All Chapters of Working For The Rich Playboy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
31...Naughty dancer...
{Jason}'If you show me yours, I'll show you mine' Kelsie's sentence rang in my head one more time, making me smile. I have never seen a girl mix innocence, sexiness and naughtiness like Kelsie. She does it perfectly in a way that amazes me. I do not get to see this mixed side of her at the office, at the cafe or even in my dreams. I only get the wicked side of her, scaring me with her evil acts and frustrating me with her rudeness.The round transparent glasses on her face gave her the innocent look, her outfit of armless small top and black thick leggings brought out the sexiness of her body and her bewitching dance showed her naughtiness. I had ignored the girls around me that wanted my attention and went straight to her. She was the one I was I interested in, even her ex kept his gaze fixed on her body. I had stood behind her to feel her body making light contact with mine. I felt the electricity that passed through me from the physical contact. God, her dance has got a weird
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32...Fucking my head up...
{Kelsie}I was going wild, losing control more than I intended to, but it's okay, I've heard that alcohol erases memories so I'm not gonna remember any of this tomorrow morning, especially my dance with Jason. I wasn't ready to stop dancing with him. He was an incredible dancer that sends sparks of thrilling sensation inside me with his electricfying touch. I view Jason as my boss. He is Mildred's friend. He is the stupid guy, the frustrating guy in my life I so much wanna strangle. But I never thought of him as the irresistible dancer I wanna keep moving with. He grasped my waist tightly and swiftly spun me around to meet his face.He exhaled. "Kelsie, I think we should stop"I frowned at him "Whyyyyy?" "You're making me hard" He confessed in a breath. My brows straightened out. I was making him hard? "You are not a soft guy" He peered down at my face and smiled gently. "Let's go for a round" I pronounced each word slowly.Shock filled his face, making me laugh. He thought
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33...Lead to a kiss...
{Jason}If a girl asks me if she was into me, I blurt out a yes without thinking because all the girls I've been with were definitely into something about me, but with Kelsie, I am not sure. First, she does not act like she's human.Second, she makes my head hot both at work and anywhere else.Third, she is the villain in my dreams who swears to cut off my dick with sharp knives and I'm not gonna forget to add that brings a fearful shiver down my spine. Fourth, her body shape is a killer and her sensual dance moves was capable of making me breathless. She made me hard with just her dance!Fifth, she acts naughty around me when she is drunk that I forget she is the same Kelsie that gives me problems at work. I could go on and on, but her voice stopped me. "I may be attracted to bad boys but you are not just a bad, bad boy, you are a wicked boy" I stared fascinatedly at her, wanting her to continue. "You fuck a girl, fuck her so haaaaarrrd, and that is all!" She huffed and drank s
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{Kelsie}The sexual tension between Jason and I was getting thicker as each second passed. I just wanna push my head closer and kiss him with fervour, uncaring if he is my boss or not. I'm gonna worry about that later. "Guys, I'm feeling really tired if you are not!" That was Mildred's voice. She brought me here for fun and now she is stopping me from having the full fun by trying to force me home. "Don't yell at us!" I told her, but I was the one yelling. Jason's eyes still stayed on mine, reluctant to look away. There was something different in the way he stared at me that made me hot and weak. I think this was the bad boy look I've always wanted from Matt that I never get. He was too polite for me. "I think we should really start moving now" Jason murmured and I nodded. ***I knew I've finally agreed go home, but I was too lazy to walk and Jason was too tired to carry me on his back. All he could do was help me move my legs by holding my waist to walk along with him. "Where t
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35...Naked breast...
{Kelsie}I can't believe my breasts were exposed to Jason. He gets to see me half naked just like that!I quickly covered my chest with my arms but that was not enough to serve as cover. He had seen them already and that thought made me open my mouth wide amd scream. I screamed so loud that I was sure it would get the neighbours attention. "For fucks sake" Jason cursed in a groan, cradling his punched face in his hands "A normal girl would go for a slap not a punch!" He vociferated at me. "I should give you the second punch but I have to hold my breast" I told him in anger. He shone his gray eyes at me "So you think one punch is not enough punishment?" "Yes! You saw me!!" I widened my eyes at him. "You fucking saw my breasts!"He shook his head, trying not to glance down at my chest. "I didn't intend to, you showed me!!" "I showed you?" I squeaked. "Not intentionally, but you did!" His voice had gone higher. I scoffed "You could have just looked away!!" I yelled angrily, looki
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36...Sexy secretary...
{Jason}I sighed loudly after Kelsie left. There was no way I was gonna drink that coffee after the nightmare I had. As usual, she was the villain in the dream putting on a red gown. I could clearly remember how the dress hugged her body, making her shape visible. In the dream, she made a poisoned coffee for me that made me cough out a lot after I drank it. She smirked evilly at me and told me, 'That is what you get for seeing my breasts'I wonder what part of hell Kelsie is really from. She appears in my dream like she's on a mission to ruin my life. I grabbed a file on the table to stop thinking about her but deep down I was still having her image on my mind. I was secretly wishing she could get drunk again and forget we used to be enemies just like the last time at the club. I smiled to myself. I'm sure she is never getting drunk after everything that happened in and out the club. Minutes later, she knocked on my door-- scratch that-- she banged on my door with rage. I qui
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{Kelsie}It was hard for me to pay attention to the presenter in the meeting but I had to force that concentration and push away the indecent flashbacks on my mind. The meeting was over but I still could not focus on my work like I was supposed to. The impure scenes that kept playing over and over on my mind was not helping at all. I shook my head vigorously hoping that action would shake away the scenes rushing inside my mind. "Yeah, I'll be there in ten" A familiar deep voice said and I looked up to see it was Jason speaking to someone through a phone call. He had to appear just when I was trying to push him away from my mind. Some of the improper sentences we said to each other rang in my brain. 'You are my naughty secretary''And you are my naughty boss'God. I am never getting drunk again. Never!Jason slowed his pace when he got close to my desk. I breathed out, feeling hot and I was sure Jason could feel the heat.Even while on the phone, he stared at me like he was gonna s
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{Jason}"Where is Kelsie?" I asked Miss Andrew for the fifth time today. My heated brain didn't have her formal name stored in there at the moment. The rage boiling hot inside me could destroy everything around me. "Miss Keller, sir" Miss Andrew corrected."I can call her any fucking name, Victoria" I stated firmly, calling Miss Andrew by her own first name, giving her another shock. My rudeness can go to the next level if the rage in me increases. "Now, do not provoke me and tell me where the fuck Kelsie is" "Miss Keller is not here yet" Miss Andrew answered carefully, watching me from under her long dark lashes which I was one hundred and ten percent sure it was fake. Kelsie's eyelashes are natural but for fucks sake, what kind of secretary comes late to work?"She is still not here" I needed to confirm. Miss Andrew nodded. "Yes sir" I slammed my right hand on my desk, feeling irritated. Miss Andrew flinched. Of all days, all fucking days, Kelsie chose to be late to work today!
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{Kelsie}I blinked at Jason and he blinked back at me hard and cold. "You're firing me?" I asked, pointing to my chest. "Yes, I am" I furrowed my brows tightly. No I can't allow that, at least not now. I gotta get my good pay first and teach him several lessons he will never forget. "You can't fire me" I said to him confidently. He does not know me well, he does not know what I'm capable of or he won't be firing me. Me! "You can't fire me sir" I told him again. He titled his head and blinked at me. I blinked back. He blinked again, and I blinked back. This game could go on if he wants. "Kelsie" He called with bossiness. "Jason" I called back with suppressed rage. I just wanna tear his head apart with my bare hands. He pointed one of his long, clean fingers to my face "You think I can't fire you?" "I know you can't" He scoffed with curved up lips "But I just did" "And you can still change your words" He regarded me with a studying look and laughed humourlessly. He sat ba
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40...Stay with me...
{Jason}I sat back on the chair, drumming my fingers on the table as I stared into space, my brain replaying every single scene that happened with Kelsie today. After work, I went straight to Mildred's cafe to pour out my mind to her before I go crazy. Now, here she is, sitting opposite me, patiently waiting for me to utter words. "I almost fired her today." I blurted out. Mildred furrowed her neatly carved brows in confusion "Who?" "Kelsie" I deadpanned. Mildred stared at me, studying my expression to check if I was joking or I was really being serious. When she saw no traces of playfulness on my face, she exclaimed. "What?! You almost fired her?!""Yeah" I sat foward, placing my arms on the table. "And I think I might have to really fire her if she comes late again" "So wait...." she pointed her first finger to my face. "You wanted to fire her because she came late just this once?" "Yeah. Isn't that enough reason for me to fire her?" "Have you heard something called 'second
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