All Chapters of The Alpha, The Beta or The Rogue?: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
151 Chapters
Chapter 40 - Jackson
The words of the rogue hit my ears and I feel myself falter slightly. I look to Cayden and then to the rogue. “What?” I try to find some voice from within me. Right now I feel like I am disintegrating. I had imagined a new life with a new fated mate. Never had I imagined having to share her with my best friend. I had heard of werewolves with more than one fated mate, yet had never actually come across them, it was not particularly common. I had seen Evelyn as mine the moment I had realised she was my fated mate. There had been feelings beginning to develop prior to that. She was already forming a place within my heart. Bringing sunshine into my previously very dull life. Making me smile so easily, and making me look forward to seeing her each day. I had no clue if the feelings were reciprocated. Though when I had moved to kiss her that once in the office, before Cayden had interrupted us she had not pushed me away… That was my hope she did not find me completely repulsive.
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Chapter 41 - Cayden
I follow Doctor Jacobsen into the hospital room where he tells me Evelyn is waiting. I can only imagine how irritated Jackson is in this moment being told he was not allowed inside! The fact Evelyn had requested to see me had filled me with hope there could be a chance for us. Yet, I don’t think I can explain the emotions within me right now. Nerves? Happiness? Excitement? Worry? Maybe a little of them all… Yet the moment I walked into the room and I saw her and her eyes locked onto mine, her face broke into that beautiful smile. She was laid in the hospital bed, a sheet over her slim body, looking so frail, but perhaps that is because all I can think of is how damaged she looked earlier. Though they had cleaned her up a little, but she still looked so fragile. I desperately wanted to take her and hold her in my arms and just protect her. But I took it carefully, not wanting to be too much for her, so instead settled for walking to her side, and gently taking her hand. She
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Chapter 42 - Evelyn
I lay in the bed, my mind is a swirling mess of nothingness. How has this happened. Literally earlier today I had been told to return to my pack, that we had been invaded. I had followed their orders despite my fears. I had met my fated mate in a strange twist of fate, and he seemed to be such a wonderful man. But he had been snatched from my grasp without even a chance to make anything official. I remember very little after that, other than Orla and I running. Running and feeling like we were falling apart. Then I awake to find a handsome man by my side, who I knew was my fated mate but he acted like I was a nobody and he walked away. Leaving me feeling rejected and alone and once again I fell apart, my wolf already fading and crumbling from our earlier trauma. What was my world coming to? What sort of goddess does this to her creations? Had I sinned so badly that I was being punished? And now I awake to discover I had been attacked, so badly to need marking my yet
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Chapter 43 - Aiden
Alpha Jackson has done nothing but pace the corridor since the moment they allowed Beta Cayden access into Evelyn’s room. He evidently thought he should have been allowed in there first, or at least at the same time. But the doctor said Evelyn had requested to see Beta Cayden, so that is what he was going with, and as difficult as that was for me and my wolf to accept, that is what we had to agree to. I imagine Alpha Jackson was fighting the same instinct. Plus, also fighting the overwhelming entitlement his position brought with it, must be causing so much irritation that the fact he is an Alpha is meaning nothing right now. Yet mine has meant nothing for years… Eventually I think Alpha Jackson had become too irritated, after much cursing and complaining he was knocking forcefully at the door of Evelyn’s room demanding he be allowed in. And Beta Cayden had called to say “Come in.” Alpha Jackson wasted no time in walking in, ready to close the door behind him, well
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Chapter 44 - Jackson
To see Evelyn well and safe is the most wonderful feeling. I feel a contentment there, and I am suddenly wanting to hold her within my arms, but the fact I am now fully aware that she is not just my fated mate infuriates me. What sort of sick game is this by the moon goddess?! And the pain within my chest to see the mate mark she had chosen to return on Cayden was indescribable. She had chosen him it seemed. Yet I would fight for her. There was no denying that. I am not ready to give up on my second-chance mate yet. And I had no intention of sharing her. “We will get you back to the packhouse, my love.” I smile at Evelyn. “Let the doctor have his room back.” I am trying so hard to act like I am calm, when inside my emotions are a churning mess. My wolf, Micco is unsettled like nothing else I have experienced before. I think this shared mate situation has thrown him as much as it has me. This was not a normal scenario for us. And I did not know how to handle it. “Okay.”
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Chapter 45 - Evelyn
As I rush from the lounge I feel so angry. Is this what I will have to face from now on? Three men, my mates bickering over me? Perhaps I would be better just to reject them all and be alone, I ponder. ‘No!’ Orla is whimpering in my mind. ‘No. No. No.’ She seems so unsettled. She had made her comeback within my mind at the hospital, I assume after Cayden had marked us and my body had a chance to heal a little thanks to him marking me. Also because she was desperate for me to mark him in return. But she had not been right. Not her usual self. I know today had affected her as badly as it had me. This had been far from your bog-standard day. It had been traumatic. Sheer hell. But I don’t think this was going to be over. This whole situation going onward was not going to be straight-forward. I had to adjust to the fact I had been blessed not only with a second chance mate. Oh no, I had been blessed with three. Or was it even a blessing? Maybe more a curse? I was be
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Chapter 46 - Jackson
We stand in the kitchen watching Evelyn storm away from us once again. We seem to be good at irritating her right now. That is likely not a good sign for us as mates. Though having three mates arguing over her is never going to be a good thing I imagine. I know for certain having two other men there vying for her attention is doing nothing but getting on every single one of my nerves! I want to kill the pair of them! “Well that worked fucking well didn’t it!” I snarl at them both. “Oh wind your neck in, Jax. You are as much to blame as us.” Cayden argues back. I should have known he would not take my shit. He was always willing to argue with me. “Well, we are not doing well. It is okay for you isn’t it? She marked you already, though the fact she stormed away implies she wants nothing to do with any of us at the moment!” I say angrily. “What are we to do?” Aiden suddenly speaks up. Each time he speaks, he takes me by surprise, I almost forget he is there. A
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Chapter 48 - Aiden
I stand in the kitchen of Mystic Shadow Pack, having exposed the secret I had held for many years. Of course, those within our camp knew the truth. They saw me as their Alpha, their leader, and treated me as such. But it meant nothing when we were living as rogues on another Alpha’s pack. My pack members liked to make sure I was escorted wherever I went, and as a whole I allowed that to happen. I knew they did it to try to protect me, which is ironic considering I was an Alpha, and if anyone could protect themselves it was me. But, after losing my father it had hurt them, hurt us all. So much. They did not want to lose their Alpha once more. The two men in front of me seem genuinely shocked by my revelation, but do not seem to be disregarding my title the way I expected them to be. I expected them to be dismissing it, considering I no longer even have a pack. I knew they did not see me as their equal. And I understood that. “No Aiden, you are an Alpha, just at the mo
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Chapter 49 - Cayden
I take in the expression upon Aiden’s face at Jackson’s words. He is feeling something, I am sure of that… “So that element fits…” Aiden utters, which we already knew, we had spoken of that before, but disregarded it as coincidence. Or Jackson had, even suggesting perhaps Ariella had seen Evelyn’s wolf and used her as inspiration for the scroll. Either way the scroll and the words upon it had been disregarded until now… I watch Aiden as he continues to read the words inked across the old parchment. All a part of the visions Ariella had been having, I believe. She should be here to explain, I am sure she could help… “But not with one by her side, thrice times the strength is needed fate shall decide.” Aiden’s voice breaks my thoughts. “Again this is fitting, isn’t it?” “Keep reading then…” Jackson says, his head in his hands, now sat on the sofa within his office, looking as stressed as I have ever seen him. I am reading over the shoulder of Aid
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Chapter 50 - Evelyn
I am sat in the room provided to me within the packhouse since I began working for Mystic Shadow Pack. I have done very little since returning here but sitting on my bed and trying to process the events of the day. And all I had come up with was that it had been one fucked up day. One thing after another that I did not expect. I had begun as a she-wolf heading for work, maybe fantasising a little of one of her bosses, then to be heading home to a warzone. Only to discover her fated mate was one of the enemies. An enemy that did not want to be fighting for them but had no choice. A fated mate that took my breath away… To have him snatched away in a heartbeat. My life turned upside down as I fled. Brought back to the pack I had been so desperate not to leave earlier that day… only to discover three fated mates. Three second-chances. Three second-chances that would not give me the chance I needed to consider what was best. My mind was a mess. Unsure of what I needed. Perhaps I
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