All Chapters of His Mate: Prince Asher : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
Chapter twenty
‘One day he will answer to his destiny, and that is to be my son!’ the fearful voice said and Asher jerked awake with a gasp. He panted softly, sitting on the bed and glancing around. The room was filled with the sunlight and from his understanding, it should be in the early afternoon. He frowned, he has never had his nightmare in daytime before, what could have happened. He climbed out of the bed, surprised to find himself totally naked and he was hit with a strong headache. He rubbed his temple, wincing in pain as he made his way to the bathroom.His memory was a blur as he still couldn’t remember how he had ended up in his bed naked. Wait, did he have a woman last night? He wondered but his room doesn’t smell of any she-wolf or lady vampire. He is not so good with demon females and yes he has bed a few, but he has never had anyone in his father’s palace. And even though, there was no demon scent in his room, so, it means he still holds on to his rule.He was in the shower when he h
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Chapter twenty one
Asher stared at Naomi, too shocked to say a word. She held his gaze and he could see her confusion in her eyes. He felt Anita trying to get to him in the mind link and he blinked and shook his head slightly, his gaze still on Naomi. “You don’t want to talk about the party?” he asked.Naomi shrugged. “I didn’t really stay till the end, I left half way so…”The more she spoke, the shocker Asher became. He has been practicing for a long time in order to perform group compelling. This was his first time trying it out and if everyone was talking about the party, it means that he succeeded and yet, here she was, still remembering what she did. It wasn’t supposed to be so, she was supposed to believe that she stayed till the end and she was also not to recall that they have been absent in school but not only did she ask where they were, she also remembered what she did that day. “Naomi,” Asher called, and her eyes snapped back to him from Anita. “You enjoyed the party that day, and you shoul
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Chapter twenty two
During the last class of the day. Naomi sat behind Trisha and kept staring at her back, the thought that this was the last time she would be seeing was eating her up. She was torn between telling her and just letting nature takes its course. She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh, her heart beating loud in her chest as she zoned out every noise around her, including the teacher’s voice. She glanced outside, at the evening sky and licked her lips. Forcing herself to come back to present, she glanced at the teacher but the board was a blur and so she glanced around the classroom only for her heart to miss a beat when she saw the midnight blue eyes staring at her. She doesn’t know why but at the very moment, she felt calm, the worry that has been plaguing her all afternoon vanished and it was like everything would be okay.She held Asher’s gaze, wondering why his gaze brought her peace within herself and also wondering why it feel like she had seen him somewhere, somewhere that wasn’t in
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Chapter twenty three
The red sports car blocked Naomi’s part a few meters from school and she frowned. She already knows who it belonged to. Just then, the black tinted glass of the driver’s side lowered and she saw the handsome boy behind the steering wheel. “Get in,” he said without looking at her.“No thank you, I can manage,” she replied, moving away from the car.“Get in the car, Naomi, or I will make you,” this time, Asher glanced at her and she gasped and that was because rather than midnight blue, his eyes were transparent brown.Frowning, she sighed and walked around the car to get into the passenger’s seat. She doesn’t know why but she believed one hundred percent that he could make her get into the car and she would prefer to get in on her own than being carried. Now inside the cozy car, his masculine scent filled her senses and now being in an enclosed space with just him and his scent, she was able to pinpoint how he smelled like. His smell was a little rusty and also tantalizing like tangeri
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Chapter twenty four
“Naomi,” Asher called and sighed in relief when she finally looked at him, “are you okay?”“Asher,” she whispered, “who…” she wanted to ask but her question was interrupted when Asher quickly pulled her into arms and she crashed on his chest. She looked up at him in shook but he was looking somewhere and then she heard it from deep within his throat, a growl. She was shocked as she kept staring at his chin —he was that taller than her— and she saw his Adam apple bobble as he growled again, it was like his chest was vibrating and then that fear striking sound was coming out. If she wasn’t held close to him, she would have never believed that he was the one making the sound but the vibration from his chest was all the proof that she needs.She tried to move away but he held her tightly with such a strong grip that she feared he might break her if he exerts more force. She was still wondering what was going on when she saw it, just like in her vision, the shadow figure. It stood on the l
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Chapter twenty five
“Naomi,” a voice called and Naomi came to consciousness to see Asher kneeling on the ground with his hands buried deep in the soil. She stared at him, not understanding what had just happened. He had been talking to her, only that now it felt like it was one of her visions but it was not her vision, it was not something that would still happen. She could feel it, even remember what they talked about but now it seems like it was all her imagination? “Naomi,” Asher called again and looked at her, his eyes were glowing a faint blue light and it looked like he was in pain. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice was close to a whisper and it looked like he was fighting consciousness. Before Naomi could answer, he slumped on the floor and that was when she sprang to action immediately, rushing to him and shaking him. He was breathing shallowly and his body was burning up. “Oh my God, Asher, what happened?” she asked, now clearly worried as she tried to lift him up but he was nearly twice as b
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Chapter twenty six
“Did you find anything?” Aliyah asked the two men sitting in her living room. They stood up upon her entering and took turns too hug and kiss her cheek. “Where is Edward?”Sean sighed and shook his head softly, “he excused himself on our way back and urged us to go home. We haven’t seen him since then.”Steven nodded in concur. “What about Asher, is he awake now?”At that, Aliyah smiled, “he woke up early this afternoon but I don’t seem to know where he could be at the moment. I was told he left shortly after Anita arrived. Tell, any lead?”This time, Sean ran his hand through his brown hair and sat down. At forty-four years old, he still looked striking like he was in his late twenties. “Nothing different from the other nights we have checked. The foot prints didn’t really lead anywhere, at some point, it just stopped, like something had intentionally cleaned it. I just don’t understand.”A servant walked in then with a tray of drinks and served them. Steven sipped from his and smoot
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Chapter twenty seven
Asher opened his eyes. He surprised at where he was. The room was dark but the darkness was not a problem to him. The looked shabby, not even average compared to any room he had ever slept in and he wondered where it could be. He sat up on the bed and pressed his temple to die down the headache he was having. A gentle breeze blew into the room, calming him and he glanced at the window to discover that the window was opened and the moonlight was sipping in through the curtain. He tried to climb out of the bed and froze for that was when he saw it, the girl asleep on the rocking chair at the far end of the room.He blinked as even though the girl was far from the bed and was shrouded in darkness, he saw her face and he knew who she was. At the moment, it seemed like his nose had woken up because the scent filled him up. Everywhere smelt like her, the bed, the air around and it wasn’t hard figuring out that he was in her room. He climbed out of the bed and went to her. He squatted in fro
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Chapter twenty eight
Larry paused and glanced at the corner of the room, he waited but the sound didn’t come again but he wasn’t a man to let things go easily and so he forgot about Naomi and went to check but nothing was there. However, he felt goosebumps rose on his skin, a clear evidence that something supernatural was on play. He walked back to his daughter that was now sitting on the bed and sobbing, and watching him. A trail of blood ran from the corner of her lips and seeing that, he felt sorry about his attitude immediately. He raised his hand to touch her but she avoided immediately, thinking he was going to hurt and that only made Larry hate himself the more.“Naomi…” he called.“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I slept off forgetting I haven’t made dinner, please don’t hit me again, please.”“I won’t.”“No,” she cried, “I’m begging you.”“I said I won’t,” he said irritated now and she looked at him. Her eyes showed her fear and Larry sighed. He reached for her again and she cowered and that seemed to ha
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Chapter twenty nine
“Oh my God,” Naomi gasped when they appeared in a dark cave. “How did you do that?” she asked, turning around to search for Asher but the cave was dark that she couldn’t see a thing. “Asher?” she called.“I’m here,” he answered, deriving a gasp from her as she wasn’t expecting to hear his voice. His voice came a little far from her and she tried to go to him. “Stay there, okay?” he replied hoarsely. “There are stones here and I wouldn’t like you hurting yourself. Just give me a minute.” Using teleportation means that he had let go of his Night Howlers ability and that forced him to shift back, and with his demon powers in front, he could feel its healing properties fighting to heal him and the weakness was fading away slowly. He leaned over and pried the teeth of the trap open, flinging it somewhere in the cave. He rested his back on the cold wall, his eyes closed as he decided to give himself time.He was still in his moment when a sweet tantalizing smell filled his nostrils and he c
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