All Chapters of THE CEO'S THERAPIST: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
147 Chapters
Sara's facial expression was a clear indication that I was about to have one of those moments, but I wasn't in the mood for one of those moments.The thought of breaking the news to her was becoming more and more appealing, but then, I just wasn't ready to put up with all the emotional displays that were bound to follow. There wasn't any time for that at the moment, as I was bent on making some progress in my plan with Dale to make sure I ended back up with Tamika.It had been in the heat of my orgasm while having at it with Sara that I had made that stupid phone call to end things with Tamika who was on air. She had forced me to make that call if I wanted her to give me free access to her body. The urgency of my desires had blinded my sense of reasoning at that moment. Long story short, I deemed her to be the cause of all my woes.But then, a part of me blamed Tamika as well. At the time of all those happenings, she had suddenly grown too busy to have any time for me. She was alwa
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“So, you want to rub our union in their faces?” Dolph asked in plain terms, as that had been what I had been suggesting for the past couple of moments.“Exactly what I want…” I said, nodding in confirmation of that fact. But then, I didn't get why he was looking back at me with such a funny gaze, that almost made it look like I had been joking for the past couple of moments. “What's the matter?”“You don't know just how ridiculous that sounds.” He said, with a disapproving chuckle as he looked away. It was clear that he didn't know just how bad he made me feel at that point. “You just don't know how much this means to me…” I replied feeling a bit betrayed, as he didn't see that I was serious about what I was saying. “But then, I'm always putting up an act whenever you make the demand. Why can't you just return the favor this one time?”He was silent— probably silently reading the words for his refusal. “So, why exactly would I want to put up this act?”“Because I'm your wife… to-be…”
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“Wait…” Michael was pacing around the room impatiently, “Are we just going to keep letting him rip us off, just like that…?”I was wishing I could give Michael the answers he so much wanted to hear. There were just too many paths of action that had all been stopped by that stupid agreement I had signed.“For now, we really can't do much about it,” I said, in disappointment. “I would have sued his ass if I could, but my hands are tied as well.”“How did he even get you to sign that stupid, paralyzing agreement?” Michael's face was effulgent with the sour feeling of frustration that was eating him up. “There's got to be a way we can work our way around that legally.”“You don't understand…” I sighed, as I cupped my head in both hands, “I can't involve any element of legal actions in this, then it's already a breach of the agreement. It has been an age-long tradition of my family, and it's almost impossible to change.”“So… simply put, all we can do is to bend the fuck over for Dale to k
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“Tell me you're but putting on anything provocative…” Julia said to me on the phone as I told her where our rendezvous was. “Well, it depends on what exactly you mean by provocative,” I said, as I treated my eyes to a view of the city. “Different contexts, different definitions.”“Tamika…” she called out my name like she was a mother trying to caution her errant child. “What are you trying to do?”“Nothing, really…” I said, even though I knew how exactly I was intending to get Dolph mad and unable to contain himself. He should have known better than turning down my polite request. It had me feeling even worse about myself, that I was acting that way, all because of him. But then, I wasn't going to let myself get trampled upon. That had always been one of my concrete rules of relationships, and I wasn't going to break it for anything.“Are you sure Dolph didn't do anything?” Julia knew me too well and could almost tell what my intentions were like she was some sort of magical fortune
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“Wow… she’s hot…” Julia’s unexpected comment had me giving her a suspicious look. “What…?” she queried in defense of her comment. “That’s just an observation, not like I’m checking her out or something.”“Whatever…” I said, waiting for her to come explain why exactly she had stopped me there in front of everyone. “Are you sure we shouldn’t be ignoring this obvious call for attention?” Julia asked, as she seemed uncomfortable with all the eyes turned in our direction. “Besides, there’s a chance that she might make us stay longer than we intend to.”“I just hope you have a good reason for stopping me here…” I said as I saw Amelia walking towards me, with a step that breathed nothing but seduction, just like ever other element in her motion. The smile she had on her face went a long way in annoying me. I just couldn’t tell what exactly it was that kept annoying me. Was it the smile, or just the fact that she had been Dolph’s ex? That was a dilemma I would solve later as I was focused o
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“Make sure you look pretty good, so they know that you are living your best life.” Julia urged me passionately on the line. “If you had your way, you wouldn't even have to go see them.”“Yeah…” I said. “But then, we have to submit ourselves to the norms of the society. It is an inevitable evil which we must permit for this contract… I meant, marriage…”“Hmm… are you alright?” Julia questioned, sounding a bit suspicious about the slip-up I had made in my speech. “You know you have to be in your best state of mind for this meeting.”The day had finally come. I was going to meet my parents. With Dolph, who seemed like he was being dragged into something that he hadn't bargained for.“I'm aware of that,” I sighed as I was about to get ready to put up an act of fake smiles to get the meeting over with. I intended to make it as snappy as possible, as I couldn't bear staring into the eyes of the woman who had made my life a living hell.“And make sure you get Dolph to show them just how happ
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“You don't know just how long I've been waiting for you…” Like we had some sort of appointment. What the heck was she doing? The strange girl that Tamika claimed to be her stepsister was sent really weird.I was on the verge of freaking out, as I wondered what the motive behind that sudden show of affection could have been. The way she clung to me was beginning to get quite annoying.“You smell really nice…” that comment had me cringing terribly, and that was my cue to disengage. Immediately. She put her head in my chest, and that hamadee even more uncomfortable as that was something that I hadn't done with any of my exes. “I hope you didn't have any trouble finding this place…” she spoke with an annoying familiarity that was threatening to implicate me before Tamika, even though I had never met her in my entire life. “No… but I'm having trouble with this undue closeness you are trying to initiate. Who are you?” With that I was able to get her off me. I didn't like the look that h
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“Aren't you supposed to be working at these hours?” Julia had me feeling quite guilty as I had snuck her into my office, right at the peak of working hours.“Well, I call the shots here, and I decide what is acceptable and what isn't…” I boasted as I was trying to cover up the guilt of having broken office protocol. Forgive me, Dolph, I whispered guiltily to myself.“I see…” she said, with her eyes scouring every detail around the office. “Nice place you've got here. I bet you're home wild l would be much better.”“I hope you get to see it for yourself… real soon,” I said, hoping she would get the subtle invitation I was offering her. “You can have a seat right here.” I pointed to a sofa not too far from where my desk was. “Don't you have work to do?” She asked as she saw me sitting beside her. “It's noon already. I've been struggling to get my mind around something since morning and I just decided to take a break for a couple of minutes.” The excitement I felt around her made me ge
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“Well, well…” I sighed to myself as I had decided to leave Dolph all alone with my father as a punishment for having taken the act too far. Though I was grateful for his insistence on having me sir beside him at the table, I still didn't want him taking things to the extreme. But I couldn't deny that I was quite pleased to see Tara nearly losing her composure in front of everyone.Now, I had to go and clean up Dolph's mess, and I had no idea how exactly I was going to do that, given that both of them were my biggest haters.As I got close to the door, my heartbeat accelerated and my breathing became a bit harder to control. I could hear the voices of both of them behind closed doors.Initially, I had thought they were just having a casual conversation through which I would wait before I would try to get a couple of words in. “Calm down, Tara…” Sofia urged her daughter calmly behind the closed doors. “Just stick to the plan.”I could imagine, giving consecutive pats on the back as sh
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“We’ll be taking our leave now…” Dolph said, grabbing my hand immediately as there seemed to be a sudden shoot of urgency in his being. “This meeting could be adjourned till I come with my parents.”“Dolph…?” Sofia came along with her ceaseless fake smiles which she never got tired of. “Don't tell me you're leaving already. The meeting just started.”“I apologize but it has ended now. But I promise I'll be back and I'll be back with my parents. That way, we could have even more meaningful conversation.” Dolph's decision to leave the meeting had me more than surprised. My eyes moved to my father who had a disappointed look on his face. It seemed like Dolph had frustrated his efforts in trying to frustrate my marriage to him. It was written all over his face.“It's quite understandable that you might not seem to be having such a good time in your family but then, I promise I'll be back soon when everything is much more stable than it is.” his gaze met that of my father who seemed to be
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