All Chapters of Underground Hearts Club: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
59 Chapters
Thirty-one:We had to have a family dinner to announce our engagement. Cesare had a whole closet for me full of clothes in his room. I shouldn’t have been surprised. He was always one step ahead of me and seemed to know from the beginning that I was going to be with him. I was glad that someone had had faith in us. I didn’t know that I had faith in anyone. Everywhere I turned, people weren’t who they said they were. Or they wanted something from me. The one thing I could control was which viper’s den I went into.Cesare was the deadliest.So, I was trusting him.Maybe my judgement was a little clouded because he was the father of my child but I had to trust someone. With Cesare, there was a chance that I could have a family and a future. With everyone else, I would be a pawn in someone else’s game. At least Cesare would let me play in it.“What did your father say when you told him that we were engaged?” I asked.The two of us were in a black car. Cesare’s security guard was driving.
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Thirty-twoI hadn’t been to the Luna penthouse before. Most of the time, Cesare and his family came to my place with Laura or with me. I knew the Luna’s were wealthy because I’d seen the kind of money that their children had. But the money that Octavius Luna had was completely on another level. When Cesare took me into his parents’ penthouse, I couldn’t help but gasp. “Oh my fucking god!”Cesare laughed. “Impressed?”“You have a Monet on your wall.”“Ma likes art,” Cesare said, “she’s a collector.”Vera Luna came down the stairway and smiled at us. “Ah, the engaged couple!” she said. “You have no idea how happy I am about this. I’ve been watching you two dance around for months…and Cesare says that I have a granddaughter?”I blushed and glared at my fiancé. “You told her about that?”“She’s a grandmother. She’s been bugging me for grandchildren for years. I needed to get her off of my back. I think she was coming up with her own plan to get the two of us together if I didn’t take some
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Thirty-three:Vera had gotten a plate of cheeses, crackers, meats, and grapes set up for us out on the balcony of the penthouse. Laura poured us glasses of wine. “Does this often happen?” I asked.“You should know,” said Vera, “you’re one of us.” She popped a grape into her mouth.I frowned. “My dad was away a lot of the time, usually on the run from whatever horrible thing he’d done. But I was never really part of the life. I tried my hardest to stay out of it until my daughter was born and things…. things became complicated after that.”Vera smiled at me. “There’s a lot of terrible things that happen in this life. But there’s a lot of good too. For instance, I go to bed every night knowing that my children will never starve and they will always have a roof over their head. Sometimes, something as simple as that is worth the price.”I thought of Tori. I wanted what was best for her. What would I do to ensure my daughters happiness? I had gone to her father and he was probably the wor
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Thirty-four: You would think, considering how many shady people I was around, that I would have a good radar for danger. But when it came to Cesare and his family, I was finding it harder and harder to read people. Galileo was supposed to be my security guard and someone that I trusted. He was also Cesare’s brother. But somehow, I found myself getting tricked. Over an over again.When I was outside of the building the penthouse was in, I found a gun pointed to my head. “Don’t scream,” Galileo’s voice said, “I don’t want to hurt you. You’re completely useless if I hurt you.”I stiffened. “Galileo…what are you doing?”He pushed the gun harder against my skull and I found it hard not to cry out in pain but I forced myself not to. “Don’t ask questions, Emmilia. You’re going to get into the car and you are coming with me.”Galileo pushed me forward and forced me to get into the passenger’s side of his car. It was red, and once I was inside, he got in on his. “Your father is ver
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Thirty-five:“Emmilia,” a voice spoke to me, “Emmilia, wake up.”I’d been knocked out again. I struggled to get up and I took in my surroundings. Donatello stood over me and glared.“You weren’t answering my calls,” he told me.I glared at him. “I know who you are, Donatello. I know that you lied about being my father. I know that you’re obsessed with my mother and I know that you thought you could use me to control her. And my father is alive. If he thinks there is something wrong, he’ll come for me. So will Cesare.”Donatello shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. You’re here with me. Your mother is going to come out of hiding and I am going to make her mine.”“You’re going to make her yours?” I said. “You’re married.He smiled. “Not any longer.”My stomach churned. “Not any longer? What does that mean?”“That means that I’ve taken care of my wife,” Donatello said, “you don’t need to worry about that. All I need is for you to be a good girl and then I can have the family that I always
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Thirty-six: Cesare Luna
Thirty-six: Cesare Luna I knew that Emmilia Vitore would be the death of me from the first moment that I saw her. I’d heard stories of her growing up. Donatello Vitore’s niece…his rumored daughter…. She wasn’t his daughter. She was the daughter of his brother, Titus, and Donatello had been obsessed with her mother. At first, I had believed Donatello. But then I had met Titus and seen the way Emmilia reacted to his death. I had known the moment that she tried to kill me that she wasn’t Donatello’s child. She was too much like Titus. She thirsted for revenge. Donatello liked manipulating people to do his work for him. That was the difference. He’d rather use fear or throw money at something. Titus Vitore handled his problems differently. He was the kind of man who would rather deal with them himself. That was who he had been meeting the night that Emmilia had been kidnapped. He had planned to help Emmilia reunite wi
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Thirty-seven: Emmilia Vitore
Thirty-seven: Emmilia Vitore “You’re going shopping.” I was told this by Donatello on the third morning of my being kidnapped. “Shopping?” I raised an eyebrow. “What for?” “For your wedding,” Donatello said, “Galileo is working on something for me. I have unfinished business that I need taken care of so I won’t be joining you. But one of your cousins will be. Remember Bianca?” I did remember Bianca. The first time I had stayed in Italy, when I was having Tori, Bianca had been seventeen and in high school. I did the math in my head and realized she would have been twenty something by now. “Bianca?” I said. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to have her here?” Donatello shrugged. “It’s perfectly natural for someone that is planning their wedding to want their family around. Why wouldn’t my own daughter have her family here?” I glared at him. “I’m not your daughter. You lied to me. You’ve got some sick, twisted obsession with my mother. I’m not here because I want to get marrie
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Thirty-eight: Cesare Luna
Thirty-eight:Cesare LunaThere was a woman talking to me. She was pretty, and blond, with warm, brown eyes. “You know, you really are quite handsome. It’s too bad that no one has claimed you. I’m sure there’s someone that is missing you.” I struggled to open my eyes. My entire body hurt, as if I had been run over by a truck. My throat was dry from not having any water.I didn’t remember who I was.A name was lodged in my mind. Cesare.I was in a hospital room. There was an IV hooked up to me. “Ex-ex-excuse me.”The girl looked up. She was a nurse. I knew because she was wearing her scrubs. “Oh! You’re awake.”I tried to smile but everything hurt as if my face was bruised. “Can I get some water?”The girl’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah. Of course. We’ve had some waiting for you in case you woke up. Hang on.” I watched as she grabbed
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Thirty-nine: Emmilia Vitore
Thirty-nine:Emmilia Vitore“You are aware that there are guards following us, aren’t you?” Bianca said.I looked at her. “Of course I’m aware. Do you really think that I’m here to get married because I want to?”Bianca laughed. “I knew there was something wrong the moment I got a text from Uncle Donatello. He’s been trying to convince my dad to marry me off too.”“How are we related again?” I asked.“Oh, we’re not. My parents are old family friends of Donatello’s. When you’re in the Underworld, everyone is family. It’s the easiest way to hide what you’re actually doing.”I snorted. “That must make weddings completely awkward.”Bianca sighed. “You’ve got no idea. It makes dating a complete nightmare. But are you even in love with Galileo?”I shook my head. “No. I’m not. Galileo’s become obsessed with me because I’m in love with his brother. He’s Tori’s father.”“Galileo is?” Bianca asked.“No, Cesare.”Bianca raised an eyebrow. “Cesare Luna?”I frowned. “How do you know who he is?”“W
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Forty: Emmilia Vitore
Forty:Emmilia VitoreI had a wedding dress. I had tried it on, had it fitted, and it had been sent to Donatello’s home. The rehearsal was soon. Meanwhile, I had guards outside my door that would follow me whenever I went somewhere, even if it was to the kitchen. Everyone knew that I was getting married too so it wasn’t as if I could try and seduce them into letting me go either. I kept on having nightmares about trying it and Donatello killing them. He was so attached to this whole scenario where he was my father I didn’t want to think of the things he would do if I tried seducing someone that wasn’t my “fiancé”.I still hadn’t seen Galileo yet. Donatello claimed that he was off doing some kind of important mission for him. I didn’t understand that. I didn’t want to. I had a feeling that it had something to do with Cesare but I had no way of knowing. There was a knock on my door. “Hello?” I said.The person outside didn’t bother to wait for my approval. They came in. It was a little,
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