All Chapters of My Mate is Human: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
chapter 11
It was the second night that I had slept outside of Alex's house. She had arrived a little after 10 p.m., took a shower and went straight to bed. She spent most of the night tossing and turning before finally falling asleep at 1 a.m."I can't wait to sleep next to her." My wolf voiced.My wolf understood that we had to wait before we told Alex but he was always eager to make comments about what our future would be like with our mate. The next morning I had arrived back at the pack house. I had only managed to sleep for about 4 hours so I was badly in need of some coffee. It was a Saturday so not many people were woke besides Linda who was preparing breakfast."Coffee?" She asked me. I nodded and she places a cup of coffee with crème and sugar in front of me. "So, when can we meet her?" She asked me."What?" I asked confused."Your mate. When will you introduce her to the pack?" She asked nonchalantly as she flips over the bacon she was frying.I smirked. "Linda curse you for being so
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chapter 12
"What happen?" I asked Tyler.When Willie relayed the message to me that something bad had happened at the pack house I quickly shifted and ran all the way home leaving my car still parked in the parking lot of The Red Café."James was doing rounds when he got attacked by two rogues," I growled.James was a middle-aged pack wolf that had acted as my bodyguard growing up. He took Lily and me to school every morning until I was able to drive and had even accompanied me on many of my quest to find my mate."Is he okay?" I asked worriedly."He's in surgery now."I took this attack more personal because James was someone that had taken care and protected me when I was defenseless and hadn't yet shifted. Whoever had done this would definitely feel the consequence when I got a hold of them."What happen to the two rogues?""Burn the body and then I want to know who sent him and why? By any means necessary." He nodded and exited the pack house.After calming down I made my way to the pack hos
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chapter 13
ALPHA RYAN"How are you?" I asked James.It had been a couple of days and he had fully recovered and was soon to be able to leave the pack hospital after I had a talked with him.He sat up. "Better. A lot better.""Good." I took a seat in the chair closest to the hospital bed. "Someone is planning an attack on the pack.""You think it's the same rogues as last time?" He questioned."Maybe," I said even though I was quite sure that it was. He sat all the way up. "Have you talked to your dad?" "Yes, he and my mom are on their way back now. It's not safe for them to be out there."He nodded in agreement. "You might wanna minimize trips to the city, add 24-hour patrols."James and my father were very close and he had one of the most important jobs, to protect the Alpha's and Beta's family."Already done," I responded proudly. "You've learned from the best." He acknowledged. My father had been a very smart and caution Alpha. In situations like this, he stayed focus and didn't let emoti
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chapter 14
ALPHA RYAN"Sorry about last night, I lost control over my wolf." I apologized to Tyler.This morning when I had woken up the first thing I had done was go to the pack hospital to check on my Beta. He had suffered a concussion and some bruising but was healing fast and would be able to check out of the pack hospital after his test results came back."It fine." He waved it off. "What happen to make you lose control of your wolf?"I sighed and took a seat in the chair near his bed. "I've found my mate." His eyebrows furrowed still not understanding why I attacked him. "She was with another guy." He along with his mate growled.When I had first arrived and wanted to speak with Tyler alone she refuses to leave the room afraid that I might attack him again. Even though she was the quiet type and she had no chance at beating me she didn't hesitant to protect her mate. With me finally finding my mate I understand why she did what she did, so I didn't force her to leave."Does she know she's
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chapter 15
ALPHA RYANHave you ever decide to last minute and without thinking change your plans to what you thought would be better but in the end, to the regret the whole thing and wish you would have kept the orginal plans. Well that is the situation I'm in now. After I had gotten off the phone with Alex I immediately made reservations at the Mexican restaurant and left my office to shower and change into some appropriate clothing. Once I was done I looked down at the clock to see I still had about an hour and a half before I had to meet my mate. I tried distracting myself with the work that I was originally supposed to be working on but I was to anxious to see her. I couldn't stop pacing and running my hands threw my hair giving me a more messy look. I felt my stomach flutter. " What the hell?" My stomach continued to flutter leading me to believe I had butterflies which meant I was nervous. Beyond nervous. This would be the first time we would be alone in a more intimate setting. I didn
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chapter 16
ALPHA RYAN"Sorry about that." She said immediately after Wendy walked away. "I didn't mean to say we are on a date. I just seriously hate people like that. You can't imagine how many people I've had to fired because they couldn't keep it in their pants." She blushed. "Its fine I get it." I smirked. My mate was very sexy when she was jealous. She cleared her throat. "So, what all do I have to do." "You can start by checking out the Red Café and then we can scout location for the new building." "We?" She questioned. "Yes, we. This is a collaborative restaurant, I'll be there just as well you.""Of course, I was just shocked that's all. I guess I expected you to be busy." "Nope we'll work as a team." The rest of the date went well. She was way more open with telling me about her personal life then I thought she would be. She told me about her father and how he had open the restaurant right out of college and had lived in his office and sometimes motel rooms because he couldn't
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chapter 17
LUNA ALEXIt had been about a week and every day Ryan tried to contact me, whether it was through a text or a call. Surprisingly he hadn't once tried to come by the restaurant, which I was grateful. Seeing Meagan had put a bad taste in my mouth and given me a chance to evaluate what I was about to do. Giving away my father or even a piece of my father restaurant and having someone hold it over my head was terrifying. I can't even believe that I even considered it."So you changed your mind on taking the job." She asked to clarify."Yes. I couldn't do it, Melissa, I feel like I would betraying my father.""I get it why you did it. But aren't you a little worried about what's going to happen."She was referring to the guy in the suit that had shown up to tell me that I had 30 days to pay my father's debt off, and it was a lot more than I thought it was. Not only did he own debt to the restaurant but also on the house. It would cost over $500,000 each to be able to keep both. My college
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chapter 18
ALPHA RYAN"Sir it's all done." I nodded in response and gesture to Willie that he was dismissed. After Melissa had left my office I had immediately instructed for Willie to gather some money and head down to the bank the following day to buy my mate's house. Now that everything was done I wasn't sure what my next step was."Are you gonna call her?" I was so zoned out that I hadn't noticed that he had not left my home office."What would I say?""The truth, don't over think it."That was easier said than done.A lot had been going on in the pack so I wouldn't be able to make it to see Alex to tell her the news until hopefully tomorrow. Since I had met my mate all my focus had been on her instead of on the pack. Luckily I had Tyler who had been taking on the Alpha role lately."Catch me up on what's going on?" I asked Tyler as we stood on the back porch watching the pack during training."A couple of wolfs had their first shift the other day." Wolves typically shifted sometime between
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chapter 19
LUNA ALEX I spent all morning calling John Hampton from Bank of America trying to figure out how in the hell my bill was 100% paid off. Unfortunately, he was not able to tell me because the person that sent the check hadn't put any additional information to contact them with."Melissa?" I waved her over.It was later in the afternoon and the restaurant had just calmed down from a breakfast rush, and now only filled with a few of our regulars customers."Yes?" She said as she put her hair into the perfect bun."Did you somehow come into a large sum of money?" I eyed her suspiciously.You can now scroll to the next chapter"Nope. Why?"I knew she wanted to help but I didn't want her giving up her hard-earned money to save the house, nor did I want her borrowing money from other people to help me.From the look on her face, I knew that she was telling the truth. "No reason," I answered quickly. "I gonna go to my office call me if you need anything." She nodded and went back to serving a
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chapter 20
ALPHA RYAN"Son, are you alright?" My father asked, interrupting my thoughts.We were in my office going over the details of the rogue's attacks that had recently happened at a few other packs in the surrounding areas. Since the attack on James, there had been no sightings of other rogues on my land but I still wanted to remain caution at all times, just in case."Yeah, I'm fine." I was just extremely worried about tonight and still haven't decided on what I would say. "Do you think you, mom and Lily could stay at the pack house, I'm having company over tonight for dinner?"Thanks for your support!Ever since the early ages of our pack all of the Alpha's family lived together. When I became Alpha I moved into the master bedroom on the top floor while everybody resided on the floors below."Is this company your mate?" He asked knowingly.Growing up I had always been close to the both of my parents. My mom has always been the nurturing type and ever since I could remember she had always
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