All Chapters of The Unwanted Wife: Revenge After Divorce : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
95 Chapters
Chapter 031
DAMIAN I was oddly tense, and I didn't know why. Or maybe I did, and I was trying to shelve my feelings. Perhaps if I didn't acknowledge them, they would fade away. Beside me, Anton was droning on and on about all he had gotten up to with the Paris model, now in his employ. Anton, naturally, was an excellent conversationist and a good storyteller, and usually, I would be neck-deep in his stories, laughing and asking for more details. But not today. "Hey, Damian. Are you even listening to me?" His enquiry brought me back to the present. I nodded and forced my facial muscles to relax into a smile. "Of course I am," I replied. "Go on. And the fashion shows you went to? Did you get any new design ideas?" I had said the right thing. Anton's eyes lit up in excitement. He continued talking animatedly, waving his fork about and jabbing it in the air sometimes to emphasise his point while I tried to keep an interested expression on my face. And then she came into the room,
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Chapter 032
DAMIAN “What problem?” Anton cocked an eyebrow. “You’re clearly in love with her. Can’t you see that?” I scoffed. “In love? That’s quite funny. Why would I fall in love with Amelia? Is she any different from all the women I’ve been with?” Anton crossed his arms and leaned closer to me. “I’m tempted to believe you, but I have eyes, Damian. And what they tell me is far from what you’re saying. You almost exploded because I called her beautiful. You were jealous. Jealousy is an extra package that accompanies love.” “I’m not jealous.” I gulped down the contents of my glass. “I don’t want you to flirt with my wife or talk about her, especially when she can hear you.” “Ok,” Anton smiled, and I knew he was up to something. “Let’s believe you don’t love Amelia. I want to take you back to your old self. You’ve become boring. If you don’t love your wife, you wouldn’t mind having an erotic life, would you?” I stared back at him intensely, torn between accepting his crude pla
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Chapter 033
DAMIAN "Something important just came up, and we need to talk," I said as I entered the room and perched on the edge of Amelia's dresser. She had been busily writing something that looked like supplies she would be getting for her store. From where I sat, I could make out the words 'flour' and 'sugar'. "Okay. Give me just a second." She wrote something quickly, pushed the paper away, and gave me her full attention. "Okay. So this is about Petra," I began. "Petra?" Amelia blinked. The name obviously meant nothing to her. It was a bit surprising to me, who liked to keep tabs on everyone remotely important. But Amelia wasn't like that. It seemed she hadn't bothered to learn more about the inner workings of the family she had married into. "Yes, Petra. She is- sorry, was my late Uncle's wife. The uncle I'm referring to is-" "The one who willed you his company?" I nodded. "Yes, the very same. So, he was married to Petra for several god-awful years. Everyone except
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Chapter 034
DAMIAN Anton was gaping at Lora. Amelia was staring in turn at Lora and me in disbelief, about to phrase a question. I took the opportunity of silence to grasp Lora's arm. "Now leave, Lora," I told her in an undertone. "I've got company. Do you hear me? Leave." Lora shook off my grip and took a few steps further away from me. "I can't leave, Damian," Lora said in a carrying voice. "I can't." "Why not? Your legs are not glued to my floor, are they? You walked in here. Now, walk out." "Y-your ex-girlfriend?" Amelia stuttered, not having gotten over my introduction. "Yes. His ex-girlfriend, Lora," replied Anton, recovering somewhat from his surprise at seeing Lora. He gave me a piercing look. "Aren't you going to-" I shoved my fingers through my hair and glared at Lora. I didn't have it in me at the moment to further explain. I was so pissed. Her reappearance was the last thing I wanted to deal with. Seeing I was struggling to explain to Amelia because of my ange
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Chapter 035
LORA My phone rang just when I was going to get the house's layout. I hurried into my room to take it. Anton was calling, and I had a pretty good idea why. "Well, this is quite a surprise," I drawled when I picked up the call. "Hello again, Lora," he said quietly. "The real surprise is you turning up at Damian's... again. I thought you were finally out of his life after the last time." "I'm not trying to come back into his life. I told you, my boyfriend-" "Oh, come off it, Lora. Let's not rehash that story. Look, I think it's best that you leave Damian's house. Stay in a hotel like he suggested. Trust me, it's going to be awkward living in the same house with his wife-" I fell back on the comfortable bed. If only Anton knew that he was wasting his time! I fought to keep the smile out of my voice as I said, "His wife was the one who said I could stay. So, I'm staying." "She obviously didn't know what she was-" "And when she said I could stay, Damian didn't put up a
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Chapter 036
AMELIA I heard voices, hushed voices, as I approached the indoor pool. One clearly was Lora's, and the other was... Damian's. I rounded the corner and blinked at the sight that met my eyes. A naked Lora had her hands on Damian's shoulders. Her clothes were pooled on the floor close to her feet. She was talking to him in low whispers, but what she was trying to talk him into was very clear. I couldn't tell if Damian was responding to her sexual overtures. Lora's body blocked him from my view. I must have made a sound because their heads whipped towards me at the same time. Lora gave a small scream and dived for her clothes. "Um- sorry," I mumbled, but I didn't think either of them had heard me. Lora had taken a couple of steps forward and seemed to realize it would be ridiculous to run into the house stark naked, so she settled for quickly getting dressed. I met Damian's eyes. He had an odd expression like he was expecting me to do something. But what? I turned away, wa
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Chapter 037
AMELIA My first impression of Petra was that she was a charming, glamorous, middle-aged woman, but then, when one really looked at her, I could see that her beauty was somewhat marred by the fact that she was perpetually wearing a sneer. It looked like she had some dirt under her nose and was trying to escape the smell. She was impeccably dressed, almost to the point of garishness. Her low-backed sequinned gown belonged more to a glamorous dinner party. So did the fur stole she had wrapped around her shoulders, the pearl drop earrings, and the really high heels. She looked like she had stepped right out of the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. Her gaze immediately swivelled to Anton, who had muttered her name purely for my benefit, it seemed. "Yes, Anton. It's me," she said in a throaty voice. Anton visibly flushed. He had clearly not expected her to have heard him. Instantly, I was reminded of what Damian had said about Petra not being a woman to underestimate. I
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Chapter 038
AMELIA "She's sleeping in the second master's bedroom, the one you were sleeping in before," Damian said quietly as he shut the door of his bedroom quickly behind him as though afraid he would be overheard. The reality was that he was. We were all terrified of Petra and what she was up to. I didn't blame him. Lora and Petra in the house called up the image of a pair of hounds, hot on the scent. Petra had just insisted on being shown into her room, taking it for granted that she would be asked to spend the night here. Now, I would have to spend the night, and probably many nights after that, in Damian's room. The same thought seemed to have occurred to him because he looked very uncomfortable. He hurried into the bathroom and took a shower but was fully dressed in his pyjamas before he came out. I was already lying in bed before that, having previously locked the door. I honestly wouldn't put it past Petra or Lora to try to peer in on us to find out if Damian and I were cu
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Chapter 039
AMELIA It was a grey day, I thought as I fed the car more gas and accelerated. The clouds were grey. The sky was grey. If I were to describe my mood in one word, I would say it was grey. Hell! Even the car behind me was grey. Frowning, I sat up straighter and looked again at the car in my rearview mirror. It was a grey sedan. Hadn't I seen it behind me just as I drove out of the spa's parking lot? But there had to be hundreds and thousands of grey sedans in this big city. A moment later, my fingers tightened on the steering wheel, and I continued thinking about what had just happened. I should not have gone to the spa with that witch, Lora. The sneering way she had spoken of me... it made my blood boil. I wondered who was worse between her and Petra. I made a hard right at the next intersection and, without really thinking about what I was doing, glanced again in my rearview mirror. My heart leapt into my throat. The same grey sedan was still behind the car next to mine.
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Chapter 040
AMELIA While I walked to Damian's bedroom, I tried to remember where exactly I had kept the list of supplies for the bakery. Was it on the dressing table, the chest of drawers or... I stopped in my tracks. Sounds were coming from inside the bedroom. Had Damian come home already? That couldn't be. He wasn't due back for hours. Some hidden instinct made me tiptoe the last few paces to the door and gently push it open. I saw Petra rifling the drawers. She had already brought out some of its contents. She tugged at the last drawer, swore under her breath when she found it locked, and began to grope on the dressing table for the key. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly. Petra squeaked and nearly jumped a foot in the air. "Amelia!" she cried. "You scared me!" "No. You scared me. I almost thought you were a burglar." Petra flushed crimson. "But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?" She straightened slowly, caught sight of her hand and snatched it o
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