All Chapters of Tamed: Fated To The Sun Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 59
59 Chapters
VALENTINAPACK OF LORE"Are you certain that you don't want this?" I offered Teira a bowl of stew for the second time. She curled her upper lip and eyed the bowl I held up towards her.Teira's arms were folded behind her back, and she stood near the walls of the home, with Henri now by her side.Jayme was casually walking around the room with FredNeok trailing along behind him, and Elle was sitting stiffly in a rocking chair, back straight and eyes piercing as she looked over each individual seated for what seemed like the seventh time since she arrived at the home, which had been ten minutes ago."No thank you. I generally tend to prefer my food being a bit more...raw." Teira flashed a strained smile as she said this, showing her fangs."You ate T'maras’ casserole, though." I pointed out."I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings by refusing.""Do you not care about hurting my feelings when you refuse the generous bowl of stew I took out for you?"Teira's eyes narrowed whilst I smiled in
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VALENTINAPACK OF LORE"Is that a pistol?" Sara asked, widening eyes lowering to the weapon in my hand after I stepped outside with her. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach, almost as if she was comforting herself as she continued to stare at the gun.Her face, which had looked distressed even before we had stepped outside, grew even more bleak at the sight of the dark pistol in my right hand."Yes. It is," I licked my lips after the cold weather made them dry and glanced behind Sara to see Jayme walking by. His head lowered in a nod as he caught me watching and I returned it before he walked out of sight, sentries trailing after him.Throughout the week that had passed after I'd had dinner at Clover's home, Jayme and I had begun talking amicably for long periods of time. There was no tension between us, and I at times either found myself being amused by him or impressed by his work-ethic.I looked at Sara. "What did you want to speak to me about?" I asked, knowing that the secon
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VALENTINAPACK OF LOREMy eyes fleetingly followed the movement of the door as it opened, and I smiled brightly up at the man who stood behind it; Jack. His expression was grim as he looked upon me, Teira and then Jayme.Jack sighed heavily before stepping aside, gesturing with his head that we enter his home.Immediately I took notice of the strong scent of soup, and my eyes landed on several steaming bowls on a kitchen table, which Sara stood beside."Good day," She called to me, lifting a small spoon and dipping it into one of the bowls. My gaze went to Jack who stood stiffly and almost awkwardly in his living room, his eyes darting between Teira and Jayme, who stood close by me."Good day to you too," I greeted Sara, walking to her and peering down at the bowls. Brown liquid filled them to the brim and I saw several small potatoes and sliced carrots resting in it. Sara immediately dropped her spoon and pushed one of the bowls towards me."Jack made soup for everyone. Would you lik
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VALENTINAPACK OF LOREMy hand immediately lowered to the pistol in the depth of my coat's large pocket, and I backed towards the car as the sentries moved to stand before Sara and myself, bodies tense and eyes wide with alertness.I could see Arie leaning against the railing of markets wall, arms lifting to fold across her chest as she watched the advancement of the sentries."I recognize you." A male sentry pointed a finger at Henri as he spoke, a sly smile lifting his lips and eyes glittering dangerously. The male was Jayme's height, which was very tall, and his body was lean and well muscled. His blond hair was slicked back and seemed to gleam under the afternoon sun."You're from that Lorean pack," The blond-haired sentry paused a few feet away from the sentries, and he rested a hand against his hip, cocked his head. "You were in a meeting with an Alpha, Lucean I believe, a year ago."Henri said nothing, and tension cracked in the air. My lower back grazed the boot of the vehicle
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VALENTINAPACK OF LOREThe atmosphere in the woods became almost ominous the further we walked. The voices of the sentries dropped significantly, and a quick look around showed that they were all staring ahead, not particularly at anything, with intense expressions of concentration, which only grew when we came to a halt.The stock-still bodies of the sentries didn't sway in the strength of the wind like mine almost did, and I could see some of the sentries fingers twitching, as if resisting an urge.By then, unease had unfurled in my chest. I glanced at T'mara, and immediately she placed a finger against her lips, the color of her eyes which usually mirrored her son's glazed over, an almost wet look in them. Alarmed, I looked at Lucean, however, he was the picture of calmness.His arms were folded across his wide chest, warm eyes almost languidly looking around us before settling on me. Immediately, he straightened from where he'd been propped against the tree, becoming concerned at
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VALENTINAPACK OF LOREI trailed my fingers up and down the hilt of the dagger T'mara had given me earlier today. For the fourth time, I admired it, especially the sharpness of the blade. I had already accidentally pierced the skin of my fingertip after Teira had handed it over, and could see a small cut on my forefinger when I glanced at it.I carefully lifted the dagger up from where it'd been resting on the desk, bringing it close to the fireplace as I continued to look it over; It was beautiful.The red color that decorated the black hilt shone bright under the glow of the flames from the fireplace and I could see that T'mara had put much effort into making it. I felt comforted with it in my hands, and knew it could serve well in protecting me.Walking across the room, I decided to place it carefully into an empty drawer for the time being. Oddly enough, I felt almost vulnerable with it not on my being, and my fingers itched to take it up once more.Evening came fast and the sound
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VALENTINAMERCURY MOON PACKI had drifted in and out of consciousness. My eyes blinking open before I would pass out again.I heard footsteps fade in and out from outside the cellar doors but in the confused state of mind that I was in it was hard did me to tell in what I was hearing was even real.When the door cracked open again someone slipped in. They stood just far enough so I couldn’t make our their face. The person drew closer and I flinched when I felt their hand hold my face.“So it is you…” The person said, betraying a hint of doubt.I knew this voice, and not from the cherry times before Ryker killed my parents or from the merry times I’d spent in the pack of Lore. But from another time, a time where I had been in this game scenario; chained to the ceiling by the wrists.“Jhamal?”x x x x xWhen my hands were snapped free I fell to my knees, pain aching through all my muscles.“Where— How— why—”“I fled after your mate had rescued your back then, stayed low with a pack of s
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ALPHA LUCEANMERCURY MOON PACKI only forced myself to all my fours again when my spine had popped back into place.The ferocious growls from my mates wolf stunned and surprised me as her smaller form ravenously attacked my brothers silver wolf.I marveled at her beauty, Valentina had morphed into a grey wolf with white paws and a white tail, having grey along her back with sheening grey eyes. I only lunged forward when Ryker had her on her back, his maw going down upon her and that’s when we collided.‘GO VALENTINA!’ I linked to her as I tumbled over my brothers mass.We were Both back to our feet in no time. Rykers silver gleam raged.‘Brother…’ I linked to him.‘Luci…’ He linked back.‘I know how you feel, I know you feel betrayed—’‘Felt! I felt betrayed! Now I all I feel is rage.’‘We can still put this all behind us! Please Ryker, we are family!’‘Family died when I was abandoned to the hands of a mad man, not even a single act of avengement.’‘Ryker… we don’t have to do this…’
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ALPHA VALENTINAPACK OF LORE[SIX MONTHS LATER]Loud music boomed from the pack mansion. A celebratory occasion for the joining of all lands from the north to the central.Following the end of the war and with Jafarr’s help once he had awoken from his coma, I had regained control over my pack as its rightful heir. All the packs from the north to the central, where Lucean’s pack is situated had formed into a single alliance, each keeping their respective leaders but all functioning under one United Pack Nation.Lucean’s arms wrapped around my stomach, and I nestled my head on his chest.“Never knew you liked staring out the balcony, alone, at the twenty second hour…”“You’re kidding me right… I was on the roof the first time we met!”And he laughed so loud, but only carefully caressing my budged belly.“You really going to keep me guessing?” Lucean asked and I felt his lips on my neck.I smiled warmly. “Evelyn told me it’s a boy and a girl. We are having twins baby.”He was silent for
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