All Chapters of Ex Mistress Pregnant By The Arrogant CEO: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
73 Chapters
Chapter Fifty-One
“You know you can tell me anything?” Eric said as they sat in the limo on the way back home.Cat turned her head to look at him. “I know.”“What was happening between you and Alex when I joined you this evening?” Eric had joined them prior to Cat making a decision about meeting Alex. Cat was grateful for the extra time it gave her to think things through. She now had Alex’s number, so if she decided to meet with him, she could call him and arrange it. Should she tell Eric regardless of Alex’s request that she shouldn’t?Alex had told Rebecca why couldn’t she share with Eric? She had only kept quiet before because she really believe she had made a fool of herself. Believing in Eva’s lies. Well, it looked like Eva hadn’t been lying after all. What about the phone call she had made to let The McDonnell family know she was pregnant? Cat would be sure to ask Alex that very question should she decide to meet him.“Nothing. I was asking if he ended up buying anything for Rebecca.”She could s
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Chapter Fifty-Two
Cat made a call to her foster mother the next morning. Eric was working out in the apartment gym. She thought about going to watch him, but had figured this was the best time to contact her mother. Grabbing a cup of green tea and her phone, Cat let herself out on the balcony. Putting the cup down on the table and sliding the door shut to the apartment, giving her the privacy she needed to have this conversation. Taking a seat on the edge of a chair.Dialling her mother’s number, the phone rang for some time, and Cat was about to give up when it was answered on the other end.“Hello.” came Dawn’s cheerful voice.“Hi Mum, it’s me.” Cat said, picking up her tea and taking a sip.“Oh, Cat honey. It’s so good to hear from you. I was going to call you today myself.” Cat could hear in her mother’s voice she was happy to hear from her. “How was the charity event last night?”“It was good.” Cat replied after a moment’s pause.“I remember. You’ve previously stated they can be tedious. I hope las
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Chapter Fifty-Three
Over the weekend, Cat deeply contemplated meeting Alex. How could she bypass and lose her security? Taking a day off appeared to be the sole option, which would allow her to coordinate with Alex for a pickup. Leaving the office would be too difficult, especially with Peters always guarding her door.During their outing yesterday, Eric felt that something was off, even asking if she was alright. Guilt was written all over her face. She was keeping secrets from her husband; although they were innocuous, the act of hiding them might not be. He deserved the truth.She needed to devise a plan and decide whether and when to inform Eric if her meeting with Alex didn’t go well. She knew Alex wanted to tell him, but she doubted it was a good idea.Perhaps she should just call Alex instead of meeting him face to face. That way, there would be no need to evade her security. If Eric discovered she had shaken off her security, he wouldn’t just be upset, he would be pissed, especially with Claudia s
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Chapter Fifty-Four
The next morning, Cat told Eric she wasn’t feeling the best. Her head hurt. “I’m thinking of taking the day off.”Eric looked at her face. “You do look pale. Do you want me to call a doctor?”“No… No… I’m sure it’s just because I’m tired. I didn’t sleep very well last night.” With that, Cat wasn’t lying. She hadn’t slept well. It wasn’t the reason she was having the day off. Cat knew it was a fine line. She would confess all tonight, she had decided after her meeting with Alex. Regardless of what Alex wanted, she was going to tell her husband the truth.“Are the babies moving too much at night?” He said, taking her hand in his across the breakfast bar.Cat shook her head. “No, not that.”“Cat, I think you might be taking on too much with the house and work. Plus, you won’t let me get a cook in here.” Gesturing with his hand to the kitchen area. “You have to remember you are carrying twins. Don’t bring my mum up again. She only carried one.”Cat skillfully flipped the omelette onto the
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Chapter Fifty-Five
When the limo pulled up at the restaurant. Cat didn’t wait for the driver to open the door. “Thank you.” She said sweetly to the driver before turning to look at the place Alex had wanted to have lunch. It was a ritzy Italian restaurant about 10 mins from the apartment.Taking a deep breath, before she entered the front door. The maitre d’ greeted her politely. Asking her if she had a reservation.“I’m meeting someone.” Cat told him, thinking that if he held his back any tighter, he would snap it.“Name please.” Looking down at his booking sheet.“Alex McDonnell.” She supplied.He looked up from the listing and gave her a once over. “Excellent. Mr McDonnell has already arrived. Please come this way.”She followed the up-tight man as he led the way through the elegant restaurant.As he rounded a screen area, Cat’s heart stopped beating for a second. Not just Alex there to meet her, but Rebecca as well.Rebecca got up when it looked like Cat was going to flee. Hurrying over and taking Ca
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Chapter Fifty-Six
“One thing I did listen to my father about was birth control. I come from a very rich family. We had to be careful. I had always asked a lady if she was on the pill, but not all women tell the truth, so I have always used a condom. That’s why your story was such a shock to me. I have had women claim before I was the father of their child. It was always about money. It was never true, or so I thought.” Alex rubbed his free hand down his face before continuing. Looking again at Rebecca, slightly embarrassed by his next words. “I slept around a lot in my twenties. I was what you would call a man whore or hound dog. It becomes very boring as you get older.”Alex picked up his water to have a drink and was about to go on, but the waiter came over to take their orders. Cat ordered the chicken scallopini with only sparkling water as a drink. Cat liked the fact that Rebecca ordered more than just a salad. They both ordered the Mushroom risotto with a bottle of Siduri Sanda Barbara Pinot Noir.
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Chapter Fifty-Seven
Cat raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you intend to do with her?”Alex chuckled at her expression. “I’m not planning to harm her, Cat. But I can arrange a meeting with her. I’ll make sure she understands, to stay away from you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really pissed at her for allowing what happened to you to come about in the first place.”Cat’s face relaxed, realising he didn’t mean anything untoward. She understood his feelings towards Eva. “Eric gave her a warning. But it’s up to you. I don’t want her in my life or my children’s lives.”Alex nodded. “Leave it to me.”Cat thought for a minute before asking a question of her own. “Eva said she called your family home to let you know about me. Your father told her. He didn’t care and wouldn’t help pay a cent for a bastard child.” Cat looked down, not wanting to see his face in case he had been party to this view. Cat felt sick in the stomach for asking the question.Cat jumped slightly as Alex gently placed his hand beneath her chin,
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Chapter Fifty-Eight
“Eric,” Cat exclaimed in surprise, “how did you find me?” She knew she appeared guilty, and indeed she was, for having ditched her security detail and then leaving the apartment building against better judgment. But his discovery of her location puzzled her; she was certain no guards had tailed her. Then realisation dawned on her swiftly—there was only one possibility, and it stung that he hadn’t sought her consent. “You are tracking my phone, aren’t you?” Cat accused him.Eric, who had been glaring at Alex, turned sharply at her accusation, fixing her with his intense gaze. “You can say that now when I find you having lunch with Alex McDonnell. You lied to me. You told me you were sick. Cat, you don’t look sick to me, just guilty.”The fact that he had installed a tracker on her phone made her feel violated; she wasn’t an object to be monitored. How dare he lo-jack her? She hid nothing on her phone, so she always left it out. But if he intended to use a tracking device, he should have
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Chapter Fifty-Nine
There was dead silence throughout the restaurant once Eric left. It took a moment for the reality of it all to hit Cat, and when it did, she sagged. If it hadn’t been for Alex holding her up and placing her into a chair, Cat was sure she would be sitting on the floor. In the space of 10 minutes, her life had completely disintegrated in front of her eyes. She would have no job, no home, and no marriage. Sneer panic overwhelmed her, and Cat started to hyperventilate.Above the roaring in her, Alex could be heard shouting at the staff. “Get me a glass of water.”Water? who needed water at a time like this? She needed a shot of brandy or scotch straight up. But it was one indulgence she couldn’t have, even if it was to calm her down. She was pregnant. Tears welled in her eyes, spilling over and running down her face. Lifting a hand, she wiped them away almost absentmindedly. A glass of water came into her view, which she took. Not sure what else to do. She wanted her mum; she wanted Dawn.
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Chapter Sixty
Eric stormed back into his offices, making Jo look up in surprise. Seeing his face like thunder, she hesitated for a moment before saying.“Eric, there are messages.” Jo charged ahead.“Not now.” Eric snapped at her, not even looking in her direction.“Some are urgent.” Jo persisted.“Jo, fuck it, I said not now.”Jo flinched at his harsh tone. Eric didn’t pay any attention. Heading straight to his office, slamming the door shut with such force it vibrated throughout the room.Jo frowned after her boss. Normally, if Eric was angry, he would go deadly quiet. Not this seething, visible anger. “Wow, I wonder who pissed him off.” Maybe she should message Cat and find out if she knew. Jo lined up Eric’s messages and sent him an email instead.Eric walked back and forth in his office. Cat had been behaving differently for days. Behaving oddly and guiltily. Now he understood why.It had shocked the hell out of him when Peters had called to say he had checked the apartment and found Cat missin
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