All Chapters of My Lycan Mate Rejection  : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Chapter 31: Under the night sky
Magnus's pov I smiled at the look of happiness that lit up on Gabriel's face. He pointed to the summit and then back to me. I smiled at him and nodded. But then his face clouded over. “How can we be sure?” He asked.I turned to Selene who was nestled in a corner. She looked so tired, and more than that she was hurt. When I had regained consciousness she had been next to me with a piece of metal in her right thigh. The fact that she was here with me, fighting was a reason to believe and have hope.“You should not think that. You just need to have hope.” I said. He chuckled and turned to me. “I thought I lost the lot of you.” He said. I nodded my head and smiled. I thought both of them had been lost as well. I could not explain how both of them had made it out of the crash alive but then I could not explain how I made it out alive either.“Three mountains and three rivers, those were the words,” Gabriel whispered.“Yes.” I replied, “We just have to find the stream moo.. ms next.”
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Chapter 32: Hiking through
Selene's pov.I wheezed and coughed and my breath caught in my throat. All I could see in front of me was more miles ahead to cover.Fuck I can't!“You should continue moving.” A voice said from behind me.I turned around to see Daruis struggling behind me. His wounds had begun to heal but his face was still burnt in some places.I did not care about his wounds because the urge to curse him was strongly on my mind. I turned forward and continued moving forward. I could see the backs of Gabriel and Magnus who occasionally turned around to check on our progress.Gabriel's eyes were looking back in our direction at that very moment.“Hurry up you two, it's not safe to be this stretched out.!” He yelled. His voice echoed towards us. He should have thought about that before making me hike through the woods for over a freaking day. It was already way past the afternoon and the mountains still looked as far away as ever.Gabriel stopped moving and waited at the fallen tree trunk with a pret
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Chapter 33: Maybe it's time to rethink
Ansari's pov…I stared at him and concentrated hard on his mind. Adolphus instantly fell from his seat to the ground. “Stop!!” He cried. “Get out of my head!!”I stopped trying to mind-link him. Adolphus was a stupid goat, he managed to block me out.“I tried doing this without violence but you have all forced my hand,” I said riding to my feet….Memories of that day kept replaying over and over again in my head. I couldn't stop it…“The book of prophecies has been stolen.” One of the ancients finally said.I stared at him in confusion. There was no way I heard right, did he just say…“You heard him. The book given to us by the Goddess has been stolen. Our people's heritage!!” Adolphus roared madly. I paid no attention to his anger but Fell back tiredly to my seat.“How?” I asked confused. The book was the most guarded artifact in our possession and it had special spells and enchantments on it to protect it from thieves.“Isn't it obvious?” Adolphus sneered. “Take a wild guess.”A fac
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Chapter 34: Lost in between worlds
Selene's POV:“let go of your fear.” The moon Goddess whispered to me.What she asked of me was impossible, j could not. No one could.I turned back to her and pleaded with my eyes. “You allow your fear to control you. You allow it to play the host of your mind.” She walked next to me and held my hand in hers. “You cannot remain here for too long child. You are not ready.” “No please we need help finding the tomb of the first.” I pleaded. I had learnt nothing from her in the time we have spent together and that was an awful waste.“I know what you seem, but you must know that everything happens at fate's time and will.” She stroked a strand of hair away from my face. She was speaking in parables and I was not in the mood for that.“What do you mean fate? You are the Goddess, all-knowing and all-powerful. You protect your people and that is exactly what they need from you right now, protection.” I could feel tears of frustration falling from my eyes. She had to understand, she had
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Chapter 35: Accursed and betrayed
Ansari's POV:The chirping of a morning dale awakened me from my slumber. I looked at the darkness that was right before me. It was always this and nothing more every day.Everything was at it was except for one thing.The cells were made deep underground and nothing was ever able to filter in unless the guards allowed it, not even light.But this morning…The bird chirped once again from somewhere I could not tell. I got to my feet weakly and walked to the bars. I could see the faint glimmer of light not too far away. Did the guards forget themselves and leave the doors open? I was suddenly excited, if the doors were open then I could finally escape my prison. I could finally get revenge on the people who had betrayed and cursed me. But the light was a long way off and I was inside the cells that held me captive. Despair returned to me once again and I sunk to my knees. That was one thing about our people, they knew how to kill hope In ways others could not.My mind went to my d
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Chapter 36: Soiled objective
Daruis's povI remember the way the sun warmed up my skin every day as I ran through the streets with him. I remember feeling a sense of joy and happiness every single time were were together. It had been me and Magnus against the whole wide world and we were always confident the world had nothing on us. I remember hating the nights in the pack, especially the full moons. The way everyone turned feral, attacking one another with not a single care in the whole world was something that shocked me. I hated being a wolf. Even now, I only change into mine when it is necessary. I remember wanting to be human, to live in one of those big fancy cities. To be friends with other human children and not have just one mentally unstable one. I wanted so much for myself. For my life.I remember how hard it had been to convince the council to let me leave for college. I remember coming back home to see things exactly the way I had left them. I remember Magnus being cold.I remember hearing new
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Chapter 37: Big reveal
Daruis's povSelene's eyes widened in fear and she turned to me.“Ansari?” She whispered. The look of concern on her face was one that I had not expected. This woman had tried to execute her and here she was feeling sorry for the bitch. “Yes Ansari, don't worry, she's not dead. At least not yet.” I said with a chuckle. She shook her head and turned away from me. What was wrong with this girl? Did she feel back for the bitch that was trying to kill her? I could sense it but I could not understand why.“Why?” She asked. She looked up at me in confusion. Why? I asked myself. It was one question I was not genuinely sure of. The answer was fucking complex to even me.How do I explain to her my pain, my regrets, and the fact that I have wanted her to do badly?“Tell me Daruis, why have you done this?” She asked once again. I turned from her and looked at the mountain range that was in front of us.“That's a lot of talk, but it is something I promise you're going to hear soon enough,” I
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Chapter 38: Resounding evil
Gabriel's pov.I ran to the cliff as fast as I could, all the while praying in my heart for my daughter. That scream, those sounds of fighting, something was wrong. “Selene!!” I yelled out one last time as I hurriedly made my way to the cliff. My Injuries were healing but they weren't doing so fast enough. I ran through the little bushes that shrouded the cliff to see Darius standing over a body. I stopped right in my tracks and stared at him. He looked back at me with a wicked grin.What was going on here? Darius?I looked at the body on the ground, the naked wounded body belonged to my daughter. I could not breathe for a good few seconds and looked back up at Darius.“You?” I asked in shock. “What have you done to her?” I was angry, so angry that I wanted to tear the little thwart head off, but I was more afraid than anything else. What did he do to her? And most importantly was she still alive?He looked back at me and smiled one more time before grabbing Selene and leaping into
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Chapter 39: Could never really trust you
Selene's povBlue sky, stars, thunder, and home. My kind spawned through several sceneries that I had no idea existed. My mother stood in front of me one second and the next second I was all alone. I was back in the house in the woods with succubus trying to eat me. “You thought that was the end? You thought you could escape me?” It broke into a terrifying laugh and my entire body was shocked. A wolf broke through the rotting wall and attacked the monster that should have been the end of me. I fell from the hand of the demon and landed on my back on a plane. “Oww,” I groaned and struggled to my feet. The plane was on fire and I did not need to be Einstein to know it was going to crash soon.“Selene!! Hold on!!” A voice said above me and when I looked up I was suddenly in the air, my feet dangling over space my hand in Magnus's grip.“Hold on Selene!!” I could not hold on though and my hands began to slip.Terror seized my heart as my mind focused on the drop below me.“Selene, ho
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Chapter 40: Entrance theme
Selene's povA strong wind blew through the entire cave, sending packs of dust everywhere including my eyes. Daruis's spell on me held strong and I still could not move my limbs. Blood and dust pack around the cut. The blood flowed down into a little gutter, one I had not seen or paid any attention to earlier. The blood through the little channel down to the gate. Fucking hell. I struggled some more but his spell held for and strong.The wind centralized on one spot and a faint glimmer of light shone. Daruis's face turned pale at this because at the center of the cave now stood Magnus and my father.My heart leaped with joy, I had never been happier to see my father before. Never.Magnus ran to the corner of the cave and vomited. He stayed that way for a while, vomiting the little he had inside his stomach. My father turned his eyes towards us and a gasp escaped his lips.“Selene!!” My father called and ran towards us.“Oh shut up!” Darius said and flicked his hand away. A strong
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