All Chapters of Chasing His Contracted Wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Remove the child
Ariella opened her mouth but nothing came out. His face was still without any expression so she could not read him or catch a glimpse of what was going on in his mind. Rich people were all the same world wide. Greedy piece of shits who only cared about themselves and their gains. They did not care who they stepped on in the process. Had being with Hannah and seeing some things she did, even when she tried to hide it, not enough for her? Hannah sending her to her boyfriend's bed, not caring about the fact that she knew so well how much Ariella was keeping her virginity for the right person, had it not been enough for her?Then the way rich people used small time models because they were from poor backgrounds and disposed of them the way they wanted, was it not enough to teach her about how rich people's minds worked?Was the Kelvin in front of her not the same man who called her cheap and a whore that night? Was it not him who threw money at her and humiliated her? Was it not him tha
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Signing the contract
If Ariella thought that it would take Kelvin and his lawyer time to make the changes that she suggested then she was wrong. The next day, a knock sounded on her door by nine in the morning and the man who knocked introduced himself as Mr. Allan, Kelvin's assistant after glancing at her from top to bottom. He was dressed in a well tailored suit that made him look handsome and sharp.Ariella ushered him inside her house, not even bothering to ask how he knew where she lived.If his boss could find out that she was pregnant just a few hours after she did, then it wouldn't be hard for him to find where she lived. He must already know everything about her. Ariella wouldn't even be surprised if he knew her bra size. After all, he touched her breast that night and…A deep blush stained her check at her thought as she settled on the old and worn out couch with Mr. Allan. Ariella couldn't bring herself to be ashamed of her house and she was grateful that Mr. Allan did not care too. He did no
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Kelvin's family
Three million dollars. He would be letting her leave their marriage with three million dollars after they eventually get divorced.Three million dollars could do a lot for her and help her get her life back on track. It was a huge amount of money, one she doubts she would be able to get for free again.Well, technically, it wasn't for free but whatever. Whether she accepts the money or not, she would still have to give birth to his baby because she's signed her agreement already. There was no going back, so it was better to be wiser and collect the money too.Ariella would have to stop modeling and sit at home in hiding until she gives birth, while he would be a free man moving around. He would just become a daddy nine months later. Yeah, she was definitely collecting the money as her payment.By the time Ariella got to her mother's room at the hospital yesterday, her mother was fast asleep and was still like that when she decided to return home, and it was a good thing for Ariella.H
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I do
Ariella's contract with the agency that signed her expired a month ago, and she had been contemplating on whether she should renew it or not. She had her answer now.Ariella walked into the company, ignoring a few stares from other models, and moved to her manager's office directly. She did not meet him there, but his assistant was there to direct her to where he was.Ariella thanked him and moved to where he was. Mr. Krigan was sitting with the top supermodels that were under him, and he was having a discussion with them. They were all laughing while one was rubbing and throwing herself all over him as they talked.Most of these models were also new when she started but they were willing to do what the company wanted so they climbed the ranks faster while she remained as a small model. Her manager despised her, and she knew that he did not want her to renew her contract. He would surely be ecstatic with the news she brought today.Ariella cleared her throat and stood at the threshold
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Safe to have sex
“You are coming with me?” Ariella could not leave the surprise out of her voice and eyes as she stared up at Kelvin.“Yes. You did not think that I was going to leave you all alone for today's check-up, did you?” he asked as he looked down at her with furrowed brows.As a model, Ariella considered herself tall but Kelvin towered over her with a good few inches. He had to bend his head slightly to meet her eyes while she had to crane her neck to stare up at him.Ariella shook her head with her mouth still hanging open, “I just… I just thought that you will be busy so I will have to come alone and…”“Well, you thought wrong.” Kelvin said, interrupting her. He walked around her to lead the way, “Come on. The doctor is waiting for you and I have not gotten all day.”Ariella turned around and followed him inside where she was given another surprise. Kelvin was with her all through the check-up and test and it was almost as if they were a couple.When the doctor asked if she had any compla
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New home
“Mom, we got married today so I came to tell you and I also need to inform you that I will be moving to his house. I've parked my stuff already.”“Oh my dear, come close I need to see your ring.” Isabella gushed as she stretched her hands out to beckon Ariella over.With a sigh Ariella moved close to the bed and gave her mother her left hand.“This is so beautiful. It's even more beautiful than the ring my Thomas gave to me when we got married.”Ariella looked down at the ring on her finger that fit perfectly and asked herself how Kelvin got to know her ring size but pushed the question away when she remembered that he knew almost everything about her while she knew nothing about him. Well, except for things that Hannah has said about him in her presence but Hannah only ever talked about all the things he has done for her and gifts he has gotten her ninety percent of the time.The ring that was sitting on her finger was big, bold and beautiful. He was rich so she wouldn't be surprise
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Real Mrs. Patrick
Ariella fell in love with the purple colored room that was redecorated for her the first time Maria led her into it. She was not supposed to like any of it, she was not supposed to get used to the house, but it was hard not too. Everywhere and everything was nice and cozy, she became a little too comfortable for her own good.It's been three weeks since she became Mrs. Patrick and moved into Kelvin's House. She has only seen him thrice when he accompanied her for her regular checkups. She did not understand why she had to go to the hospital every week if there was nothing wrong with her, but Kelvin insisted that she did just that to make sure nothing went wrong, and he was always with her. All her cravings were satisfied. All she had to do was ask Maria, and it would be provided for her. Just two weeks of being in his house and under his care, Ariella was already adding a little flesh, but it was still early so she was not showing yet.She would have become anxious in the past becaus
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“Gladys?” Ariella's voice sounded shaky. She was more than shocked to see Gladys standing in Kelvin's house but was quick to put two and two together when Maria came to stand beside Gladys. Gladys was the person that was addressed as Mrs. Patrick just now. Gladys was Kelvin's mother!Gladys smiled widely, “It's lovely to see you again, dear friend. How have you been?”Ariella inhaled a shaky breath as she clutched the side of the long gown she was wearing, “I’m fine, how are you?”“Were you going back to your room? I came just for you.”“Me?” Gladys nodded, still maintaining the perfect smile on her face, “Yes, you. I wanted to see you a long time ago but I got preoccupied with work and I had to travel to oversee the business I have abroad. My workers over there can't do anything right without me. I apologize for not coming to see you sooner.”Ariella did not know what to say in response so she could only nod her head as she slowly began to descend down the stairs, her mind running a
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Keep Hannah away
Ariella was almost done with her food when she felt Gladys eyes on her. She lifted her face and met Gladys kind eyes that held a gentle smile. “I'm glad you are well and have a good appetite. The same could not be said for me when I was pregnant with Kelvin. He was stubborn in my belly and still is even as a grown man.”“I'm glad too,” Ariella said with a forced smile.“I hope you haven't had any problems? This is your first trimester, so you need to be very careful.”“I know. The doctor told me the same thing. I'm taking it easy.” That's why she has been lazing about since she moved into Kelvin's comfortable mansion.“I had complications after him, so I could never give birth again after him. All these years I could not wait for him to grow up and have his own child, he just had to pick Hannah who I don't like as his girlfriend. I'm glad Hannah sent you to his bed and he found out that she was not a good person after all.”Ariella calmly dropped her fork and focused all her attentio
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Walk in public together
First, Gladys made her get in a contracted marriage with her son to not only get rid of Hannah but to also give birth to her grandson. Now she wanted her to keep Hannah away?Hell to the no! Ariella wanted no part in the complicated rich people stuff conspiracy that was going on with Gladys, Kelvin, and Hannah. She would be glad if she did not have to encounter any more rich people, not with what happened with Hannah sending her to Kelvin's bed and the humiliation he received when he found out.If not for the fact that she was already pregnant and has signed that deal with Kelvin she would be running for the hills right now but that was impossible. “I'm sorry, Gladys, but I will rather live quietly until I give birth to this child and then leave. I want no part in any of these, and I will be the happiest person on earth if you'll respect my decision.” Maybe Gladys will get angry now and threaten her and stuff. That's what rich people do when they don't get their way, isn't it?“Leav
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