All Chapters of The Alpha King's Claimed Breeder: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
107 Chapters
Ninety one *Freya*I stared at Rafe, his muscular frame lying still and unconscious on the bed I had just woken from moments ago. I studied his still form. He looked so peaceful. Like he was in a deep deep slumber. But he was unconscious. And I was the reason for it.Tears streaked my cheeks as the events of the past night came rushing back to me. Someone had tried to kill me, to end my life with poison. And Rafe...brave, selfless Rafe...had saved me. He had burst into my room, finding me collapsed on the floor, the poison already ravaging my body. When they realized I had poison inside of me, Without hesitation, he had sealed his mouth over my poisoned wrist, sucking the venom out, taking it into himself. He had sacrificed his own wellbeing for mine.A sob wracked my body as I reached out a shaking hand to brush a lock of dark hair from his feverish brow. His skin was pale, sheened with sweat, his breaths shallow and labored. I had never seen him look so vulnerable, my strong, fear
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Ninety two *Freya*Rafe looked so vulnerable lying there, his handsome face unnaturally pale, dark lashes fanned out against his sculpted cheekbones. Tears prickled my eyes as I stared at him.I'd always found him breathtaking, but now, with the knowledge of what he'd risked for me, what he'd sacrificed, he'd never seemed more beautiful. Or more beyond my reach.Rafe was everything I'd ever wanted. Strong, brave, compassionate. A true leader who inspired loyalty in all those around him. His people adored him, and with good reason. He always put their needs before his own.And this time, he'd put my life before his. The king of the werewolves had bargained with his mortal enemy, spilled his own blood, all to save a lowly, wolfless nobody like me. I didn't deserve his selflessness. Especially not when my very existence apparently posed a threat to him and everyone else I cared about. But I couldn't stop myself from needing him, like I needed air in my lungs and a heart beating in my c
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Ninety threeI turned back to Rafe, my hand still clasped tightly in his limp grasp. Bending down, I pressed a tender kiss to his feverish forehead, silently willing him to wake up. To come back to me. I couldn't help but feel like I was losing him. Like he was slipping away from me while I stood helpless by his bedside.I absentmindedly stroked his silky hair. I didn’t know how I knew but I had a feeling he would open his eyes soon. I glanced at the side mirror and registered my disheveled look. I couldn’t let Rafe see me like this whenever he woke up. I needed to take sometime to get myself together. I dropped a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm going to freshen up," I whispered, my voice catching in my throat. "But I'll be right back, my love. I promise."With a heavy heart, I started to pull away, to force myself to leave his side. But suddenly, shockingly, I felt Rafe's fingers tighten around mine, refusing to let me go.I froze, my breath catching in my chest as I stared down at
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Ninety four*Freya*I stared out the window of my chambers, my thoughts swirling with memories of Rafe. How he had singlehandedly saved my life last night. The way his strong arms felt around me, his dark blue eyes gazing into my soul. I couldn't stop thinking about last night, how he had selflessly risked his own life to save mine when that poison coursed through my veins. My heart clenched at the thought of almost losing him. The memory of last night consumed my mind, the way he had fearlessly put himself in harm's way to rescue me from the venom coursing through my veins. He had sucked the poison out with his own mouth, taking on the danger for me. My heart twisted at the thought of almost losing him, my savior and protector. The scene replayed in my head like a vivid dream, each detail etched into my mind - the frantic beating of his heart, the beads of sweat on his brow, the determined set of his jaw. I couldn't shake off the overwhelming gratitude and love I felt towards him, my
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Ninety five*Freya*Humiliation and helpless anger churned in my gut, a toxic mixture that threatened to spill out. My evil step sister, Kelly and her friend Jessica, reveled in their power over me as they taunted and bullied me. But I couldn't fight back like they could - I wasn't a true werewolf with their strength and regenerative abilities. To them, my humanity was a weakness, an invitation to be targeted whenever they pleased.But I refused to be their victim any longer.As I struggled against Kelly's tight hold on my hair, determination surged through me. Not anymore would I let them push me around and belittle me."Let go of me," I demanded through clenched teeth, gritting them against the pain of her unbreakable grasp. Yet even as I spoke, a fire burned within me, fueling my will to break free from their cruel hold.Adrenaline surging through my vein, I grabbed Kelly's wrist and wrenched with all my might. Caught off guard, Kelly stumbled forward with a yelp. I used the opport
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Ninety six*Freya*"You just thought of something and blocked out your mind. For you to do that, it means you don't want me to know about it." Rafe sounded offended. "Well..I.." I thought of what I could say to save myself "Just tell me….What are you thinking about?" Rafe's voice was like a velvet caress, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made my heart race. I had to think fast. If he knew I was dwelling on Kelly and Jessica's mean-spirited antics, he would be furious. He despised them for their cruelty towards me.I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I summoned up the right words to distract him. "I was just thinking about how much I love you," I said, my voice soft and sincere. "And how thankful I am that you didn't die when you sucked the poison out of my body."He smiled, his fangs glinting in the dim light of the room. "You have nothing to worry about, Freya. I will always protect you." The tension between us was palpable, like a physical force that
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Ninety seven *Third Pov*Kelly would not give up without a fight. Her mind raced with new schemes to rid herself of her wretched stepsister and have Alpha Rafe all to herself. In her room, she paced back and forth, muttering to herself in frustration."Enough, Freya!" She yelled at the empty space around her. "You've had your fun with King Rafe, now it's my turn. But as long as you stand in my way, I will do whatever it takes to get rid of you. Rafe is mine, and I won't let anyone, especially you, stand in the way of our love." The intensity in her voice grew with each word spoken. Kelly was determined to have what she wanted, no matter the consequences.With a new sense of determination, Kelly strode out of her chambers, her footsteps echoing through the palace halls. She made her way to the kitchen, where she knew her co-conspirator would be waiting.As she entered the kitchen, Kelly spotted the maid lurking in the shadows. The maid, her face obscured by a hood, bowed her head in d
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Chapter 98*Rafe*The gentle breeze from the open window played with my hair, sending strands cascading across my face. I leaned against the windows, gazing out at the stunning view of the city below. Golden rays of sunlight filtered through the clouds, painting everything in a warm glow. My mind drifted back to last night, and I couldn't help but smile. Freya's laughter still rang in my ears, each note like a Music that I never wanted to end. The faint scent of her perfume lingered in the air, reminding me of every moment we had shared together. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I could almost feel her touch once again, igniting a warmth within my chest. It had been a perfect night - every whisper, every shared breath - and the memory of it would stay with me forever. I wanted her again. I couldn’t deny that I was getting obsessed with her. "Freya…" Her name slipped from my lips in a soft murmur, the sound almost tangible as it hovered in the air. In my mind, I could see her cle
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Ninety nine*Rafe*As I held Freya close to me, I couldn't help but marvel at her selflessness. Her warmth and softness enveloped me, making me feel safe and loved. She was truly the best thing in my life, and I treasured every moment with her. I had been dreading telling her that I wouldn't be able to take her to the party because of Jessica, but Freya surprised me by giving me her understanding and permission. It was just one more example of her incredible kindness and generosity, even when she didn't have to be. As I gazed into her deep brown eyes, I knew that I was the luckiest person in the world to have her by my side."But.. How did you know I would be taking Jessica?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely more than a whisper. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, suffocating."Jessica told me herself," Freya began, a mixture of hurt and determination flickering in her eyes. "She came to my chamber earlier. She bragged about it—how you had to beg her to go with yo
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Chapter 100*Rafe**Rafe*The grand ballroom glittered under the cascade of crystal chandeliers hanging high above, the light changing into a dazzling ray of colors. The polished marble floors reflected the luxury as elegantly dressed couples swirled and danced in perfect harmony to the soft music of a live orchestra. My eyes swept over the scene, taking in the lavish gowns in different shades of deep emerald, royal blue, and crimson red. Everyone ladies outfit seemed more extravagant than the other, adorned with either beads, lace, or silken textures that spoke of wealth and status.Noble werewolves from different packs around the globe mingled together, their laughter and chatter forming an undertone to the music. The air was thick with their scents—distinctive, powerful, each one telling its own story of lineage and strength. It was clear that tonight’s ball was the pinnacle of social gatherings, a gathering of the werewolf elite. "Isn't it magnificent, Rafe?" Jessica's voice brok
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