All Chapters of How To Bag A Billionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
Chapter 41
“ But baby, how do you expect her to confess to you that she's after your man? And I honestly feel hurt that you think I'm delaying in setting a wedding date because I want to leave you for Alicia ” Emily was now standing before him looking him in the eye , in all actuality now she was confused and she didn't know what to believe . She didn't trust Alicia to tell her the truth. The girl could be an actress for all she knew but she also couldn't deny the possibility of Tristan using her because why was he being lax about setting a wedding date .“ Who in their right senses would leave you for Alicia , you're smarter , more beautiful and exposed. Don't tell me she got you comparing yourself to her ” he gave a mocking laugh that irritated her slightly. “ I know that she pretended about the hacking Incident but there's one thing I want to know: why wouldn't you set a wedding date? I'm sure you don't want her back but you may want someone else or you're not sure about us”.Tristan was in
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Chapter 42
They stepped into the hotel hand in hand and what surprised Alicia was that there were paparazzi already trying to take pictures . The security guards took care of them making sure they maintained a respectable distance.The staff at the hotel greeted them warmly and an attendant led them into the private section of the hotel where a beautiful private dining section was reserved for the Valentino family. Stilling her nerves, Alicia and Dimitri walked into the dining section .The first person she saw was the man she had seen at the apartment complex and also in the family portrait back at Dylan's house which she identified as his father . Dimitri saw him too and he walked them towards his father , Alicia gulped .“ Ahaa Dimitri my boy welcome” the man had a powerful voice , Dimitri let go of her hand briefly to hug his father . His cold eyes had some warmth today unlike the other day she ran into him at the apartment. Hopefully he didn't remember that .His eyes settled on her “ The
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Chapter 43
Chapter Forty ThreeFriday came with a rush , Sally had already started her new job at Dimitri's company and was loving every bit of it . Friday morning Alicia packed a bag with sportswear as Alexander had already pre informed her that there was going to be a parent /teacher race and sport games .Dimitri had traveled for an impromptu trip to Italy the day before which was rather in her favor cause he would have required her time this weekend and she had an engagement to follow her boss to something about a dinner .She decided on the black two piece body hug sports bra and matching body hug top and shorts from Adidas . Then she packed a casual loose fitted mid thigh length flower dress . Alicia quickly dropped Sally off at her new office before zooming off to her office to meet up at 9:am when she is expected to resume.Arriving at her office , she quickly power walked to the elevator, her LV designer heels clicking ,once she arrived at her office floor she dropped her stuff in her o
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Chapter 44
Chapter Forty Four “ Alicia run !” Alexis screamed from the pews as she expertly kicked the soccer ball towards their net to score a goal . She , Alexis and Alexander already won the relay race and to be honest she was having the time of her life . She kicked the ball once more and it flew into the net before the goalkeeper, who is the slightly overweight school vice principal, could stop it .“ Goallll” children screamed, obviously all rooting for the parents who were playing against the teachers and staff . The final whistle blew signifying the match was over and children ran to the field hugging their parents in excitement.Alexis hugged Alexis who carried her up “ we won !” she said, wrapping her little arms around Alicia's neck . “ Yes we won !” she said, spinning her around slightly . Making Alexis chuckle , Alexander watched them from the other side of the field his heart aching with warmth . They looked like mother and daughter and Alexis looked so happy , if only he could
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Chapter 45
Chapter Forty Five After their meal , they all sat down to watch TV in the movie room . Alexis insisted she wanted to watch Sleeping Beauty and Alexander had no choice but to oblige. The couch is really big and comfortable so they all sat together Alexis in their middle cuddled up with a blanket.Barely thirty minutes into the cartoon , Alexis dozed off . “ I think our little lady is asleep, ” Alexander said . He stood up picking her up bridal style “ I'll put her in bed , I'll be back soon . Maybe we can watch a different movie if you're up for it ?” .“ Yes of course ” Alicia answered too quickly, full of enthusiasm . Alexander smiled and nodded , before turning to drop Alexis in her room. He came back almost immediately , Alicia looked at his shirtless figure that was progressively getting harder for her to stop ogling at .Alexander traced her eyes and found her admiring his body which inadvertently turned him on . Their eyes met briefly and his eyes darkened, Alicia quickly aver
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Chapter 46
Chapter Forty Six.Alicia dropped by her apartment knocking excitedly to let Sally know what was going on , Sally opened the door on the first knock letting her in dramatically rolling her eyes .“ And the prodigal returns, I was beginning to think you moved and forgot to tell me about it ”, “ oh stop being so dramatic , I told you about it well before the weekend. But I apologise your majesty I should have been here last year ”.She bowed down dramatically making Sally laugh , “ so before what you said you had to tell me gets lost in my babbling about my amazing day which was yesterday . Tell me what's going?”.“ You may want to sit for this one ”, Alicia arched a brow at her in amusement before gingerly taking a seat . “ Okay I'm trying not to get freaked out , I hope nothings wrong . Is your Dad okay ?”.“ Yes he is recovering well , calm down ” Alicia removed her hand that was on her chest when she thought something had happened to her Dad . “Okay spill then ” Sally sat next to h
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Chapter 47
Chapter Forty Seven The white mansion did not disappoint at all , it definitely lives up to its name . First thing Alicia noticed is that almost everything is brilliant white from the gate to the roses to the beautiful hose structure . The security didn't bother Alexander at all , as soon as they saw it was him , they let him in immediately . Guess he is a regular here , Alicia thought to herself. The car came to a stop at the car port and this time Alicia quickly unbuckled her seat belt and got out the car not wanting Alexander to do it . Not because she didn't enjoy the act of chilvary but simply because she didn't want the people around getting the wrong impression about her sweet boss . Alexander gave her an inquisitive look when she did that , but immediately understood her thoughtfulness to the situation here he is her boss not Alexander. He didn't mind them knowing about their casual relationship but it could get really complicated and rumours spread really fast .Her helpe
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Chapter 48
Chapter Forty Eight Mr White got a hold of himself and took some steps back “ I must apologise, you look like someone I used to know years and years ago . The resemblance is quite scary ”.Aunt Linda stood up too adjusting her glasses “ you know I also thought she looked a awful lot like someone I used to know . But I didn't want to get ahead of myself”.Everyone at the table was throughly confused about what the two of them were raving about , especially Emily what could her Dad and Aunt mean by she looked alot like someone they both used to know .“ Okay Dad and Aunt Linda can we stop making her uncomfortable trust me it could just be a crazy resemblance you know how this things can be . Trust me there's no way you know anyone connected to the likes of her ”.Aunt Linda gave her a cold look that silenced her , and her father just went on looking a Alicia like he had seen a ghost and hadn't heard Emily speak. “ Dear child can you please tell me the name of your parents ?” . Alicia
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Chapter 49
Chapter Forty NineThe car ride was full of comfortable silence with soft music playing from the radio. Alexander Kings wrestled with himself against asking Alicia to spend the rest of the day with him but he had already demanded a lot from her in the past few days . So he drove to her apartment to drop her off so she could have the rest of the day to herself.Now at the parking lot , he stopped the car feeling quite upset that their time together had come to an end . Alicia felt the same but couldn't voice her thought,“ Thank you so much Alicia for spending a huge chunk of your weekend with me and Alexis . You have no idea what it means to us”.“ I should be the one thanking you and Alexis , you definitely made my weekend. And I'll be happy to spend time with you two whenever just let me know I'll be there ” her response put him at ease and let him know she enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed hers.They were so close to each other, Alicia bit her lower lip slightly, Alexander c
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Chapter 50
Chapter FiftyThe weekend passed in a rush like it was running from Monday and Sally was currently on her lunch break driving in Alicia's car to her former place of work to see her ex boss Kalum to inform him about the pregnant which is his .Good thing Alicia's car could drive perfectly on auto pilot because she wasn't in the head space to drive at all , all she had to do was punch in address and in a few minutes it expertly got her to her old office . She noticed a couple of her old colleuges in the parking lot and waited till they had entered their cars driving to away before she got down from the car . She entered the building , saying hi to the friendly receptionist who looked like she was dying to ask her why she left but she didn't have the time to entertain such gossip so she quickly entered the elevator.Finally she approached his office and stilled herself for what was to come, basically expecting the worst she didn't want to tell him anyways . She was only doing this for t
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