All Chapters of Chasing My Replaced Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 31
Sam sat on the bench beside Elaine and held her gently as he spoke up, "Elaine."Elaine spoke up before Sam could say anything, "No, it can’t be the truth."Sam shook Elaine gently, "Listen to me. The operation was a success. The doctors have made some progress with him. They made it to stop bleeding."Pausing for a moment, Sam added, "He is heavily sedated and they are moving him to the ICU now. So, they can monitor him closely over the next one or two days."Elaine seemed to be visibly somewhat relaxed hearing him. The thought that scared her to death was gone. Sam continued, "The doctor said one person can meet him at one time. You want to go first?"Elaine shook her head. Confused why Sam wasn't getting angry with her. But whatever be the reason for his still cool behavior, she wasn't ready to face Cannon now, not at least when she was drowning deep with her guilt.Sam left her there as he walked to the cabin. Pushing the door open, he entered and walked to Cannon. Hurt and angry
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Chapter 32
Elaine was scared to death when Cassandra shared the truth of Ryan getting missing. Hina and she were out with Ryan but then suddenly, they were nowhere.She got even more panicked when Sam's words got ringing in her ears. He had said about assigning some people to follow her and Ryan. Then what about them? She was immediately out of her apartment to talk to Derek who had taken her here from Cannon's place.Though she found him there but the other car that was around her place since Cannon was shot, didn't get into her sight.Derek was also confused about that. Just when he was about to call Jace, one of the people who was supposed to be here, Elaine reached him, "Derek, Ryan isn't at home. Where is he?"The words made Derek worried and the only thing that was crossing his mind, he didn't utter that to Elaine.He called Jace instead of imagining scary things. But seeing him taking eternity to answer his call, Elaine rummaged through her bag and took out her phone with shaky hands."Do
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Chapter 33
Elaine took Ryan to the room where Cannon was in without bothering others' protest. He wasn't looking as dreadful as he did when she first saw him in the hospital. There was machine beeping by his bedside but his face and body wasn't mangled as before.As soon as Ryan came face to face with Cannon, he turned to Elaine. His face flashed confusion. Elaine smiled at him as she sat on the chair by the bedside with Ryan in her arms, "Here he is, baby. Call him.""But he is sleeping." Ryan whispered. Whenever he tried to wake Cassandra up from her sleep, Elaine never let him do that. Then?"It's okay. He has slept enough. You can call him now." Elaine uttered as she turned to Cannon."Friend?" Ryan reluctantly uttered.Elaine corrected him softly, "He is not your friend, Ryan.""But he said he is." Ryan said. Elaine could feel Ryan liked the idea pretty much of being friends with Cannon. She added softly, "He is your Dad.""Dad?" Ryan asked Elaine as he visibly seemed to be confused. He had
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Chapter 34
Elaine was in middle of the meeting when Sam called her. For a moment she thought of ignoring it but then the probable reason behind his call crossed her mind and she answered the call immediately, "Is he awake now?""He is." Sam barely uttered the words before Elaine spoke up, "I will be there soon.""Okay." Sam cut off the line with a smile and walked back to Cannon. Elaine rose on her feet, "Mack, you handle it. I have to go."The people at the meeting exchanged confused glances and Mack who was briefing the project requirement stopped as he spoke up, "Elaine, you can't leave at the middle of the meeting. Watson won't be happy with it.""I will deal with him later but I have to go now. I am sorry." the people kept staring at Elaine confusedly as she walked out of the room. She was always sincere in her job. But for a few days she didn't seem to be like before. They didn’t have any clue but they could feel something was wrong. Zarah voiced out finally, "Who was Elaine talking abou
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Chapter 35
Cannon never saw it coming to this point and couldn't be more relieved that Elaine and Ryan were in the penthouse within his sight. Otherwise he would have been hell worried given his condition, he wouldn't be able to get out of bed let alone reach them.When his little son kept laughing, running and jumping all around the penthouse, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't go after him. He would have gladly endured the pain and played with him but he was forced to do otherwise.Sam, Elaine, Hina, Mary, someone of them was always near and his standing on foot was forbidden. And they made it for a week.His parents also seemed to be enjoying their time with Ryan. As much as his relationship was bad with them, Cannon didn't say much about their being totally different people with Ryan. He kept silent, letting Ryan have all happiness in his life and feeling happy with it.Though it wasn't necessary, a checkup was conducted on him again after one week for Cannon in bed. And only when the res
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Chapter 36
As soon as Cannon entered the study, Ethan spoke up, "What are you thinking of doing? Have you gone crazy?" "I am doing exactly what my duty is." Cannon stood firmly, "I am not going to go back on my words." Getting Cannon's determination in his words, Ethan offered, "Okay. Let me handle it then." "No need. I will do what I am supposed to do. You don't have to worry." Completing his say, Cannon was about to leave but Ethan stopped him, "Cannon, it's about that bas.. I mean crazy Kings. Anything can happen." Cannon gave him a side glance, "So? Are you worrying for me right now?" not believing his father was finally worrying for him now only after he had survived death for the second time. Really! "Cannon, please." Ethan tried to make him understand but he didn't give him the chance, "It's okay. I can manage it." and left the study and walked to his room, somewhat angry at Sam. Why did he have to talk to Ethan about all this? He could feel if Hunter was behind the bars now, it
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Chapter 37
In the penthouse, all of them were gathered in the living room with their eyes at the entrance, restless as they waited for Cannon to make an appearance there.Ryan was asking about his dad every few minutes as he didn't find Cannon in bed like he was seeing since he had been here."Dad is out for some work, baby. He will be home soon, okay?"Though he nodded, still he kept doing the same thing for times going to everyone. When Cannon made it to be back home, it was just noon. Just a glance of him and then everyone got relaxed and let out a breath in relief. With a smile, Cannon reached them but before he could say something, Ryan hugged his leg as he squealed in joy, "Dad."Cannon bent down a little and took him in his arms, "Yes, baby."Everyone stared at them with a smile as Ryan kept saying something. Cannon figured out some words from his long rant and that much was enough for him to understand what was Ryan asking from him.He wanted to go to the park and Cannon happily agreed
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Chapter 38
Elaine was trying to talk to Damien but getting the reason behind it, he was trying to postpone their talk though he knew it was inevitable. He had no right to hold onto Elaine.She was never his after all and she made it very clear from the beginning of their story. She thought him as her friend only and that's where he stood with her. Still, he hoped to create a room for him in her heart.It took Elaine three days to complete the project work, she was handling now and as soon as the news of her leaving the job got out, some colleagues threw several questions at her.All she said was that she was leaving the town and going back to her family forever. She caught Damien looking at her thoughtfully though he was playing invisible whenever she was trying to reach him.As she walked to him now, he didn't leave from there right away like he was doing to avoid her for the all day till now.Just when she reached him, Damien spoke up, "Let's get dinner together tonight. You, Ryan and me.""Bu
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Chapter 39
The house was full of life with Ryan running around, laughing, breaking things and all. Too much for his excitement, Cannon made his nursery in one of the room there, like it was in his penthouse.He wanted to build it by himself like before but Elaine didn't let him to do it seeing his struggle to set the screw properly. In between, he took one hit of the hammer on his hand and the next thing, he was pulled away from all of it.Elaine said in a calm tone, "Get healed first. You can make him things later." leaving no place for him to say otherwise.Giving it a thought, Cannon along with Elaine took Ryan out and let him choose his crib, rocking chair, lights and so many of moon and star things as per his demands.Mary was there at Cannon's place for almost all the time. She would have started living there with them if it wasn't for Aiden.After planning the accident of Cannon years back, his all evil works got exposed to Ethan. And the next thing Ethan removed Aiden from his business a
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Chapter 40
It was getting late at night but Elaine and Cannon were all awake holding each other quite tightly. Both of them knew if they really got to have some sleep, it would have been a peaceful sleep of their life like never before but sleep remained far away from their eyes no matter how tired they were after spending a hectic day. When Elaine felt there was no sleep tonight and Cannon wasn't going to say anything either, she thought of asking the question that terrified her that time. She wasn't sure if she would like his response, she had to clarify it. She uttered in a lower voice, "Cannon?" Cannon replied softly, "Hmm?" "Did really take me as Evana that night?" Elaine hesitantly voiced out as she got mentally preparing herself for his answer. It didn't take much time for Cannon to understand what Elaine was talking about but he was confused about how did Evana get into their conversation! Cannon uttered honestly, "I was drugged, Elaine. I still couldn't remember that night
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