All Chapters of TOO GOOD TO LEAVE TOO BAD TO STAY: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
147 Chapters
Chapter Forty-One
“Everything is so hard.” I said as I wiped the last of the tears away. Now that I was no longer crying, I was all too aware of the proximity of our bodies. Cameron’s face was too close to mine, so close that if I moved just a little, our mouths would meet. “And you have gotten through the hardest.” He answered with staid calmness. His breath tickled my nose, and my breath hitched. “Cameron.” I moaned, staring into his boundless grey eyes. I could not tell what I was feeling exactly at the moment, but I knew I wanted to kiss him badly, and as if reading my thoughts, Cameron’s lips slowly descended to meet mine. The touch of his lips on mine sent a shock wave through my entire body, and my hand came up to his hard chest. The kiss started slow, then became urgent and exploratory, and in them I felt his hunger and desire. I tore my mouth away from his, as though suddenly realising that we should not be doing this. But my mouth already felt like burning fire, and my body yearned for mo
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Chapter Forty-Two
Sally left immediately after. She had to check on her mother in the hospital and do some other things, and all I could do was think about everything she had told me. If what she said really happened, then my status was finally changed.What would happen to Cameron and me then? How would Cameron and I cope with working in different cities? Why was I even thinking of Cameron? He and I were nothing; we shared nothing. But why then did I give a thought to what would happen to us?I glanced at my children. All this was for them, not a man. In the end, Cameron might not even be a part of our lives. What mattered was I and my children, and even if Andre came back or learned that he was their father, I would be able to fight him. I will not need him and his money because I will be capable of providing for myself and my children.I would be able to give my children the life they deserve. And now I will have to work twice as hard. It was not the same as having my father’s company, but at least
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Chapter Forty-Three
The image of his lips on mine suddenly came to mind, and I swear that I could have had a heart attack. I almost jumped to my feet, but I knew I needed to act cool and pretend I was unaffected by him. But that was quite impossible to do when my heart was thudding in my chest with this much ferocity and the tingling sensation that was now buried in the pit of my stomach.“Yes.” I replied, hoping my feelings were not present in my voice or tone. “She wanted to know how the children were doing.”He nodded, pushed himself off the door where he had been leaning, and began coming towards me. I sighed. I would have preferred he kept his distance. I could not trust my body not to want him too much. The couch I was sitting on was big enough to hold two of us, and he settled on the space beside me. Did he also notice, or was it just me? Did his body ache as much as mine did? Was I as disturbing to him as he was to me in every way? If I just stood up and put enough distance between us, then I wo
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Chapter Forty-Four
Cameron tapped me awake. My vision was blurry, but I could see that he was carrying one of the twins, and another was crying their heads off. He tapped me again, brushed his lip on my head, and said something, but I could not catch it. When I finally woke up completely, all the noise and sounds rushed to meet me, tumbling me back to the bed, which I tried to get up from. How did I even get to the bed? I remember falling asleep in the living room.I looked up at Cameron and saw him hurrying about the room with one of the twins in his arm and, at the same time, trying to placate the other one, which he was not carrying. My mouth curled into a smile at the sight, and I staggered to my feet. “Let me help you.” I said and whisked from his cot. “They’re hungry, and I slept for too long. Why did you not wake me up earlier?” Cameron shrugged. “I thought I could take care of things on my own, and you were sleeping so well, I didn’t want to disturb you.” He fitted Zoe on his shoulders. “How
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Chapter Forty-Five
“We’re sorry to inform you that Mrs. Sanders did not make it. She died this morning in her sleep.” Sally collapsed into a chair, and I sank in with her, holding her firmly. I drew her to myself and patted her back as my own tears ran freely down my face. I don’t know who was comforting who now. My knees were too weak, and I was sure if I stood up, I’d fall. The whole emotion rushed to me like a river, and it was like I was pulled back into the past. Back to the night my parents died. The only difference was that they had died painfully. I was so unprepared, and I had been left stunned by the whole thing. “Just remember to breathe.” I took a deep breath as Cameron’s voice echoed in my head. “Breath, Lana, breath.” I had to take charge. I had to be here for Sally before anything else. Be her support, because this was the hardest of times. I pulled her up and led her to the room where Mrs. Sanders body would be kept before they moved her to the mortuary. Cameron remained in the lob
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Chapter Forty-Six
She led us to the room that she had reserved for the night, and somehow, I hate that I was right. This is a woman I loved once upon a time, and had she not been the person she is, I would probably have continued to love her. I laughed casually on the doorframe, observing her on the bed, which she had flopped into. How had I not seen the snake in her before I married her? She deceived me more than others, and despite myself, I wish she hadn’t. Is it possible to love two women in the same way? I was very sure I would have continued with her if I hadn’t found that she was the lying, thieving daughter of a gun. Or maybe not. I had already begun to give up on our marriage right after it started. That was when I realised my love for Lana. The truth is that I have loved her all along and tried to deny it, even to myself. I had forced Kathy into my head and created an image of her that did not exist, and I compared that imaginary Kathy to Lana just so I could prove to myself that I did not
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Chapter Forty-Seven
How did the control slip from my fingers? Kathy now had all the control, but I could not let her see that or know it. I pushed my hands deep into my pockets to hide the fact that I was quite nervous. She was right; everything she said was true, and I should not be justifying her stealing my money, even in my head. I clenched my jaws as I hacked my brain for what to say. She had agreed to sign the divorce papers; that was good for me and should have been enough, but why did I feel so dirty? So used?I turned around and looked out of the window, then my phone rang. I sent Kathy a death warning, and if she liked her life, she would listen and pick up the call. “Freda.” I said, lowering my voice to a degree so it sounded colder and icy. For as long as I can remember, I have always referred to my mother as Freda—her own name—and calling her mom or mother always sounded so weird to my ears. “Where are you?” she asked, her tone even more icy than mine. Hermione always referred to her as t
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Chapter Forty-Eight
The car arrived at exactly 2:00 p.m., and we got to Lukem at 2:15. We were quite early, just in time to join the board meeting, which was currently ongoing. Sally smiled at me and patted my back. “You will crush this, Lana. I believe in you.” She smiled, and I nodded. I was a nervous wreck. I had been quite confident when I left him, but now I was not so sure of everything. It had been so long since I lived this life. It had been so long since I was at the top, and now that I was getting back to my feet, I felt like I was staggering again. Sally flashed me another encouraging smile, and that did not help the dread that had taken root in the pit of my stomach. “Hey, hey.” She called out slowly, tilting my chin up with her index finger. “Where is that confident and hardworking woman who has taken life by the balls?” Her eyes took in my watery eyes, and she drew me in for a hug. “I don’t know if I can do this.” I cried. “Everything feels so... so different.” “Hey, ssshhh...” she dre
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Chapter Forty-Nine
Andre’s POVYou would be surprised at how much clothes contribute to moulding and shaping how people see a person. How much of a person's character it affects, which is why typically they have that saying, ‘dress the way you wish to be addressed’. Once you were dressed a certain way, it had an effect on the first thing people thought when they laid eyes on you. Although many people would disagree, the human mind was really just black and white and nothing in-between. They were lines that we had drawn unconsciously in our minds, and many things were to this effect. The lives that we have lived, the society that we have lived in, and the events that, over the years, have shaped our beliefs. A lot, but it was always the same thing. And my mother wasn’t different. By the time we arrived at Ranhold headquarters, I had Kathy change her dress into something more presentable. Something more acceptable was said by my mother. I wondered how the old bat had even found out I was back in town.
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Chapter Fifty
“Toast to more wealth.” Freda announced, raising her glass in the air. “Cheers.” “Cheers.” I and Kathy resounded, except I was a little less enthusiastic. I don’t think my mother noticed, though. She brought the glass to her lips, took a sip, and then set it on the table. “Now, let’s get down to business. Shall we?” Freda said, settling into her seat. We all did. “The Lukems have their stocks pivoting high on the ceilings, eh?” She smiles, and the lines around her eyes crinkle. She was getting old, and that age was beginning to show on her body. Her once porcelain skin now had a few wrinkles here and there; I spotted more veins every day, and I also noticed the dye, which she seemed to use more often than before. I nodded. “They seem to be getting better these days. They did change most of the board members recently.” “Yes. It’s been bought, and you know what’s interesting? It’s the fact that it was not bought by another company or cooperation. No, we weren’t willing to take that
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