All Chapters of Accidentally In Love With You: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
166 Chapters
Peyton was nervous as they rode the elevator to her floor. It had been a long time since she had been with a man other than Dale. Finn seemed way out of her league. Oh, but she wanted him. Her nerves were in part because she was afraid he would change his mind. God, please don’t let him change his mind. Finn held her close as the lift ascended. He kissed the tip of her nose and her cheeks. He threaded his hand through her hair. He skimmed his other hand down the length of her spine. It wasn’t what she expected. There was no desperate kissing and tugging at each other’s clothes because they couldn’t wait to get each other naked. It was almost as if Finn was savoring the moment, memorizing each minute that passed. It built the tension in her. In some ways, she wished he would just let go and ravish her. She needed a good ravishing and she didn’t doubt that Finn would be the man to do it. But he took his time, driving her to distraction. Her nipples were hard and painful, rubbi
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His fingers caressed her hips, tracing the line of her panties. Some part of her brain wished she hadn’t thrown out all her g-strings. Another part of her brain told her that Finn didn’t seem to care. And then her brain stopped thinking altogether as his fingers slipped down between her legs to cup her silk-covered mound. She made a weird groaning sound and couldn’t help but rock her pelvis into his hand. That seemed to jumpstart her brain. She needed to be naked. She needed him naked. Her hands found his buttons and she fumbled with them, rushing to get them open, not caring if she ripped the buttons off in the process. Finn lifted his head and his hands cupped her face, and kissed her, stilling her. Then he stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head. Her eyes ate him up greedily and then she was pressing her naked, needy breasts against his chest. She rubbed against him like a cat, the few wiry hairs on his chest rubbing against her nipples deliciously. “On
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Who knew sex could be like that? Now she understood the sly smile that she sometimes saw on her sister’s face. Wow.Finn reluctantly dragged his body away from Peyton’s. He rolled to the side and took care of the condom, wrapping it in a tissue and dropping it into the wastebasket beside her bed. To say that his world had been rocked would be an understatement and he needed a moment to understand what the hell had happened. There was nothing earth-shattering about what they had done, except that it had completely shattered his world. He liked sex and he’d had a lot of good sex, but there was something different about sex with Peyton. He didn’t want to admit the truth, but he knew it was more than just their bodies connecting. Sex for the sake of sex was always good - well for him, anyway. Two naked bodies finding pleasure in each other? What could be better? That. Whatever the hell they had just done? That was better. He rolled back onto his side and pulled her int
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He spread the folds of her sex and she tilted her hips up, begging for him to touch her. He opened his mouth on her, sucking her hard clit into his mouth. She moaned and he grinned. He loved the sounds she made. He tongued her, French kissing her pussy. He loved the taste of her. It exploded across his tongue and he closed his eyes to savour it. Her legs wrapped around his head, her thighs pressing him closer. She rocked into his face, demanding more from him. Finn grabbed her legs and spread them wide, opening her up to him. He slid a finger inside her as he continued to suckle her clit and then added a second one. She was so wet and warm and tight and it felt so good as her muscles squeezed his fingers. His cock hardened, wanting to be in the party, but the little fucker would have to wait. He wanted Peyton to come all over his face first and then he would fill her up, ramming his cock into her until he was balls deep. He curled his fingers inside her, dragging them a
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“Look, Carter,” Finn said, trying to keep his desperation in check. “I really don’t think I should continue this blog series. Things have gotten…out of hand.” Carter looked at him like he was some sort of fucked up alien. “Out of hand how?” “The specifics don’t matter—” “I beg to differ,” Carter interrupted. “You have the man in the street hanging off your every word. Your subscriptions haven't only grown but surpassed your previous levels. This is gold, mate. Absolute gold. Why would you want to walk away from it?” “Because—” Liam burst through the office door, panting like he had been running. “You need to call this thing off with Peyton,” he said. “What? Have you all gone stark raving mad? Why would I do that? These blog posts are the most popular thing on the site. There would have to be a damn good reason for us to stop them.” “How about the Alpha Pi Tau?” Carter looked at Liam. Finn looked at Liam. There was a moment of complete silence and stillness as they
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The Third DateThey say that things happen in threes - good and bad.If you’ve made it to the third date, then congratulations! Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You’ve run the gauntlet of the first date nerves and then managed to get through a one-on-one date without screwing up. You should be proud of yourself and take a moment to bask in the glory.Okay then, moving on.The game changes now. The third date is the go/no-go date. If you get past this date then you are looking at exclusivity and ‘The Conversation.’ Up until this point you have been circling one another, but now is the moment when you decide whether or not you are all in.There are some questions you need to ask yourself. Is this the woman you can see spending a good majority of your time, money, and resources on? Those little habits that you think are cute now, will they in fact become so annoying that you want to stab yourself in the eye? Is this a woman you would bring home to meet your mother? Are you prep
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“You slept with her!” Finn looked up from his desk to see Jack standing in the doorway of his office, a printout of what had to be his latest blog post in his hand. “Jack—” “Don't ‘Jack’ me,” he said, stepping into the office and closing the door behind him. “You slept with her.” Finn sighed and then leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair. “Fu-uck.” Jack walked across the office and took a seat opposite Finn. “Why, man? Why did you sleep with her? I thought you liked her?” “I did. I do.” Jack sat back and studied Finn. Finn wanted to squirm under his gaze, but he kept himself still. “You're in love—” “No,” Finn said holding his hand up to stop Jack from speaking. “No. Not love. I am attached to her. We have a connection. We have chemistry. Yes, I slept with her and I'm not sorry I did it.” He took a breath. “Not sorry at all,” he finished quietly. “You might not be sorry,” Jack said, “but you definitely regret it.” Finn cocked an eyebrow at h
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Peyton walked into the coffee shop, her mind on Finn. He hadn’t called her. He’d left in the middle of the night Saturday and she hadn’t heard from him since. It was now Wednesday. Should she call him? No, he said he would call her. But they hadn’t gone this long without at least a text since they had started dating. Maybe she should call him. “Whoa, careful there Peyton.” Peyton blinked in surprise to see Clark - um Daniel - standing in front of her, his coffee held aloft. “Oh god, I am so sorry,” she said. “My mind was somewhere else completely.” “Hey, that’s okay,” he said with a grin. “At least I didn’t spill it this time.” Peyton wanted to cover her face in embarrassment. How many times could you run into a guy and spill his coffee? Maybe the universe was trying to tell her something. “Are you okay?” Daniel asked. “You look a little…” “Neurotic?” Peyton said, trying for levity. “Worried,” he said with a kind smile. “Do you need to talk?”
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Finn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. They weren’t doing anything untoward, just drinking coffee and talking. They weren’t even touching. He had nothing to be jealous about. He shouldn’t be jealous at all. He didn’t care about Peyton that way. He was just dating her for a story. Nothing more. Somehow his body hadn’t gotten the message that Peyton was just a mark. He had spent the last few days studiously avoiding thinking about her. As soon as his mind wandered to her, he shut the thoughts down. He was getting too attached and he needed the space to get his head straight. They still had one more date and he needed to have all his willpower corralled in order to get through it without falling into bed with her again. He really wanted to fall into bed with her again. Finn watched as the guy, whoever the hell the fucker was, reached across the table to lay his hand over Peyton’s. What the ever-loving-hell? Finn’s fists clenched and before he knew what he was doi
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Maybe she should take Daniel’s advice and read that blog. She was kind of pissed at them for spreading the drunk video of her, but if this In Like Finn guy could help her understand a man’s perspective, then wouldn’t that be good for her in the long run? Her whole issue with Dale had been her need to control where the relationship was going. When Dale hadn’t progressed to the next step in her plan in an appropriate amount of time, she had engineered a way for him to. Manipulated him. She wasn’t too proud to admit it, nor was she too proud to admit she had been in the wrong. When Dale hadn’t followed her carefully laid plans, she should have taken it as a hint that they weren’t on the same page. That he just wasn’t into her. Instead, she had course corrected so that for all intents and purposes it looked and felt like they were headed in the same direction. Maybe if she had understood men better, she wouldn’t have pushed so hard and that dreadful video wouldn’t have happened.
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