All Chapters of The Heiress Reborn: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter 31 "Persuasive Colleague"
Eva walked into the Architectural design department. Julie approached her with a big smile."Eva, excellent work!" Julie commended, holding a cup of coffee. "Baron had a habit of harassing young women in the department. We were all fed up with it. But nobody dared to take action because of his position as director."Eva's happiness grew upon realizing that she had successfully rid herself of such a problematic individual."It's all right now, Julie. That scumbag has gotten his reward. You don't have to work in fear anymore," she said comfortingly.The two of them shared a warm smile for a while. They felt like they became closer.Both women has been talking in excited tones, so they were audible.One of their female colleagues, overhearing their conversation, interjected, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Eva, especially after the trouble you caused just days into your tenure here. I warned you to maintain a low profile if you want to keep your job."Julie's surprise was evident as she tu
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Chapter 32 "The Project"
"Aliza quipped, her eyebrows knitting together as she remarked, 'This isn't what I had in mind.'""Nathan expressed confusion. 'Isn't this your design?' he asked. 'You mentioned you were the lead designer overseeing the plan.'"Aliza nodded, her explanation hurried. "I did create a draft for the amusement park plan, but what you're holding isn't it. You must have grabbed the wrong one."Nathan's face contorted into a deep frown. "Are you implying that I caused the mix-up? What kind of mistake do you think I'd make? This is the plan we selected!"Sensing that Nathan was offended by her choice of words, Aliza immediately adjusted her tone and put on a polite smile."Sir, I apologize if my words came across differently. Please, allow me to clarify. The plan you're holding was actually designed by a newcomer named Eva Torres, or Eva Lowes, and it never received approval from the director. The plan that was approved is the one I created. That's why I'm surprised by this discrepancy. It goe
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Chapter 33 "New Appointed"
Julie shook Eva's shoulder with excitement. Feeling a rush of dizziness, Eva gently pulled away from Julie's grasp and directed her gaze towards the computer screen. There, prominently displayed, was Eva's name on the promotion notice. The email declared her as the newly appointed director of the architectural design department. What? How did this come about? Eva had explicitly instructed Jayson not to promote her. She couldn't comprehend why he had disregarded her wishes. Within moments, a crowd of other employees gathered around to catch a glimpse. Shock rippled through them as they beheld the name displayed. "That can't be right! There must be some mistake!" Aliza gently pushed her colleagues aside and leaned in to see for herself. To her astonishment, it was indeed Eva's name prominently displayed on the notice. Her voice trembled with disbelief as she muttered, "How is this possible? Why not me?" The color drained from her face, replaced by a deepening shade of crimson.
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Chapter 34 "Date Night"
Eva was adorned in a stunning sapphire blue fishtail dress. Her wavy black locks were elegantly coiled up with a shimmering pearl hairpin, adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble. Adorning her slender neck was a delicate silver necklace that gracefully traced the lines of her clavicle. The subtle makeup she wore enhanced her natural beauty, accentuating her features without overpowering them. With a radiant smile gracing her lips, she exuded an aura of enchantment that captivated all who beheld her. Like a wild rose swaying in the gentle mountain breeze, she emanated an effortless allure, drawing the gaze of every guest in attendance. The men gazed at her with wide-eyed wonder, captivated by the goddess-like presence before them. "Isn't she stunningly beautiful?" "Who is she? What lineage does she hail from? And how is it that she's eluded our notice at all the elite gatherings?" "Hold on! Her visage strikes a chord. She's none other than Blake's former spouse, Eva Lowes
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Chapter 35 "Compelling Performance"
"Jayson, please remove your hand from her. As the CEO of World Group, your behavior is entirely inappropriate. Why are you touching your employee in this manner?"Blake's voice carried a sharp edge, his fists clenched at his sides, the urge to confront Jayson palpable. He struggled to contain his rising anger, his restraint a thin veil over his simmering frustration."What exactly do you think you're doing, Jayson? You can't just disregard your position like this," Blake interjected, his words laced with a mix of disbelief and reproach.Jayson's smirk widened, seemingly unfazed by Blake's admonishment. "What's the problem, Blake? Tonight, I'm not the CEO; I'm just Eva's date," he retorted, his tone dripping with arrogance.Blake's jaw tightened, a surge of indignation coursing through him. He fought to maintain his composure, the urge to confront Jayson clawing at his restraint. With a deep breath, he composed himself, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Jayson once more.Jayson's gri
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Chapter 36 "Profound Embarrassment"
Eva's chuckle carried a hint of amusement as she regarded Tally's ignorance with a mixture of patience and bemusement."You see, Tally," Eva began, her tone laced with a touch of condescension, "foam concrete isn't simply composed of foam. It's a sophisticated blend of cement, coal ash, stone powder, and a measured infusion of foam, all meticulously combined through advanced mechanical processes."She continued, her explanation measured and precise, as if addressing a student in need of enlightenment. "Through the marvels of modern technology, these ingredients are frothed together to create a cement-based slurry. A specialized pumping system is then employed to facilitate construction."Eva's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she delved into the merits of foam concrete. "And here's the beauty of it: foam concrete boasts a myriad of advantages. It's remarkably durable, exhibiting exceptional resistance to both water and heat. What's more, its unique composition enables it to absorb sho
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Chapter 37 "Another Feat"
As the newly appointed director, Eva was tasked with delivering a speech at the banquet after successfully securing several crucial deals. She took a brief moment to touch up her makeup, stepping out of the ladies' room with a sense of anticipation. However, her thoughts were interrupted by Tally, who intercepted her at the corner of the stairs.Eva, feeling a mix of impatience and curiosity, brushed a stray hair away as she addressed Tally, "Why are you blocking my path, Tally? What's on your mind now?"Tally stood with her arms crossed, her gaze piercing as she confronted Eva, resentment simmering in her eyes."You think you're untouchable just because Blake's got your back, huh?" Tally's words dripped with bitterness.Eva's lip curled in a contemptuous sneer. "Blake protecting me? You must be joking, Tally. Are you implying something I'm not seeing, or is it just your imagination running wild?"Eva's laughter echoed through the corridor, a stark contrast to Tally's simmering anger.
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Chapter 38 "Evidence"
Tally shivered involuntarily, her body trembling in Blake's arms as her face drained of color, leaving her complexion even paler than before."I'm not pulling another stunt," Tally whispered, her voice barely audible above the tumult of emotions swirling around them. "I know that I wronged you, Eva. But please, don't accuse me falsely."Blake's grip tightened around Tally, a mix of concern and frustration etched onto his features. He looked up at Eva, his gaze steely as he issued a warning, the intensity of his tone cutting through the charged atmosphere."Don't go too far, Eva," he cautioned, his words carrying a weight of authority that brooked no argument.Eva's chuckle held a bitter edge as she watched the scene unfold before her, a cruel deja vu playing out once again."For what feels like the thousandth time," she thought, her heart heavy with the weight of past grievances, "I regret ever falling in love with this man who has caused me nothing but suffering for three long years.
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Chapter 39 "Rivalry"
Blake hurriedly pursued Eva as she exited the venue, swiftly closing the distance between them. Yet, as he was on the verge of reaching out to her, Jayson intervened, obstructing Blake's path with an unwavering stance."Step back!" Blake's voice was taut with frustration as he addressed Jayson. "I have to speak with Eva.""Ev isn't interested in talking with you now," Jayson reiterated firmly, unmoved by Blake's insistence.Turning his gaze towards Eva, Blake found her retreating figure, a silent dismissal in her stride, ignoring his presence as if he were a stranger.A weight settled heavily in Blake's chest, a mixture of disappointment and resignation.Yet, amidst his turmoil, a voice within reminded him of his lack of entitlement to anger, a sobering realization of his own shortcomings in their relationship.Self-condemnation gnawed at Blake as he acknowledged his own culpability in the situation. Once more, he had allowed doubt to cloud his judgment, falsely suspecting Eva despite
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Chapter 40 "Momentum"
Eva's determination to surpass the competition fueled her motivation as she returned to her company, ready to take on the challenge presented by Torres Group.Back at the helm, Eva wasted no time and dove into preparations for the upcoming bidding process. Her relentless focus and drive to succeed were palpable as she spearheaded the effort within her team.During the inaugural department meeting following her promotion to director, Eva boldly presented her proposal to pursue the smart city project. The room buzzed with excitement at the prospect of undertaking such a prestigious endeavor, each team member eager to contribute their expertise.However, amidst the fervor of anticipation, one individual's demeanor betrayed a sense of discouragement."Are you serious? Torres Group has already secured that crucial project. There's no way we can compete with them. You need to face reality and understand our limitations. Honestly, it's a foolish notion. Quit chasing after shortcuts and immed
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