All Chapters of The Alpha King's Claimed Breeder: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
107 Chapters
Forty-One*Rafe"What are you doing, Rafe?" Rafael demanded as soon as he saw me dressing up in my chambers. "You can't seriously be planning to go after the girl. Don't you think what you are trying to do is unnecessary and a step too far?"I tightened the last strap on my leather armor. "Of course, I am. Freya is in danger. I have to save her."Rafael shook his head. "She escaped the palace walls of her own volition. The Sunshade pack is treacherous territory, even for you. It's far too risky."My jaw clenched. I knew he was right - it would be perilous to confront the rival pack alone on their own lands. But images of Freya, scared and alone, possibly hurt or worse, kept flashing through my mind.I met my Gamma's stern gaze. "I hear your counsel, Rafael, but I cannot abandon her. Not when her life may be at stake.""What is this girl to you? Why endanger yourself for her?" He searched my face, trying to understand.I squared my shoulders, hand gripping the hilt of my sword. "She is
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Forty Two *Freya*I stared at Rafe as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist. It was only him. The beastly scent of him overwhelmed my senses - a blend of earth, sweat, and something wholly animal. Positioned so close, I could feel the rumbling growl vibrating through his body as his eyes scanned our surroundings for any remaining threats.Just then, a deafening roar of fury echoed across the pit. Zephyr, bloodied but still standing, leveled an enormous flamethrower directly at Rafe's back. "If I can't have one can!" Rafe whipped around just as the first lick of flames erupted from the barrel. He shielded me with his body as the searing blaze engulfed him. An anguished roar tore from his throat as he crumpled to the ground, his skin smoldering."No!" I screamed, cradling his massive, unmoving form. Tears streamed down my face as I shook him desperately, calling his name over and over. But he didn't respond, his eyes remaining eerily shut.Zephyr stalked forward, the
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Forty three*Freya*My heart pounded as Rafe's intense gaze locked onto mine. The air between us felt electric, charged with a longing so powerful it stole my breath away. I ached to confess the truth I'd been holding back—that I wasn't truly one of his kind. His brow furrowed slightly in concern. "Tell me, Freya." He urged.I took a deep breath. It was now or never. "The reason I ran away... it wasn't because of you. It was because of Kelly, my stepsister. She found out my secret and threatened to tell you if I didn't leave the palace" "What secret is that?" He asked. I took a deep breath, my whole body beaded with thick sweat.After a heavy pause, the words finally tumbled out. "Kelly...she threatened to tell you I'm wolfless if I didn't leave you." My stepsister's cruelty still stung. "I couldn't let her manipulate me anymore, so I fled your palace."Rafe's brow furrowed, those piercing eyes searching my face. "Why didn't you just tell me?" I fought back tears at the hurt lacin
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Forty Four*Freya*There was nothing I desired more than this moment. The sensation of his body pressed against mine was indescribable. It was almost as if we were made for each other, every curve and angle fitting perfectly together. My entire being felt electrified by his touch. I couldn't even remember when our clothes had come off, but there I was on his bed, beneath him, eagerly waiting for him to claim me as his own. Our gazes locked, our hearts beating in unison as we both recognized the perfection of this moment."Freya... Are you absolutely certain about this?" Rafe's voice was soft, filled with concern."Yes...I want you so much, Rafe." I answered without hesitation or shame. Though I appreciated his consideration in letting me decide, my impatience was growing. I needed him now! "Impatient are we?" He chuckled against my lips. The demon was teasing me!He slowly shifted his weight on me, looking deep into my eyes with a mix of passion and tenderness. The moonlight was so
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Forty Five*Rafe*I gazed at Freya's soft curves and delicate features as she slept peacefully beside me, the light caressing her bare skin. Memories of our passionate lovemaking were still fresh in my mind - the feel of her silky body pressed against mine, her nails digging into my back as she gasped my name over and over in ecstasy. In this blissful moment, nothing else mattered except the amazing connection we shared. Careful not to wake her, I placed a tender kiss on Freya's forehead before slipping out of bed. Pulling on some clothes, I silently exited the room, closing the door with a quiet click. The private jet had landed while we were...occupied, and I could hear my crew and security detail preparing to disembark. I made my way to the front of the plane where Connor was overseeing the unloading. He glanced up as I approached, a sly grin spreading across his face."Well, well, look who finally decided to grace us with his presence," Connor quipped. "I was beginning to think
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Forty six *Freya* "I heard you were captured by the Sunshades. That must have been so awful. I'm so glad you are back and safe with us now" Addy commented the moment I walked into the Crimson palace. She looked so relieved to see me that I couldn't help but smile at her and enveloping her in a tight hug. I had missed her so much. The other ladies stood in front, watching us intently. After we broke apart, I turned to find Kelly and Jessica glaring daggers at me. I raised my chin up and stared them down. I was done allowing them intimidate me every time they had the chance. I was done being the girl that got bullied. "Hello, Sis," I said, my voice dripping with intended sarcasm. She glared even harder at me as I approached her. "Back from your little trip I see," She chuckled, but I could see the fury hiding in her eyes. She must have thought she had triumphed when I left. She had scared her sister away as she always did. Not this time. Not anymore. "As a matter of fact, y
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Forty seven*Freya* The more I tried to move my body out of the water, the more it seemed to pull me in. "Help!" I screamed, my voice cracking. "Someone help me! Grace! Anyone!" But deep down, I knew no one could hear me, I was utterly alone in this strange, terrifying place, far from any chance of rescue. I sagged back into the water, tears of fear and frustration stinging my eyes. I had to find a way out of this nightmare, but I had no idea how. All I could do was pray that somehow, I would wake up soon. I tried to slap myself to wake up but it didn't work. I grabbed my hair and pulled hard but I didn't feel any difference apart from the pain of dragging my hair. Suddenly, I felt a sharp tug on my leg, and before I could even scream, the water swallowed me whole. The icy liquid filled my nose and mouth as I thrashed and fought against the invisible force dragging me under. My lungs burned, desperate for air, but there was none to be found. Only the murky depths of the stream and
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Forty eight*Freya* As we made our way through the castle corridors, the weight of countless eyes bore into me. Servants and guards shamelessly gawked and whispered, their muted murmurs carrying the buzz of gossip. I just knew the other ladies would hear about it in no time. I fought the urge to shrink from their stares, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.Rafe, however, didn't even care—his chin raised defiantly as we strode past the whispering throngs. I couldn't help but envy his nonchalance when people gossiped about him. My gut twisted as I imagined Kelly's furious face if she saw us in this position. She would probably have my head on a stake if she saw me. I had told myself I didn't want to draw any attention to myself by being romantic with Rafe, but now that he was carrying me to his room like I was a prize he just won, I knew it was not possible. At last, we reached the entrance of Rafe's bedchamber. The moment the door shut behind us, I tried to release myself from h
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Forty nine*Freya* His lips hovered just above mine, teasing, testing, playing. He knew how badly I wanted to kiss him and he reveled in it. He grinned devilishly, taking in my disheveled state. My breath hitched as Rafe's gaze burned into mine, the air crackling with an almost tangible tension. The anticipation of his touch sent shivers down my spine, teasing my senses and igniting a fire within me. Slowly, achingly so, he leaned in, a hunger in his eyes that mirrored my own. His strong, warm hands found their way around my waist, gripping softly but firmly, He pulled my body against his. Heat radiated from him, and his musky scent intoxicated my senses, leaving me dizzy with desire. I needed him so badly!A soft moan escaped as our lips finally met, a press of warmth and need. Rafe's lips were everything I wanted and more, we explored each other's mouths, our tongues dancing a sensual waltz. My fingers found their way up and tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, not wanti
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Fifty*Freya* I stumbled through the lush palace gardens, my hand clutched tightly in Rafe's as he pulled me along. The early morning glow sparkled on the leaves and rainbow petals surrounding us. My curiosity flickered like a flame. What could he want to show me at this hour? "Where are you taking me?" I asked breathlessly, picking up my pace to match his long strides. The rising sun painted Rafe's bronze skin and dark hair in a golden glow. He glanced back at me with a playful smirk. "You'll see. We're almost there."Anticipation bubbled in my chest as we entered deeper into a maze. Finally, Rafe pushed aside a curtain of dried willow branches, revealing a hidden field. I gasped. Nestled between moss-covered boulders was an enchanting stream. Ribbons of shimmering blue light danced upon the crystal waters, casting an ethereal aura. Tiny rainbow-winged fairies flied and twirled above the bubbling current. Their giggles tinkled through the air. "Oh Rafe," I breathed, unable to
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