All Chapters of SNOW WHITE And The Supernaturals Of SHADOWVALE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter 21 ~ Casper~
SO, THERE I WAS, CHILLIN' at the field in my slick tracksuit, just taking in the scene. The whole place was alive with energy—you could practically taste the adrenaline in the air. And, whoa, the smell of sweat! But that's just part of the deal when you're surrounded by a bunch of classmates pushing themselves to the limit.Sneakers were squeakin' and squawkin' with every step, and the sound just echoed through the entire place. All of a sudden, kids were zooming by me in this crazy blur of colours and motion. The coach's whistle shrieked through the air, telling us the race had began. And man, you should've seen the looks on those runners' faces! It was like they were pushing through hell and back.But then, outta nowhere, this one guy broke free from the pack like a cheetah on the hunt. It was Kylian—you know, that jerk who had the nerve to mess with Scarlett and even threatened Winter. He bolted across the finish line, shouting like he'd just conquered the world, his fist held hi
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Chapter 22 ~Casper~
SCARLETT TOOK A SIP OF HER JUICE before she continued, “I wasn't actually there, but Winter sent me some pictures she took while Chloe was getting her wound cleaned.”Scarlett grabbed her phone off the table, saying, “Maybe I should show you.” But I quickly stopped her, letting her know that blood makes me queasy. She nodded, completely understanding my reaction.With concern in my voice, I asked, “Is Chloe doing any better?”Scarlett seemed to deflate a bit, like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. “I don't know if I can really say that,” she confessed, looking down at her juice. “Winter told me that Chloe's blood levels were way too low. Dangerously low, Casper. It was really bad—so bad that she needed a blood transfusion.” Scarlett let out a sigh, her sadness clearly visible. “I feel terrible that I haven't been to see her yet. My mom wants me to visit after school today.”As Scarlett shared the details, I couldn't help but feel uneasy—like someone, or somethi
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Chapter 23 ~Casper~
SO, I STROLLED INTO MY PLACE and let my backpack just flop onto the living room couch. You know that feeling when you've got a lot on your mind? Yep, that was me. I made a beeline for the kitchen, popped open the fridge, and grabbed myself some of that sweet, tangy animal juice. I can't help but think about what went down with Chloe, man. Just couldn't shake it.Now, after Vivaldi shared his werewolf story in the cave, the dude actually offered to keep himself indoors ‘til the next full moon when he’d go full-on wolf mode for my viewing pleasure. He figured it'd be best to steer clear of humans to avoid any slip-ups that might mess with his chance to seal that blood contract deal. He was afraid of losing control and giving in to the ol' bloodlust, ya know? So, I let out a sigh, unscrewed the cap from the bottle, and slugged back the crimson goodness. But here's the thing – my brain was goin' into overdrive with these thoughts. Was it possible that it was Vivaldi who attacked Chloe? B
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Chapter 24 ~Casper~
VIVALDI'S BROW FURROWED. “Well, you're making it sound like Chloe's in trouble or something. I mean, I don't really give a hoot about her, but for the sake of my freedom, I'm cool with keeping her safe.”I put on a reassuring smile. “Don't sweat it; she's fine.” I let out a laugh, hoping to throw him off the trail. The last thing I needed was Vivaldi poking around and possibly covering his tracks if he was indeed the culprit.The thing was, his voice didn't waver with guilt or worry, like he genuinely had no clue what had gone down with Chloe. I was baffled, man. Pinning the attack on Vivaldi felt like a stretch, especially since anyone could've framed him using our kind's mind control mojo. From then on, I decided to keep an even closer eye on the guy – couldn't be too careful.Trying to lighten the mood, I teased, “I was just checking to see if there's any shred of compassion in that cold, undead heart of yours. So, do you actually have feelings for Chloe, or was it all just mind con
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Chapter 25
Gabriel's chillin' in his small flat, minding his own business, when suddenly his phone goes off like a fire alarm. It buzzed and vibrated so hard that it made the whole countertop hum like a bee. Gabriel snapped out of his daydream, and his hand shot out quicker than a cat, grabbing the phone with a smooth touch.His thumb swiped across the screen, and his heart went THUD, like it just fell down a flight of stairs. The voice note made his chest feel heavy, as if someone had poured concrete in it. It was from Winter, one of his sister Chloe's besties.Winter's words hit Gabriel like a slap in the face: “Gabriel,” she said, her voice full of sadness, “I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Chloe's in the hospital, hurt pretty badly. She's got a nasty wound on her neck, but she's a tough cookie, and she made it. Still, it's pretty rough. The docs say she's lucky, but you know how it is. She needs you, man. I know you've been away, but she's been asking for her big brother.”Gabrie
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Chapter 26
ANGEL FINALLY CRUMPLED TO THE GROUND, and Noah rushed to Samantha's side, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of her pale, lifeless form. Tears streamed down his face, their warmth a stark contrast to the cold fear that gripped his heart. He gathered her into his arms, her blood soaking through his clothes as he cradled her against his chest. His sobs filled the night air, mingling with the gentle rustle of the wind through the trees. As he knelt there, his grief a palpable force in the darkness, a shadow fell over him, casting a chill down his spine. Noah's instincts kicked in, and he turned with lightning speed, his gun raised and ready to fire. But Angel was faster. His fangs glinted in the moonlight as he dove at Noah, his movements a blur of predatory grace. Noah fired wildly, the gun's blast illuminating the night in flashes of light and shadow. Yet no matter how many times he pulled the trigger, Angel's jaws remained locked onto his neck, those deadly fangs sinking
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Chapter 27 ~Casper~
“EVERYTHING WENT TO HELL THE MOMENT you showed up,” I hissed, my voice dripping with rage. “I've seen the monster you are with my own eyes. I watched you sink your fangs into Chloe's neck, draining the life from her like she was nothing. I saw you drain the lives out of those girls that day you lured me into that godforsaken cave where you fed me nothing but lies. And don't forget how you took pleasure in seeing me rip into that poor driver when we first met”. My chest rose and fell with the fury of my words. “You tried to lure me in, to convince me to join you in your twisted games. What could be more monstrous than that?” His voice was barely a whisper. “That was before I met you. Now, I have a purpose, a duty to fulfill, and a master to serve for all eternity. I've changed, and I won't risk my chance at freedom for anything.” “To hell with it,” I growled, my gaze burning into his. “Will me to speak the truth.” I felt the air leave my lungs in a rush. “Will me,” he repeated,
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Chapter 28 ~Vivaldi~
SO THERE I AM, just minding my own business, standing in front of this massive door that leads into this bar. I push it open, and BAM – the smell of spilled booze just hits me right in the face. As I walk in, my boots clack against the hardwood floor, and I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the atmosphere of this place. People are laughing, glasses clinking, and the air is buzzing with chatter and anticipation. But to me, it’s all just background noise, like I'm underwater or something, 'cause let me tell ya – I’ve got a lot on my mind. My emotions are swirling around like leaves in a whirlwind, and I feel as trapped as a fish that’s just swallowed a hook. The moon will be full tomorrow night, hanging high in the sky, and it's gonna be beautiful – but I won’t be out there enjoying it. Nope. I’ll be stuck in that dark, damp cave, dealing with the consequences of what I am. I slide onto one of the high stools by the counter, people around me sipping their drinks and chattin
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Chapter 29 ~Vivaldi-
SO, I’M STANDING THERE, swaying like a palm tree in a hurricane, and I can't help but wonder, “What in the world is going on these days?” I mean, I thought I had mind-controlled this guy to mind his own business, but apparently not. Is it because I've been chugging animal blood instead of the human stuff? My mind-control mojo seems to be going down the drain. First, it was Chloe—although maybe Casper really did break the mind compulsion on her—and now it's this kid. So, now any random teenager can resist my compulsion? It's getting ridiculous!Suddenly, one of the customers pipes up, “Hey, what gives you the balls to bother our man?” The boy let go of my collar, and the angry customer hops down from his stool, standing between us like some kind of bouncer. The kid who'd grabbed me is now face to face with a burly dude, whose unbuttoned grey shirt reveals a chest covered in a tangled mix of grey and white hair. He's all up in the kid's face, his nostrils flaring like a bull ready to c
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Chapter 30 ~Vivaldi~
So I pushed open the front door, easing my way into the dark living room, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. And there he was, Casper, sitting all cross-legged on the couch, his face bathed in the eerie glow of the muted TV. I tried my damnedest to tiptoe past him, but, well, the guy had the ears of a bat, I swear. “I wasn't expecting you to come back,” he said, all casual-like. I rolled my eyes and frowned, trying to keep my voice down while still being my usual snarky self. “Maybe your brain's cogs are just a little rusty. You did invite me back, remember?” He smirked, looking all smug. “Oh, my cogs are just fine, thank you very much. But I do recall telling you to come back early, not in the middle of the damn night.” I pouted, lying through my teeth. “I got drunk and lost my way. It's not my fault, you know.” Casper just shrugged, like he didn't give a rat's ass. “Alright, whatever. But hey, come take a look at this.” He waved me over, and I figured I might as well play
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