All Chapters of Bound to the Alpha Brothers : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
116 Chapters
Chapter 91
CyrusI took another swig of the drink in my glass. It was incredible that it didn't matter how much I drank; it was impossible to forget all this shit that was happening to me. I was sick and fucking tired of thinking all the time yet my body—my very nature—wasn't letting me get shit-faced. Why couldn't werewolves get drunk?I knew it wasn't the right way to cope with all of this but I’d run out of options. What else was there to do? My family hated me. The woman I loved hated me. I just wanted to push this all away for a few hours so I wouldn’t lose my mind. Apparently, the universe was intent on not giving me a break. Eva didn’t want to see me. Never in a million years would I have thought that such a thing could happen. In my mind, she was crazy about me. She didn’t love Nox and he was keeping her there against her will.Now, she was telling me a different story. What did I believe? That was the question that I couldn’t answer. It could very well be that the shock of breaking
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Chapter 92
EvaI figured out that prolonging my stay at the clinic was going to be an essential part of my plan. If I could just stay out of his house, then I’d have a chance to break free. I had a list of complaints for Dr. Steyne the next time I saw him. Not everything was an exaggeration but it was enough to keep him busy. It was just in case Cyrus started coming up with wicked plans to have me moved to his house instead. He was so controlling that it was very much possible for him to do that. While all my pains were being healed, I had time to think. Doing so was of the essence and would only benefit me in the long run even though there was a lot that I would prefer to keep buried. The situation with Marcia was still crazy in my mind. She was my mother; the woman who had abandoned me at that Convent. Every time I’d imagined meeting her, I assumed that I would feel anger or even resentment for what she’d done. I felt none of those things, though, particularly because now, I was carrying ba
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Chapter 93
EvaThe man walked with me until the car parked out front. His blade never left my neck, not for a second. It was easy to say I’d die for this and that but when the time came, I almost always realized that I didn’t want to die. Now, I had my babies to think of. I tried to see the positives in this situation. For starters, I was being taken away from Silver Crescent and to the city, which was where Kolton resided. Once there, I’d have an easier time finding the rest of Ghost Moon. The problem was that I would have to figure out how to escape along the way. The car door was opened for me and I had no choice but to slide into the seat, where I found myself facing a man whose face was all-too-familiar to me. Kolton.A wide smiled thinned his lips as he looked at me. He said, “Amazing. I never thought this day would come, darling Eva.”The door was closed as he said this and I felt the sound deep in my bones. Kolton went on staring at me even after the car roared to life. I took note
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Chapter 94
I woke up suddenly.The car wasn’t as dark as it was last night but it was definitely still dark. I stared out the smoked window and couldn’t tell if the sky was cloudy or whether the windows were that great at keeping the sun out. I glanced to my left and saw that Kolton was there, staring at me. I had the impression that he spent the whole night staring at me and it freaked me out. “How did you sleep?”“Not so great,” I answered. Kolton smiled. “We’ll be reaching the compound shortly. You’ll find that it’ll be a lot more comfortable there. I already have a room ready for you.”Was I supposed to thank him?The next time I looked out the window, particularly the windshield, I saw that we were rapidly approaching the city. It was exciting but at the same time, I knew I had to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. I wasn’t seeing a way of escaping so far, and I couldn’t be so optimistic that I would. Also, Nox wasn’t around to save me. I’d have to do it myself. This brought te
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Chapter 95
CyrusEva was gone. Just like that.Nobody could tell me what the fuck happened and why she was missing while a woman was dead. Did Eva kill her to escape? Would she be so cold-blooded?I realized that I didn’t know the answer to that question. As was customary, everyone was blaming me for what happened. They blamed me for bringing Eva here and causing this whole mess. The woman’s family wanted blood, and if I weren’t Alpha, they would’ve gotten the revenge they wanted. I had no idea where to start looking for her. The surrounding woods was the first place but to be honest, this felt like the first time she disappeared. We searched for hours and didn’t find a trace of her. Not even her scent lingered around. What was this madness?I went home. I stopped looking. It was like a part of me gave up. I didn’t want to put in any effort anymore. What was done, was done. I was hurt by her actions. Angrily, I even thought to myself that if she wanted to leave, she was free to do so. Lockin
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Chapter 96
EvaMy cries for help were completely ignored. Some time later, my voice was completely hoarse. I was so exhausted that I couldn’t even think straight. The worst part was how I couldn’t touch the bars because they were made of silver, and so I was forced to sit in an upright position. It made me feel even more tired. Oh, how I missed the simple pleasure of being able to lie down. I never appreciated that—now, I would do anything for it. I hugged my knees as tears spilled down my face. Goddess, help me. I prayed for her help. I had to get out of here. The silver was so toxic that my skin was flushed; I felt heat emanating off of it. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. I was convinced that if the room was dimly-lit, I would feel a lot better. All these bright lights were a part of his torturing method. I couldn’t even close my eyes and see darkness. The light followed me even in my sleep, which would be nonexistent unless I sacrificed a part of my body. All I could hear was my
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Chapter 97
Eva I wasn’t sure how long I stayed unconscious for but when I returned to my senses, Eric was still yelling at me. “Eva! Eva, wake up!”I coughed and heard him sigh loudly in relief. “Thank the goddess you’re awake!” he said. “Don’t stand up too quickly!”I turned on my side, groaning. I could still taste blood in my mouth and it was the most nauseating feeling ever. To make things worse, I had this crippling pain all over my body. It was truly horrible. The one thing I paid attention to was moisture pooling between my legs along with a lot of pain. Slowly, I tried to sit up. My vision was blurry but started getting better after I’d blinked a few times. “Are you okay?” Eric asked. “Eva.”I looked at him. He was pressing his face against the bars in order to get a better look at me. I wanted to ask him not to do it but my tongue was heavy in my mouth. It was painful, too, and I couldn’t remember whether I’d bitten it or not. Maybe I had. I saw blood staining my jeans a dark color
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Chapter 98
Cyrus The plan was set. I'd go to the city and get Eva back. I was prepared to do everything to get her back, including giving Kolton what he wanted. He could get as many pieces of my pack as he wanted; that didn't matter to me. Eva hadn't left because she was done with me. If Vivian hadn't called Kolton and stabbed me in the back the way she did, she would never have left. Maybe we would've reconciled. Maybe things would've been different. That was why I couldn't miss the opportunity to get her back and win her heart. I wanted Eva to know that I wasn't giving up on her. I was willing to die trying. Brock was standing at the door, and when he spoke, he reminded me he was there because I'd forgotten. "Kolton will kill you! I don't understand how you can't accept that. He was going to kill you before."I zipped my duffel bag up. "I know what I'm doing.""Do you?" my uncle asked. "Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe she would rather die than be saved by you?"I shuddered. "That
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Chapter 99
EvaThere wasn't a single part of my body that didn't hurt. I didn't think it was possible for it to hurt more than it did the first time I was attacked by Kolton's men. Apparently, it was. I'd been wrong. Maybe, in a way, I'd cursed myself.They weren't happy about Eric's escape. The pain inflicted upon me was brutal, vicious, and I could even say cowardly. They used silver on me, and the entirety of my back was on fire. After a while, I'd stopped feeling any pain. There was so much of it that I couldn't feel a thing anymore. Now, I was lying on my front in an even smaller caged, all bent up. I prayed to the goddess for strength because I couldn't find any. I couldn't move. Couldn't think. Couldn't breathe. I was completely and utterly exhausted, and my body was in shock. I hadn't known that the pain I'd experienced was normal. I thought there was a limit to everything, even pain. After some time of not being able to turn around, I started feeling pain in my hips and midsection.
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Chapter 100
EvaWhen the car slowed to a stop, I opened my eyes automatically. “We’re here,” Eric said, pulling the brakes. I sat up tentatively, my bones cracking. I was in so much pain. The adrenaline I felt earlier kept me from feeling much of it but now that things were calmer, it was like I’d been hit by a train. Eric got out of the car. I couldn’t see further because the headlights were blinding my sensitive eyes. I saw enough to realize that there was another car right in front of ours. I glanced down at Andy and saw that he was still asleep. All that was left for me to do was wait for Eric to return, so I lied back down. Not five minutes later, the trunk was opened, and I turned my head slowly to see Eric standing over me, watching me, with Vic on his side. My eyes widened at the sight of Vic. I was happy to see him, so much that I could’ve cried.“Vic!” I said, my voice still hoarse. “Luna,” he said breathlessly. He was taking note of all my injuries. Even the soles of my feet had be
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