All Chapters of Rebirth And Revenge: The Betrayed Luna's Return: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
120 Chapters
Suspicious man
After Mia told Thomas what had happened at the clothing store, he assured her she didn’t need to wear the dress Eleanor gave her. Instead, he bought her a new pink dress which exuded innocence and delicacy.Mia couldn’t wait to see the look on Eleanor’s face when she saw her. She was happy that Eleanor and her friend had harrassed her at the store. It made Thomas get close to her and get even angrier with his Luna.With Thomas’s support, she didn’t need to worry about fighting back against Eleanor. He would fight all her battles, and that would make her victory so much sweeter.When Thomas got to the party with Mia not his Luna, many men paid attention to her. Mia enjoyed the attention secretly–she couldn’t openly show that she was thrilled to be here. She clung close to Thomas, acting like a kitten scared to leave its master’s side.“Are you okay?” he asked, looking down at her with worried eyes. Nobody had ever looked at her the way he did. How lucky she was, to not only have an Alp
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He was too blind to see
Thomas was only gone for a few seconds when he realised that leaving Eleanor with Shallowend’s Alpha was not a good idea. Since it involved Mia, Eleanor always got mad, careless about his and their pack’s reputation.Ever since Mia came to their pack, Eleanor had been taking every chance to tear into his mate. If he left her alone with the man, there was no telling what kind of trouble she would brew.Handing Mia to Miller, Thomas rushed back to the dessert table. He got there just as Eleanor asked Alpha Walter what he knew about Mia. He reached out to Eleanor through mindlink. “Watch what you say,” he warned, “don’t embarrass me in public. We’re bound, Eleanor.”“Embarrass? What’s your point to say that, Thomas? Have you considered about me when you announced Mia as your mate in public? Wasn’t this a deliberate attempt to embarrass me either?”Choked and speechless, Thomas turned to the onlookers who were still standing around, waiting to hear the gossip about an alpha’s mate. “There
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Learn to pamper herself
A while later, Eleanor returned to the house and went to her room. She had hoped going on a little walk would make her feel better, but she was still upset.How much longer was she going to take such treatment from Thomas? She wished she was in the position to divorce him right away. His behaviour towards her was only going to get worse, and she couldn’t bear it.She hadn’t forgotten why she was here, why Selene had offered her a new chance at life. She knew what Thomas was capable of, and she wasn’t here to save their love.But she couldn’t stop her heart from breaking when the man she had loved turned violent against her. She was mad at herself for feeling hurt.It should no longer matter what he said or did. He didn’t love her. She knew that. But her stupid heart was still vulnerable to him. That’s the only reason his earlier outburst hurt her.It would take time to stop getting affected by the memories of their good times, but one thing was sure–she was never looking back.Once sh
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Women can do what men can do
“I wonder what this is about,” Sophia commented, walking onto the back porch with an envelope in hand.It was early evening and the two friends were hanging out at the back of the house. The doorbell had rang a few moments ago and Sophia had offered to see who it was.“Why do you have a letter from the university?” Sophia asked, handing Eleanor the envelope and taking a seat. “Do you want to go back to school or something?” she teased.Eleanor looked at the emblem on the envelope. It was indeed a letter from the werewolf university.Tearing the paper, she found a thick card inside. After reading the message, she looked at her best friend. She could barely contain her smile as she said, “They want me to deliver a speech at the graduation ceremony.”Sophia’s eyes widened as she reached for the card. “Are you serious?” Her surprise turned to elation as she read it too. “Wow. This is amazing, Eleanor. I can’t believe this. When was the last time they invited a Luna to make a speech at the
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Was Mia right?
Mia sat in her seat beside Thomas, jealousy swirling through her as she looked at Eleanor on the podium.When she had first found out that Eleanor would be giving the speech, she had hoped Eleanor would make a fool of herself. Instead, the reception to her speech was quite positive, and everyone seemed to be pleased with her.But that wasn’t even the worst part.It was that Thomas didn’t even seem to realise what was going on.That woman was trying to outshine him, and yet he was looking at her with the same captivated expression everyone else around them was.Mia couldn’t stand it. It would be harder to get rid of her if everyone thought Eleanor was the model Luna.“Is she trying to replace you or something?” she muttered to Thomas. “She looks like she wants more to be recognised as Alpha rather than Luna, does she?”Thomas looked at Mia, a small furrow between his eyes. “What? Why would you say that?”“Look at her, talking about herself and everything she has done for the pack. Now,
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Did he say a kiss?
Eleanor was surprised to find the man who had sneaked up on her was none other than Henry Hudsen.Her fight-response disappeared, replaced by embarrassment. She pushed him away and stepped back, hoping he didn’t notice how she blushed.Damn, what was it with him and making her so flustered? A second ago, she was ready to crush his groin in full defensive mode. But the sight of his face alone and the thought of how close they’d been–even if it had only been for a moment–was enough to send her heart racing.She moved behind her desk and took a seat–the farther away she was from him, the better. “I didn’t figure you for someone who enters people’s houses through windows.”He arched his brow as he perched on the corner of her desk. He was so relaxed, as if he had been inside her office before. “I’m here to discuss your divorce and replacing your husband, and we can’t do that publicly, can we?”No, they couldn’t. She swallowed as she looked up at him. He was wearing a white shirt and a pai
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I don’t accept your rejection
“What are you doing? Where are you going?” Ethan’s wolf, Kyle, demanded as Ethan hurried away from the restaurant’s entrance, headed for the parking lot.Ethan shook his head and kept going.This couldn’t be happening.It had all happened so fast, and his first instinct had been to get the hell out of there. He didn’t even know her, but he knew she wasn’t the one he wanted.“She is our mate!” His wolf was excited. While Ethan wanted to run away, Kyle wanted to go back and claim her. “She is ours.”Ethan heard footsteps behind him then, and he turned to find the woman following him. His entire body went alive again, the way it did a few moments ago inside the restaurant.He felt an invisible, strange force drawing him to her. A force he couldn’t fight, and he hated it.He had never given much thought about finding his mate. At least not after he met Eleanor. The idea of being with another woman, mate or not, never occurred to him. And now, when there was a chance he could get closer to
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Teach her a lesson
Henry had expected the night to be eventful from the moment Thomas had said he wanted Mia to join them at dinner.But he hadn’t expected that it would be the night Ethan found his mate. It wasn’t obvious to everyone else around the table, but he found out through the mind link between them.He was happy for Ethan. Not every werewolf got to meet their mate. He could tell from Ethan’s reaction that he was more shocked than elated.Which made sense, since Ethan had feelings for Eleanor. The fact that his crush’s best friend was his mate was almost like fate playing a sick joke on him.Eleanor’s friend seemed like a nice person. He didn’t know anything about her, but he didn’t think Eleanor would keep anyone who wasn’t decent around her. If Ethan gave her a chance, they’d make a good couple.Henry stood from his chair and pulled out the one next to him when Eleanor got to the table. She looked at him and then at Thomas.Henry lifted a brow. Her husband was sitting at the table with anothe
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The visitors
Throughout dinner, Sophia could see that Eleanor was dying to find out what had happened between her and Ethan.So she was not surprised that the moment they got back to the Alpha’s villa, her best friend dragged her to her bedroom and immediately asked about it.If finding her mate had gone differently, she would have been over the moon and excited to share the news with Eleanor. But given how it had gone, she decided now was not the right time to break the news to her best friend.There was already so much going on. She didn’t want to make Eleanor worried about her. It was enough that one of them was already going through love troubles.“Nothing,” she said, walking to the window and peering outside. “He mistook me for someone he knew.”“Really?” Eleanor asked. She sounded unconvinced.Sophia dared not look at her. It would be so much harder to lie if she did. “Yeah. I know, it’s ridiculous. I saw how he looked at me when he ran out of the restaurant, and that’s why I followed him. W
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His missing daughter
When Eleanor saw the man waiting outside the conference room, she was surprised. She recognised him right away as the man who had been involved with Mia at the party.Alpha Walter. He was the last person she had expected to see at Blackstorm. But she was happy to see him.She was convinced he knew something about Mia’s background. Thomas joined them in the conference room soon after.Alpha Walter introduced himself again as the Alpha of Shallowend. It was a distant pack and small in size.“What brought you to our pack?” Thomas asked. He sounded defensive, as if he was anticipating that the man would cause trouble for Mia.Eleanor wondered whether Thomas was no longer interested in finding out the truth about Mia’s background. He had caused quite the scene that night after the party. Had he fallen for Mia’s fake tears?She wouldn’t be surprised if he had decided to trust his mate blindly.“I would like to apologise for what happened at the party,” Walter said, looking contrite. “I didn
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