All Chapters of Ex-wife Returns : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
99 Chapters
Princess Treatment from the wrong Man.
As Martins turned the car in a different direction, Carina's curiosity piqued. "Where are we going?" she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.Martins simply smiled mysteriously, offering no explanation as he pulled up in front of an upscale boutique. "Get out," he instructed gently, gesturing towards the boutique.Carina hesitated, unsure of what Martins had in mind. "Why are we here?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.Martins shrugged nonchalantly. "I noticed you've been wearing the same dress," he remarked casually, earning a sniff from Carina as she self-consciously checked herself.Before Carina could protest, Martins continued, "I'm not saying you smell," he chuckled, seeing her reaction. "But I thought you might like to freshen up your wardrobe a bit."Carina's eyes widened in disbelief. "You want to buy me clothes?" she asked incredulously, unable to comprehend Martins' generosity.Martins simply nodded, his expression sincere. "I want to treat you," he explained,
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The London Assignment
As Martins pulled up in front of Madam Katie's mansion, a wave of nervousness washed over me. I turned to Martins, my voice tinged with curiosity. "How did you know which house it was?" I asked, but Martins remained silent, his expression unreadable.As I moved to get out of the car, Martins surprised me by stepping out as well. Before I could protest, he enveloped me in a warm hug. I stiffened at first, caught off guard by his sudden display of affection, but soon I found myself melting into his embrace. It felt comforting, reassuring, amidst the uncertainty swirling around me."Be strong, Carina," Martins murmured, his voice gentle but firm. "You're capable of more than you realize."His words struck a chord within me, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. "Why do you sound like you're saying goodbye?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid to voice my fears aloud.Martins pulled away slightly, his gaze meeting mine. "You won't understand," he replied cryptically, his
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The Feud
As Madam Katie noticed the bags and new phone pack sitting in the corner, her eyes widened with surprise. "Carina, dear, where did you get all these things?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.I hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh, those... Martins got them for me."A smile tugged at Madam Katie's lips, and I couldn't help but feel intrigued by her reaction. "Martins, you say?" she repeated, her tone thoughtful.I nodded, wondering if she knew more about Martins than she let on. "Yes, he insisted on buying them for me," I explained, still feeling a bit bewildered by his sudden generosity.Madam Katie chuckled softly. "Well, isn't that kind of him," she remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.Curiosity getting the better of me, I couldn't help but ask, "Do you know Martins, Madam Katie?"She smiled knowingly, her expression enigmatic. "Let's just say I'm familiar with him," she replied cryptically.I furrowed my brow in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I pressed, ea
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Does He pity Me
As Carina remained with Madam Katie, Martins paid her a surprise visit. Madam Katie couldn't help but notice the bruise on his face, prompting her to inquire if he had been in a fight. Initially, Martins brushed off the question, but under Madam Katie's persistent gaze, he relented."I went to Luke's house," Martins confessed, his voice tight with tension.Madam Katie's expression softened with understanding. "Because of Carina?" she ventured, her voice gentle yet probing.Martins nodded, his jaw set with determination. "Luke wouldn't stop insulting her, calling her names," he explained, his frustration evident.A heavy sigh escaped Madam Katie's lips as she absorbed Martins's words. "And what do you feel for Carina, Martins? Is it pity?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for the truth.Martins hesitated, his brows furrowing in thought. "I... I'm not sure," he admitted finally, his voice tinged with uncertainty.Madam Katie regarded him with a knowing look before changing the sub
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The Sabotage
Madam Katie sat behind her desk in her office, her brows furrowed in concentration as she reviewed some documents. The door creaked open, and she looked up to see Madam Claire, Luke's mother, entering with a confident stride.Madam Katie's expression remained neutral as Madam Claire approached her desk. "What brings you here, Claire?" she asked, her tone polite but guarded.Madam Claire flashed a charming smile, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I've been trying to get you to sign a business deal with me, Katie," she said smoothly. "But it seems you've been avoiding me."Madam Katie sighed inwardly, already anticipating where this conversation was heading. "I'm sorry, Claire, but I'm not interested in any business deals at the moment," she replied calmly.Undeterred, Madam Claire pressed on, her persistence evident. "I understand, Katie, but I wanted to invite you to an event I'm hosting next week," she said, her tone hopeful.Madam Katie raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued d
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The Sabotage 2
Madam Katie sat behind her desk, a thoughtful expression adorning her features as she awaited Martins' arrival. When he entered the room, she motioned for him to take a seat, her eyes fixed on him intently."Martins, I need to discuss something important with you," she began, her tone serious.Martins nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Of course, Madam Katie. What's on your mind?" he inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.Madam Katie wasted no time in divulging the details of her encounter with Claire earlier that day, outlining her suspicions and her plan to use it as a test for Carina. Martins listened intently, his mind whirring with possibilities."So, you believe that Claire's invitation is a trap?" Martins questioned, his brow furrowing with concern.Madam Katie nodded, her expression grave. "Yes, I do," she confirmed, her voice laced with certainty. "And I intend to use it as an opportunity to gauge Carina's readiness to confront her past."Martins pondered her words for a momen
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The Test
I was in my room, focusing on my online application, when my phone buzzed with an incoming call from an unknown number. I hesitated for a moment, recognizing it as Luke's, but eventually decided to ignore it. However, he kept calling persistently, refusing to give up. With a sigh, I finally answered, steeling myself for whatever he had to say."Hello?" I said, my voice guarded.There was a moment of silence on the other end before Luke spoke, his tone surprisingly calm. It caught me off guard, considering our past interactions. He didn't waste any time with small talk, immediately launching into an apology."Carina, I'm sorry," he began, his words tentative yet earnest. "I know I've hurt you, and I regret it deeply."I listened in disbelief, not expecting such a remorseful tone from him. For a moment, I was speechless, unsure of how to respond to his unexpected apology. But then, he mentioned Leah, my sweet daughter, and my heart softened despite my reservations."Leah wants to see yo
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New Luke
As I walked into the restaurant, my heart pounded in my chest. Meeting Luke after all this time filled me with a mix of emotions – anger, resentment, and a tinge of lingering affection that I wished I could shake off. The restaurant was dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background, creating an intimate ambiance that made me feel uneasy.I scanned the room, searching for Luke, and finally spotted him sitting alone at a corner table. Relief washed over me when I realized Leah wasn't with him. I couldn't bear the thought of facing her, knowing the pain her presence would bring. I approached Luke cautiously, steeling myself for whatever conversation lay ahead."Where's Leah?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing miserably.Luke looked up at me with pleading eyes, his expression softening. "She's fast asleep," he replied softly. "I didn't want to wake her."My instincts told me to turn and walk away, to protect myself from the inevitable heartache that awaited if I stay
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Pressing Moments
As I sat in my room, mulling over the unsettling encounter with Luke, I felt a wave of unease wash over me. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Madam Katie had entered the room until she spoke up, her voice gentle yet firm."What's the matter, Carina?" she inquired, her eyes filled with concern as she studied my troubled expression.I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. Finally, I managed to muster a response, albeit a vague one. "It's nothing, Madam Katie," I murmured, forcing a weak smile. "I'm just... worried about not being able to see Leah before I leave for London."Madam Katie's brow furrowed in understanding, and she reached out to me, her touch warm and reassuring. "Don't worry, my dear," she said soothingly. "We'll make sure you get to see Leah before you leave."Her words were like a balm to my frazzled nerves, and I found myself drawing closer to her, seeking comfort in her embrace. As she held me close,
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Played his own game .
As I woke up the next morning, I reached for my phone and saw a flood of messages and missed calls from Luke. My heart sank as I listened to one of the voicemails – it was Leah, sobbing and pleading for me to come home. Without hesitation, I started packing a few things, feeling torn between my desire to see Leah and my wariness of Luke's intentions.I woke up to a flurry of notifications on my phone, all from Luke. My heart sank as I listened to Leah's tearful voicemail, pleading for me to come home. My mind raced with conflicting emotions as I dialed Luke's number."Hello?" Luke's voice was strained, filled with desperation."It's me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I got your messages. What's going on?""Carina, please come home," Luke begged, his voice trembling. "Leah's been crying since you left. I don't know what to do."I felt a pang of guilt at the thought of Leah's tears. "I'll come back," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "But it's for Leah, not for you.
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