché.I heard loud footsteps coming toward the door, and my breath hitched.The door then swung open, and a single light was turned on.As I glanced in the corner where the poop smell came from, I let out a scream as I saw the
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Just a Few Minutes
LandonI stood outside, smoking as I waited in the car for them to come outside with her.It was hard to find her. They made sure of it. No trace of the vehicle Ryder explained, no security footage of them leaving.It had been three weeks since they took her and I hadn't slept since.This was my fault.My entire body froze as I watched them run out of the building with her.She was limp as Damien carried her, a knife stuck in her neck and she bled. Her skin was pale and she didn't move once.I zoned out, wondering if this was just another sick dream of mine. If my eyes were playing tricks on me."We couldn't stop them." He said giving her to the men in the other SUV.I snapped out of my thoughts, watching him as he got into the vehicle with them."She's not breathing." Ryder said frantically, his hands covered in her blood."We can still save her. Come on." Damien said and he got into the SUVWordlessly, I got into my car, driving all the way to the hospital.I watched as they rushed
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LandonI watched as they rushed around trying to save her right then and there as nobody had enough balls to ask me to leave.They used a defibrillator on her, shouting orders at each other as they worked.They tried, her entire body jerking upward as they did. But she didn't come back.They tried three more times and nothing. I got up finally, about to leave when I heard it.A single noise on the monitor followed by multiple others."She's stable." One of them said and another sighed in relief."This beauty is a fighter." The doctor said and they did a few more tests before leaving.I wondered if she'd survive this. After all, her body was weak because she was tired.And she no longer had anything in this world to live for. I wondered if she'd stay for a while.It was a few days later when she finally opened her eyes. I had just come back when she did.As her eyes fluttered open, they landed on me and she cracked a smile."How long was I asleep for?" She asked, genuinely thinking tha
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