All Chapters of His Luna’s Rejection, Her Alpha’s Mistake: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
22 Chapters
Chapter One: Rejection
Xavier stood in front of Luna with a heavy heart, the words he had rehearsed over and over again now stuck in his throat. Luna looked up at him with hopeful eyes, searching for any sign that he still cared for her. But all Xavier could see was his mistress, Anna, waiting for him in the shadows. "Luna, I... I can't be with you," Xavier finally managed to say, his voice cracking with emotion. Luna's expression fell, her hand reaching out towards him as if to catch him before he fell. "Why?" she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. Xavier hesitated, torn between his duty as a werewolf alpha and his feelings for Anna. He knew he had to choose one, and he knew that Luna deserved better than to be in a relationship with someone who couldn't give her his whole heart. "I... I have found someone else," Xavier admitted, his voice barely audible. Luna's eyes widened in shock, the realization of what Xavier was saying hitting her like a ton of bricks. "Who?" she asked, her voice tre
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Chapter Two
“Xavier, I love this dress. Today I will wear it. Perhaps we can shop for a beautiful dress for my upcoming Luna ceremony.” Anna gushed excitedly as she twirled around the bedroom, holding one of Dellas' most beautiful dresses against herself. Xavier glanced up and felt his wolf's dislike of the omega touching his exes' belongings. Xavier's stomach churned at the sight of Anna holding Luna Della's dress, a twinge of discomfort settling in his chest. The dress symbolised Luna, a reminder of the love they once shared, and seeing Anna covet it filled him with a sense of unease. "Anna, that dress belongs to Luna," Xavier said, his voice tinged with disapproval. "It's not yours to wear. And we haven't discussed anything about you becoming the Luna. You are merely carrying my child.” Anna's expression shifted, her smile faltering at Xavier's words. "But Xavier, I thought... I thought we were moving forward, starting a new chapter together," she said, a note of defensivenes
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Chapter Three
Della left the pack house and slid into her car without looking back. Her hands clenched the steering wheel as she turned the key, the engine roaring to life. The tyres screeched as she accelerated, leaving the dust of her old life behind. Her gaze was fixed straight ahead, a steely determination in her eyes. She refused to let a single tear fall, refusing to give Xavier the satisfaction of her pain. His betrayal, especially with an omega, was bad enough, but the news of the pregnancy had shattered any remaining hope she had for their future together. For years, they had tried to have their baby, and this was how he wanted to be. Della had given her life to a man who she thought was her one and only. They had sworn their love and promises under the moon and in front of their loved ones and pack members. She knew that Xavier was a fool to choose anyone over her, and the moon goddess would surely punish him for his terrible actions. The wind whipped through her hair as she sped d
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Chapter Four
She turned on the bedside light and looked around, seeing nothing. She must have imagined it in her half-asleep state. As she settled back down, she tried to calm her racing heart and let the day's exhaustion finally lull her into a deep slumber. Images of the mysterious stranger and her freedom at that moment danced in her dreams, guiding her towards a new dawn filled with possibility. When Della awoke the following day, the light filtering through the curtains of the motel room cast a warm glow over her tired features. She stretched and yawned, the previous day's events slowly returning to her in fragments. As she got up and prepared to leave the motel room, a sense of determination filled her once more. She was ready to face whatever lay ahead, prepared to embrace the unknown with open arms. Leaving the room key on the front desk, Della stepped out of the Rosewood Motel, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her skin. The previous day's events still lingered in her mind,
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Chapter Five
Della smiled back at Michael, surprised but pleased to see the kind stranger again. "It's nice to see you too. What a small world!""Indeed it is," Michael replied. "I didn't expect to run into you at my grandmother's cafe."Mrs. Thompson looked between Michael and Della with a warm smile. "Oh, so you two have already met? How wonderful!"Della explained how they had briefly crossed paths the previous day at the gas station when her car had broken down. Michael had been kind enough to help her get a tow truck arranged."My grandson has a good heart," Mrs. Thompson said proudly. "I'm glad he was there to lend a hand when you needed it.""He was a lifesaver," Della agreed. "And now your kindness in offering me a job and place to stay...I can't thank you both enough."Michael raised his eyebrows in surprise at his grandmother. "You've hired Della and offered her the flat upstairs? Grandmother, you didn't need to go to such troubles.""Nonsense!" Mrs. Thompson wagged her finger. "This you
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Chapter Six
Xavier felt suffocated by the walls closing in around him at the pack house. The weight of his choices threatened to crush him, the ghost of Luna's devastated face haunting his every waking moment. He needed to escape, breathe, and sort through the tangled mess of emotions. With a mumbled excuse to Anna, he headed into the forest surrounding the pack lands.As soon as the ancient trees enveloped him, Xavier allowed his wolf to surface, letting the beast take temporary refuge from his turbulent human emotions. Bones shifted and reformed as he dropped on four powerful legs, his russet fur bristling along his spine. A long, mournful howl bubbled up from his lupine chest, a guttural expression of frustration and inner turmoil.He took off at a loping run, powerful haunches propelling him forward as he relished the burn in his muscles and the wind whipping through his coarse pelt. Outside the wilderness, he could think clearly without Anna's insistent presence clouding his judgment. What h
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Chapter Seven
Della woke up early the following day, the sun streaming through the windows of her cosy flat. She made herself a cup of coffee and sat on the small balcony, taking in the peaceful view of the bustling street below. It was a new day, full of possibilities, and she felt a sense of optimism washing over her. As she sipped her coffee, Della heard a faint rustling from the alley behind the café. Curious, she set down her mug and peered over the railing. Surprisingly, she saw a tiny kitten darting between the trash cans, its fur matted and dirty. Without hesitation, Della sprang into action. She hurried downstairs, grabbed a bowl of milk from the kitchen, and went to the alley. The kitten hesitated initially, but the hunger in its eyes won out, and it cautiously approached Della. Gently, Della set the bowl of milk down on the ground and took a step back, giving the kitten space to drink. It lapped the milk greedily, its small tail flicking back and forth in contentment. As Della
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Chapter Eight
Xavier stood by the window of the darkened room, staring out at the silver-lit forest that bordered their land. The moon hung heavily in the sky, silently witnessing his turmoil. In the silence, the weight of his decisions pressed down on him, squeezing the air from his lungs with the force of regret.Behind him, Anna paced restlessly, her agitation a palpable entity in the confined space. "Xavier, why won't you understand? This is for us, for our future," she pleaded, her voice a mix of desperation and frustration.He turned to face her, the moonlight casting shadows across his features, deepening the lines of conflict etched into his face. "Anna, being Luna isn't just a title; it's a responsibility—one that's earned by trust and respect from the pack, not by manipulation or deceit."Her eyes flashed angrily, a spark that threatened to ignite into a raging inferno. "I've given you everything, Xavier. I'm carrying your child, our future alpha. Doesn't that deserve recognition? Don't I
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Chapter Nine
As Anna turned to see who had called out to her, she was surprised to see Ethan, the patrol officer of the pack, watching her with a curious expression."I...I was taking a walk to clear my head," Anna replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach.Ethan's gaze lingered on her for a moment before he spoke again. "Is everything alright, Anna? You seem troubled. If there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here to listen."Anna hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to Ethan. She knew he was loyal to Xavier and the pack, and she didn't want to risk him reporting her actions to the alpha. But there was something in Ethan's eyes gave her a flicker of hope, a sense of understanding that she hadn't felt from anyone else in the pack."I...I appreciate your concern, Ethan. It's just...things are complicated right now," Anna admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.Ethan stepped closer to her, his expression one of genuine care. "I may be a patrol o
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Chapter Ten
Anna scowled at Martha and shook her head. "And do you believe you have a right to question me, the future Luna?" Martha scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You're just an omega who got pregnant by the alpha behind our real Luna's back," Martha stated.Anna's eyes flashed with anger at Martha's words, her fists clenched at her sides. "I may be an omega, but I have just as much right to be here as anyone else. My past does not define who I am now," she retorted, her voice firm and unwavering.Martha's expression hardened at Anna's defiance, her lips curling into a sneer. "You may have deceived Xavier, but you will never be truly accepted in this pack. You're nothing but a lowly omega, forever beneath us," she spat, her words dripping with venom.But before Martha could continue, Ethan appeared, and he stepped forward, his gaze steely as he addressed both women. "That's enough. Despite our differences, we are all part of this pack. We must work together and show respect to each o
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