All Chapters of Classic Faery Tales Rewritten For Adults Only: Chapter 91 - Chapter 98
98 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
Is their Alpha showing his gentle side to a little human female? He needed to extricate himself from her but just as he was about to move her small arms slipped under his t-shirt and wrapped around him, and a bolt of electricity hit straight to his groin. His blue eyes turned black as Samael his Wolf sprang forward eagerly,‘She is not our mate.’He growled,‘But there is something, she is special.’‘I know.’Growled Lucifer in return,‘I can scent her, how is that even possible if she is not our mate?’Samael inhaled her scent,‘She is the Communicator.’He said,‘The link between human and creature, explains why all Immortals are attracted to her, she is a child of the Creator, and until she finds her true mate her pheromones will drive all unmated males wild with lust. It is the Creator's way of finding her mate quickly he will be drawn to her like a magnet.’‘How ill she finds her mate locked in this Palace?’Lucifer scoffed and Samael replied,‘He is within these walls it is why
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Chapter Ninety Two
He slammed the door shut behind him and she heard the key turn in the lock she could not stop the tears streaming down her face she wanted him so badly it hurt. Lucifer strode to his room and into the bathroom closing the door he leaned against it and slowly brought his fingers to his mouth. He knew he shouldn’t but he could not stop it had taken everything out of him to walk away from her and now he wanted his reward, he licked his fingers.‘Fuck’He groaned loudly, she tasted so sweet before he knew what he was doing he had pulled out his rock-hard cock and was rubbing himself smearing her juices along his shaft.Tiana cried herself to sleep and the female guards looked at each other sympathetically,‘Poor kid, it's bad enough for us how much worse must it be for that tiny human.’The next day she pushed her food away and the day after that when Lucifer spoke to the Guards they told him honestly the little human spent her days crying. Knowing it would be cruel to keep her locked in
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Chapter Ninety Three
‘’Yes she is my Fated Mate, I knew this years ago but until she kissed me I could not claim her that damn witch has a lot to answer for.’Lucifer led them inside,‘I will call a meeting of the Council, the Princess is under the protection of the Dragon King.’Caspian let out a low growl,‘Draco?’He turned to Tiana,‘Did he touch you?’ Caspian spun her around to face him and she looked at the floor knowing there was no point lying His Shifter senses would scent it,‘I, er, we, he kissed me.’She finished lamely and she knew he did not believe her,‘Kissed you?’His voice was full of sarcasm but Tiana had spirit,‘How many women have you kissed? Or better yet how many have you fucked? I was coming into Heat but I’m human and I had no understanding of your Shifter curse. My hormones were going crazy and I did not know why, Draco was kind, he protected me from the Council, and they were going to rape me, is that what you would prefer? I was a virgin when you took me, you know that, and
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Chapter Ninety Five
‘You are my Mate, I have mated you, marked you, and claimed you.’He placed his hands on her shoulders,‘You. Are. Mine.’He said his eyes glowing gold as his Wolf pushed for release, she took a step back her eyes wide if he shifted he would kill her she was convinced of that. He pulled her forward and crashed his lips to hers nipping her bottom lip to make her gasp and open her mouth and he dominated her, his kiss hit her core sending electricity sparking through her body. Tiana dug deep she was not going to fall at the first hurdle, she knew the attraction between them was powerful and he was a Lycan Alpha, the Crown Prince, not only that he was panty-dropping gorgeous. That was what helped her, he had slept with hundreds of women without a second thought, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away, drawing in deep breaths.‘No, I’m human.’She gasped and she tried to wriggle free from his grasp but he held her tightly his eyes molten gold staring straight into hers,‘I a
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Chapter Ninety Six
‘What? What, oh God, what happened here?’Her eyes took in the half-eaten bodies and the frightened eyes of the remaining rabbits she took a step towards them and they hopped away terrified of her. Flashbacks assailed her and she started to shake,‘Oh God, oh God, I did this?’She turned horrified eyes to the two males,‘I, I, no, oh dear God no.’Tiana fell to her knees and vomited repeatedly until her body was empty, tears streamed down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around her waist,‘I did this, me, oh God I am so sorry.’She tried to stand but her legs gave out and Lucifer caught her,‘It’s okay little Wolf, we all go through this you did well making your first kill so soon after shifting you are a very strong animal and you will be a fine Luna.’Her head was spinning and she closed her eyes,‘No, no, I don’t want this.’She tried to wriggle from his arms but he just handed her to Caspian who held her tightly against his chest,‘You are my mate, my Luna, I did what had to be
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Chapter Ninety Seven
He let her go and she staggered back her amethyst eyes huge purple bruises on her pale beautiful face,‘I, I, don’t understand.’She stammered wrapping her arms around herself her traitorous body trembling because it wanted his warmth,‘They, they said, you didn’t want me. That now you had taken me and claimed me you would lose interest. They said I wasn’t the first and I would not be the last and they hoped you would share me like you had all the others.’Her words were full of confusion and hurt she was human and did not really understand the mate bond and how it bonds them together irrevocably for all eternity. How his need for her grew with every passing day or how he was so distracted he could barely think because he was denying himself the pleasure of her body so she could adjust. What the Twins had told her though was cruel and jealous, they both knew full well how the mate bond worked he turned his head and they cowered away, ‘Lucifer?’The Pack Alpha came forward,‘I ask
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Chapter Ninety Eight
Tiana reared back just as the car pulled up at my Palace,‘Pregnant?’She looked at Caspian in horror,‘No, definitely not, no way. You can’t. I don’t want that’Caspian caught her hands sending another bolt of electricity through her and pulled her close,‘Princess, my beautiful little mate, do you remember what happened the first time I took you by the pond?’He looked into her deep purple eyes and she took a breath and then nodded,‘You, you were my frog and I picked you up because you remembered me and I needed a friend. I was so happy to see you I kissed you and then you appeared and we well kissed and it felt so right and then everything felt so right and at the end you knotted and we had to stay together for half an hour or so.’She stammered blushing prettily,‘And do you know what that meant?’He asked her and she frowned thinking then shook her head,‘No, I don’t think I do.’Caspian sighed, this was worse than he thought but she had a right to know the knotting had been al
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Chapter Ninety Nine
His voice quavered and he closed his eyes,‘Blood of a Lycan,Strong and True,Given here freely,For a payment due,Blood of the WarlockBound with magic’s glueGive life back to this Luna And her little Cub too.’Merlin incanted the simple spell and the brightest of lights burned over the three of them shooting straight up into the air and then dissipating leaving only a glowing blue light over each of Tiana’s bound wrists.She felt the magic enter her veins mixed with the strength of the Lycan blood it raced through her heart waking her Wolf and healing her badly broken body. The blue light formed an arch over her body linking wrist to wrist, it glowed and pulsed briefly then released her wrists, and sank into her womb igniting the life of the tiny cub growing there.Merlin sat up and signaled to the Healer,‘Rem
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