All Chapters of Once A Luna, Now A Stealer?: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
108 Chapters
31. Agreement
Callista.“I didn’t make a contract like that,” I reply. This was absolute news to me. I’d certainly remember if someone had asked me or forced me to write anything before being drugged with Wolfsbane. I didn’t remember much about what happened afterward, though, except for the parts with Theon in them.Oh, Goddess, what had Farris Leighwen done to me now?“Impossible, the document is legitimate. We even checked the validity of the agreement using an Earth witch. You yourself wrote it and signed it.” Theon answers, his brows furrowing. However, he isn’t stupid, and there is doubt in his eyes. Surely he must’ve realized by now that Farris had been at least a little shady with everything.“That’s not possible. I would remember doing something like that.” Even though I insist, I’m starting to feel doubtful. A witch’s magic didn’t lie. I try to wrack my brain to find signing and writing such a damning document anytime before.Had I actually done it? I’ve read that Wolfsbane caused tempora
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32. Enough
Callista.“See this corridor?” The maid who'd called me, Helen, points at an extremely muddy corridor, “This needs to be washed, like, ASAP. The Alpha King absolutely loathes uncleanliness.”I look at the amount of dirt and gulp. “That’s…that is a lot of dirt,” I state the obvious, “This is the entrance, right?”“Yeah, and we need to keep it clean, all the time. The newbie is usually in charge of this. So,” She thrusts at me a mob and a bucket, “Get on with it.”So, the maids don’t really like me much. It might have to do with me being the stealer as well as a criminal now. They were all much older than me, in their twenties or thirties, and they were very, very cold. As soon as I was taken to the maid quarters and introduced to them, they’d told me that I wasn’t to expect any special treatment from them and that they didn’t really want a stealer of all people with them, and that the only reason they were gonna tolerate my existence was because their Alpha King had commanded it.Very
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33. Eavesdrop
Callista.It’s about 07:00 PM, and I’m carrying a load of laundry that belongs to the Beta’s family. It was heavier than any others and had mostly baby clothes. I’ve heard in the kitchen that the Beta’s mate’s third child had been born just weeks ago, and all the nappies were his.I navigate the maze of corridors that make the east wing of the castle. This wing hosts almost all the bedrooms and studies, sitting rooms, drawing rooms, and a big library last I checked. All the enjoyable aspects were in the east. The west wing had the kitchen, laundry rooms, the servant quarters, and the guard quarters, along with the parking lot, storage spaces, and the weapons room. The infirmary was a separate building that was in the north of the castle connected to the keep via a passage, while the entrance was on the south side.Today I am on laundry duty. My arms hurt from moving stinky loads of clothes and I was just counting down the time till it ended. As I pass a certain door, I hear raised vo
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34. Theon
Theon. Ruelle told me that she needed to be away from me for a bit. No matter how much that hurt me, I agreed, because regardless of what she thought, I did really care for her feelings. Also, I felt that a little separation would do us both good. I didn’t want to chase her out of the rooms she’d already become familiar with, so I moved out into a much smaller room in a different corridor, closer to my study. This had been my childhood room, way before I became the King. Ruelle was getting too aggressive with her advances. Every time I tried to kiss her or hug her, she’d start to act provocatively and try to get me to have sex with her. To be fair, it was getting annoying. I did want to do that with her. I wanted to make her my mate. But my wolf wouldn’t listen to me. He’d put up a frenzy every time I touched Ruelle, commanding me to stop and go find my own mate. By which he meant Callista. When she was getting tortured, my wolf was horrified. He’d yelled in my head to go to her,
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35. Kiss
Callista.I’ve been kissed before. Numerous times, in fact.My first was a boy in fifth grade who’d told me my hair looked pretty that day, and I had been blushing like crazy. Back then we were yet to go through puberty, so it didn’t really make sense. It was just something we had seen older people do, which automatically meant it was a cool thing to do. Then, at recess when we were playing, he'd suddenly appeared next to me, and asked for a kiss. Just like that. I was honestly taken aback, and my mind had been screaming, “Take it! Take it, you fool, this is a one-way ticket to the big leagues!” at me. Back then, all the popular girls had all been kissed, and who didn’t want to be similar to them? This is the fifth grade I’m talking about, and yes, I’d been that dramatic.So yeah. It had been a wonderfully clumsy, orange lollipop flavored kiss, and at the time, it rocked my world.After that, I was kind of popular, but no one asked me to kiss them. I did hold hands with some boys, but
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36. Gasp
Callista.A gasp comes, breaking the moment.A very recognizable gasp.With it, Theon and I return to reality. The feverish happiness I’d been bathing myself in before vanishes, instead mixed with cold dread. For a moment, I catch Theon’s eyes, unguarded, loving, and wish that he’d seen the truth of who I am. My heart races in my chest, and I try to put the truth into my eyes.But in the end, it doesn’t matter. Prejudice wins over the reality and my heart breaks when his brown irises turn exceptionally hard.I know that the look he's giving me now, after pushing himself off me and shuffling back a few feet, is going to hurt me forever. Its shock and disgust, with a thin smear of anger, mixed with gallons of disbelief. So, so different from before. He looks at me as if I’m a monster who’d come to destroy his world.Something inside me withers at that. Then, deep in my mind, another decision reinforces.Ruelle starts to scream.“I knew it! I knew you were fucking her behind my back! Tha
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37. Full Moon
Callista.I don’t sleep that night.I don’t cry either. Although the sadness in my heart, mixed with anger, indignation, and desperation combined is the size of the sun, and just as hot, I don’t cry. My eyes remain dry as I listen to the soft breaths of other maids, nothing pulling the lids of my eyes down and dragging me into a slumber.How can I sleep, when I know this is the last night I will be spending here?In the perfect world, I would be sleeping by Theon’s side, bearing his mark on my neck, the voice of my wolf in my head, secure in the knowledge that I’d finally found the one place in the world where I belonged. But the reality is far from that, and I couldn’t dwell on what would’ve been, not when I wanted to keep sane.But oh, how I wish for that dream to soothe the hurt in my very soul.In the morning bells sound, rousing the staff of the castle.Helen lets me know that I’ve been punished for my ‘insubordination’ from last night with two more months in community service. S
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38. She escaped.
Ruelle.“Well?” I ask the panting guard after transforming back to my human form, “Where is she now?”The guard, Derrick, is a middle-aged man who’d been in Theon’s personal security for ages. Just days ago, he’d been in an accident and had been injured severely. His arm was broken, and even as a wolf, it was going to take at least a week to heal, and coupled with other injuries, he was advised by the doctors in the hospital not to participate in today’s run.So, I’d taken it upon myself to ask him to keep an eye on Callista.I knew the little shit was up to something the moment she’d told us she was done with Theon that night. She’d gotten a cold, determined look in her eyes, and I’d seen that before. It meant that she’d made up her mind to do something, and even an idiot could figure out what someone in her position would want.Freedom.If anyone wanted to attempt to escape, today was the best window for it. The castle was as empty as it could be, and the whole pack was in one place
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39. Forest
Callista.The moat isn’t as deep as I thought it would be, and I’m thankful for that.I’m dripping wet after crossing it, my clothes heavy on my body. I wring whatever I can and shake the water out of my shoes. My backpack hasn’t soaked, which is a relief.I’m finally outside the castle.Now the time was crucial.I start to run. I’m as strong as I’ve been before, and that helps me to cross the town in no time. I avoid the main road and any important buildings, opting to weave my way through the residential area. My aim is the forest, and even though the town of the Rexellen pack is bigger than the Leighwen pack’s, it’s still small enough.I’m panting hard by the time I make it to the tree line.I halt after I pass the last house, taking one last look at the town and the distant castle.Had it only been two months since I’d arrived here? It feels like I’m escaping a place that had caged me forever.The forest is hard to navigate. Unlike the Leighwen pack’s forest, this one lacks any wa
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40. Sacrifice
Callista.The force of my attack rattles Ruelle, and she immediately transforms back into her human form. She staggers, crying out and clutching her head. I held the tree branch threateningly in front of me, knowing that if I ran now, she’d get the chance to chase me. I need to take her down here and now.“You’re going to pay for that!” She cries out, voice slurry and eyes flashing with anger.But she does not transform into her wolf, although it looks like she’s trying.“Can’t transform back?” I ask, “Too weak? I knew there was a reason you didn’t transform often.” I mock her, “Who’s the weakling now? One swing and you turn back to a human.”“Theon!” She screams at the top of her lungs, “She’s here! She’s attacking me! Help!”But Theon doesn’t answer her calls.Instead, at that exact moment, a large grey wolf bursts into the clearing.For a moment, Ruelle and I gape at the beast.And then we scream because this is not a wolf of the Rexellen pack.Nor is he a sane one.His eyes are bl
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