All Chapters of A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
79 Chapters
Love and more
CassieThe alpha hadn't spoken a word to Cassie since she got into his car. He'd taken two phone calls, which the conversation sounded similar to the one he had in his office that day. She recalled how that few minutes in his office had made her follow him to this shabby town.As they entered the restaurant, he moved absently to the seat beside the large glass window. But he didn't take his seat. Instead, he stood looking at that lowly she-wolf. Yeah, that was her alright. The one with the pup. Sara James.Cassie had done her homework. Then she'd fallen ill from learning the alpha's little secret. She was contending with two: an omega and her child."Alpha?"He didn't seem to hear her. His focus was still on the trio at the driveway outside"Alpha?" Cassie called again."Yeah?" He turned a sharp gaze towards her. "Yes.""Do you know them?" She asked nonchalantly."Yeah. They're people of the town. Working with Reigns on the project." He sat down but only for a moment.As he started to
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The son's counsel
Avery Hawke"Who told you to call him that? He's not your uncle!"Newsflash, fucker! Avery stood watching father and son. The little boy looked so confused by his father's hostile tone.It was the first time Avery stood a few feet close to Nickolas Reign since he began his project here.The child started to speak again."He's..." but trailed off.The look on his father’s face must've terrified him to silence.Innocent eyes moved from Nick to Avery to his mother."Did he ask you to call him that?" Nick asked.Avery wanted to join the heart to heart when Sara spoke."No, he did not! He calls Jake and Rich uncle too. Did you tell him to call them that or did they?"Her tone matched the hostility in her ex's face. Avery found this more pleasing than anything else he'd encountered this past week."Jake and Richard ARE his uncles!" Nick countered. "Those two are closer than a brother could ever be. Surely, you understand these things, Sara." "Well, Avery's close to us too," Sara returned
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Night till day
Nick POVStop being an idiot! My son's simple advice. If only there was a manual describing how. It's not like I could turn back time.As I poured the ice-cold vodka down my throat, I thought of how we got here and all that has happened between Sara and I. I imagined where we could be if I'd acted differently in the past.It was now past midnight. Alex was sound asleep. I decided I needed some fresh . But as I sauntered through the woods, my feet carried me towards Sara’s.She probably wasn't home. Maybe she was spending the night with Sergeant Brave. Why was I doing this to myself? I wondered. What could I achieve if not more heartache? But I couldn’t stop myself from spying on her.As I stood by a tree behind the short house, I could tell she was in there. Awake. The fact that she was home and not with the sergeant didn't mean anything. She was with him now.But what if I entered her room through that window? One of two things would happen. I stood there fantasizing that I did. She
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The hunting Pt. 1
The only response that came from the gamma who should be watching my kid was the sound of her heart slamming in her chest. Mine did the same as I stared at her in horror. At the same time, Alex’s teacher was walking by. When she saw me at the gate, she broke into a welcoming smile and approached. "Mister Reign, what a nice surprise! Good morning." "Good morning, Mrs. Bright," I forced myself to return her smile as I waited for her to give me the news. "Miss James said there's a family emergency. I hope it's not serious," she said. "She did, huh?" "Yeah. She picked Alex up this morning." "Ah..." I nodded like I knew what she was talking about. No cause for panic. They're together, mother and child. "What time this morning?" I glanced around at Lindsey and her partner again. They stood outside the car now. "Nine... ish," replied the teacher. Her voice was hesitant, and I reverted my gaze to her. Fear had replaced the earlier cheerfulness on her face as she regarded me. Did I
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The hunting Pt. 2
That was my son's jacket between the man's fist. I knew he had come with a message, so I tried to reign in on my rage. But I couldn't help it. I wanted him to feel pain for being involved. As I pushed him, Richard and Gerrard appeared in an instant to stop me from doing further harm. I watched as the man went down, bouncing a few times on the rocky floor. A small tree stopped him from rolling farther away from us.Gerrard, Rich's guy, stood in front of me to prevent me from going to the man. It was Richard who went close, pulling him up by his shirt's collar. The small piece of fabric that was my son's jacket laid a few feet away. That was how he had lured me here. Was this a trap? I wished to Goddess that it was. My claws and teeth needed some good work. Gerrard tried to stop me as I reached for the cloth. I shoved him aside and bent to retrieve it like it was precious and breakable.“Who are they and what do they want?” Richard asked the man gently.“If he triples the offer, they
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The rescue
Sara POVJudging from Wide mouth’s restlessness and how red the back of his neck got earlier, I knew he was talking to someone of greater authority. Male werewolves couldn’t help that reaction around another angry male of a much higher rank.I caught the words "your whore and heir," which gave me the clue that he was talking to Nick. Moments after, they brought the phone to me but didn't even let me talk to him. Now, I was holding on the fact that the alpha would come for his child. He had to. It didn’t matter what happened to me as long as Alex got rescued.Oh, but the sound of his voice had comforted me deeply. So much more than I expected. But I would give anything to have Alex in my arms right now.Thick neck had gone to the other room with the phone. Wide mouth still stood near the window, occasionally glancing my way. He had become much more restless after the call with Nick. An odd contrast to the earlier smugness when he announced delightedly that "the alpha said please."I s
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In the Alpha's lair
Alex sat with his favorite teddy clutched to his chest, allowing Doctor Raul to do his thing. On the other side of the room, a nurse treated my bruises, which was taking forever to heal.The ointment stung a bit, but the pain didn’t feel like mine. I was focused on the little boy a few feet away. He didn’t look like we’d just been to hell and back.Moments later, the doctor breathed a deep, satisfactory sigh. A signal that he was done with the child. Pushing the nurse’s hand away from my face, I stood up to go to him as he sat back like all of this was normal.There was no trace of fear in his eyes anymore. Looking at him, no one would ever guess what had happened to us earlier.Doctor Raul started to speak.“He’s alright. No injuries whatsoever!”Whatsoever? I wanted to ask. Including emotional or mental injury?“You, on the other hand, need to get properly checked out, Miss James! Alpha Nick ordered me to look at the both of you, not just the child!”“I’m good, doctor, honest. The b
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Silver linings
Nick’s POV “He still won't wake up and now the doc said he's gone into a coma!” Jake announced with a scowl.“Well, tell the doctor to drag him back out then!” I replied. “That’s not how it works, alpha,” Rich said. He stood glowering at me with his back leaning against my office door. “I need to know who sent them!” "Yeah, and finding out would've been a breeze if you hadn't torn them to shreds like that!" The gamma countered. "I left one alive like Jake asked. He just needs to wake up."Even as I argued with him, I knew he was right. I should’ve gained control of my wolf sooner. Now two of the rogues were dead. The third one could join them any moment.Ignoring Richard and Jake’s reproving stares, I went on, "It's got to be a Forest Mooner. When we spoke on the phone, he said "the other one," wants them sent far... away..." I trailed off as we all went quiet.We were each thinking about the same people. It was Jake who broke the silence."Chief Alaric does not play like this. N
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The Wolves and their own
Sara POVI tried to blink away the grogginess as Jake led me away. I still felt weak and sleepy but had to force myself to leave that heavenly bed. I missed Alex and my dad. Seeing them both, holding them would make me sure that this nightmare was over.That guard, Oak or something. He had never addressed me before. I was shocked by his slight bow and the gentle words. There was a hint of relief in his eyes when he saw me."Richard said he was indisposed," Jake muttered with a frown. "Guess he's better now."Was he talking to me or thinking out loud? I made no comment as I wasn't sure which."You've never toured this house, huh? You should though," he said. "W-why are you making small talk... with me? You're being weird." I stammered.He breathed a deep sigh as he replied, "I don't know why. All I know is my life would've become a million times harder if we hadn't gotten to you when we did. Guess what I'm trying to say is..." he stopped walking as we came close to another staircase
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The Wolves and their own 2
Richard didn't know what he was talking about. He didn't know the whole story. If he did, he wouldn't say it was all about protecting me.But I wish he hadn't mentioned it. Because now, my mind was more scattered than ever. I didn’t need this battle of struggling not to think of things from Nick's perspective. What did it even matter? The past was the past. I hated him for all the hurt. That would never change!I typed Avery's number and dialed as I made the resolution. 'I hate him now and forever!'Avery didn’t pick up the phone till it went into voicemail. I started to speak when he suddenly answered. "Sara! Where are you? How are you? My uncle said you called in sick. And that Reign guy was around to look for you. I tried to speak to your dad, but the line went off and I haven’t been able to reach him since. Please, tell me what's going on! Where are you?" It was with a deep sigh that replied, “You won’t believe the day I’ve had."“But you’re okay now, right? Is there anything I
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