All Chapters of Heartprints in the Void: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
⊰ 10 ⊱ Crossing the Line
Just as Cade said, Krina spent the better part of the afternoon teaching me how to implement firewall rules. Because of this, I had to stay later to finish up all the work I fell behind on since the time I typically would’ve used was allocated to Krina. It’s almost 6PM, and as I glance around the office, I realize that everyone except Cade and I have gone home. Great. This is perfect. Juuuuust perfect. Being alone with him, even if it’s just in a professional setting, always seems to set me on edge. I try to focus on wrapping up my work, but my mind keeps drifting to the man in the office across from mine. I can’t help but steal a pair of glances at him through the glass walls, watching as he types away on his computer, concentrated, his eyebrows furrowed. He seems utterly unfazed by the fact that we’re the only ones left, his demeanor as stoic and professional as ever. Must be nice to be able to act like nothing happened between us.
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⊰ 11 ⊱ Ava
After the confrontation with Cade in the parking garage, I threw myself into my work. I spent the better part of the week reading up on how firewalls work and how firewall rules are implemented on the company’s firewalls. And just as Cade asked, I submitted my change request to him.To my surprise, Cade approved my change request on my first try, and I managed to get through my entire presentation with only a little bit of armpit sweat and without crying through change management’s line of questioning.Look at me. Adulting and shit.Because of the direct impact that changes have on network infrastructure, all changes must be made overnight in the case of an outage. While any other week—especially after having worked last weekend—I would be annoyed at having to spend my Friday evening working, I’m particularly excited to finish implementing the configurations I planned out.I hold my breath as I make the final click t
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⊰ 12 ⊱ Hence the Loneliness
After a short weekend of doing ‘hoodrat shit’—which really consisted of Ava and I binge watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and eating about ten thousand calories—it’s Sunday morning, and I’m making cappuccinos while I patiently wait for my freshly baked chocolate chip banana bread to cool.“Alright, I think I’m good to go?”I smile softly as I avert my gaze to Ava, eyeing her as she emerges from my bedroom with her make-up bag in her hand. She stuffs it into her travel bag, zipping it shut before lowering herself onto the couch to slide her boots on.The hardest part about having less than a handful of friends is that they all live in different cities or states and I don’t get to see them very often. I’m a lonely person because I make it harder than it needs to be to connect with people on a deeper level than the surface, and it's intentional.I have a no-tolerance policy,
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⊰ 13 ⊱ Breaking Point
I stare blankly at the table, the chatter of my teammates fading into background noise as I sit in the conference room. My eyes feel heavy, my mind foggy from last night’s restless sleep. The conversation I had with Ava about Cade and his father has been haunting me, playing on a loop in my head. “Elysian,” Cade’s sharp voice calls for my attention, snapping me out of my daze. “What do you have for me?” What? … Oh, right! I blink, scrambling to gather my thoughts. “I, uh…I’m just finishing up some documentation,” I mumble, evidently unprepared. “But otherwise, I’m open to taking on any new projects.” Cade chuckles softly, a condescending smirk twisting his features. “Documentation? Isn’t that something you should’ve handled last week? Or have you been too busy daydreaming to get your work done?” Um..? I feel the heat rising in my cheeks, embarrassment and anger washing over me. “No, I
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⊰ 14 ⊱ This Is Fate
The next morning, as I drive to work, the cool, fresh air of a 6AM Tuesday morning hardly does anything to calm my nerves or settle the uneasiness in my stomach. I spent the better part of last night thinking about all the ways I could get caught doing what I’m about to do and how I could avoid being caught.The unfortunate truth is that the system automatically sends out a report of any firewall rule changes made. Fortunately, because it’s automated, hardly anyone ever looks at the report thoroughly. Most engineers merely glance over it to see if the change was successful, but no one ever takes the time to actually go through the report thoroughly.Ultimately, the odds of anyone finding out are about the same as the odds of someone not only thoroughly going through the report but also conducting a packet inspection on all traffic pertaining to the specific server.So…ten percent?…I’ll take my
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⊰ 15 ⊱ Whispers of Consequence
If it were you, would you want to know?After having repeatedly read through the printed copy of Cade’s file over the past three days, I keep hoping that I’ll have some sort of revelation as to why his father hated me so much that he resorted to this.Between the evaluation and the treatment report, the only thing that I learned was that I was right in suspecting that Cade never volunteered for that hypnosis treatment.He was drugged.I wish that I could say that I had prepared myself for it, but learning that throughout the entire process, he was never lucid nearly sent me over the edge.His mind has been bent and toyed with, and he doesn’t even know…Despite wanting to know how it was possible, out of whatever respect there is left for the privacy of it, I refrained from telling anyone—including Ava.I haven’t experienced this much prolonged anxiety for so long sin
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⊰ 15.5 ⊱ Crossing Thresholds
⊰ Cade ⊱I sit in my home office, staring at the pair of monitors in front of me, feeling as though the expansive room is closing in on me, my thoughts racing. Just as Elysian asked me to, I completed the packet inspection. I should’ve braced myself, but nothing could’ve prepared me for what I found.This has to be a mistake…My gaze wanders around the room, taking in the floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a stunning view of the city skyline, the sleek, modern furniture, and state-of-the-art technology surrounding me. But even the familiar comfort of my meticulously designed space doesn’t ease the sickening feeling that settled in the pit of my stomach the moment my inspection was complete.What the hell is in that file..? And why the hell would she risk her career to access it?…Why does it have my name on it?I lean back in my leather chair, runni
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⊰ 16 ⊱ Confronting the Truth
What is he doing here..?…How does he even know where I live?Again, he knocks, and again, Bubbles emits a singular bark.I raise my voice, shouting through the door, “Just a moment!” I place my hands on the side of Bubbles’ legs, urging him to move with me. “Come on, buddy,” I whisper, guiding him to my bedroom where I point to his bed and tell him, “Go lay down.”With this, I shut the bedroom door and turn in the direction of the front door, my heart pounding in my chest. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation I know is coming. As I unlock the door and pull it open, my eyes lock with Cade’s. There’s a desperate, uncertain look on his face as he draws his hands into his pockets.“Hi,” I breathe out after a moment, my voice steadier than I feel.I won’t pretend that I have no idea what he’s here for. Th
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⊰ 17 ⊱ A Fragile Agreement
I’ve never dreaded doing something as much as I do today. After a torturously short weekend, I find myself sitting in the parking garage outside of the office building, wishing that I had stayed home.I should’ve called in sick or used my PTO hours…I don’t know how I’m supposed to face him. It was easier before. I stayed out of his way, and he tolerated me. Now? Now, I don’t know if things are going to go back to how they were or if they should—if they ever could.With heavy steps, I somehow manage to find my desk twice as fast as usual.Well, it feels that way, anyway.Between brief good mornings, the rest of the team sporadically trickle in, settling at their desks before 8:30AM—except for Cade.He’s never late…I’m not the only one that notices. Krina furrows her eyebrows, glancing up at his empty office.“Pst.&rdq
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⊰ 18 ⊱ Cries in Korean
“Oh! Can we get a to-go boxes, please?” Krina kindly asks the waiter before he excuses himself.As promised, Krina invited me to have lunch with her today. Between shoving bread rolls down our throats and a long conversation about the upcoming IPv6 migration project, we hardly touched our food.I regret none of it. Those were the best bread rolls I’ve had in my entire life.The waiter returns swiftly with boxes and receipts for Krina to sign. “Thank y’all so much. Y’all have a great day!” he says with a warm smile.I offer him a small smile, averting my gaze to the half-eaten steak and rice as I slide it into the foam carry-out box.“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but…” Krina pauses as she packs her plate. I look up and meet her curious gaze. “Do you have a boyfriend?”That didn’t take her very long.I’m not surprised by her question.
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