All Chapters of DEVIL'S MISTRESS (18+): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
104 Chapters
VINCENZO POV I SPENT the next few days setting up things for Valentina.She presented me with a list of things she needed right away, like an obstetrician. The doctor, rumored to be the best in Calabria, would see her beginning next week. In the meantime, they recommended prenatal vitamins, which I had Marco pick up at the pharmacy.Valentina’s list also included healthy foods, pasteurized cheese, and decaf espresso. Comfortable clothes and lotion for her belly. Pregnancy books and morning sickness relief.I bought it all and rushed the delivery. Whatever my piccolina needed, she would have it.She seemed to come to terms with having the baby. I knew she was working on her list of conditions for our legal agreement, which I would have drawn up and signed. There wasn’t anything I would refuse her, as long as it kept her happy.I very much looked forward to the cVinings and back rubs. Feeling my child move inside her womb. Seeing her tits grow larger as they readied to produce milk.I
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VALENTINA POV I WAS JUST COMING out of my old room when Dimitri hurried along the hall, his head down. “Hey, Dimitri,” I called as I shut the door. “Did you want to—?”He glanced up and I saw tears streaming down his face. “Not now, Tina.”When he tried to dodge around me to go into his room, I put my hand out to stop the door from closing. I slipped inside as he flopped on the bed, face first. “What’s wrong?”“You’ll just take his side. You’re practically his wife.” He had a fight with Vincenzo, obviously. “Except I’m not and never will be. So, what happened?”Dimitri whispered, “He found out, Tina.”I knew instantly what he was talking about. I dropped onto the mattress. “Oh, shit. How?”“I don’t know. I’ve always been so careful.” “What did he say?”“That I have to break up with Alex. If I don’t, he said he would have Alex killed.”What the fuck? I sucked in a breath, my hands reaching out to steady me on the bed. “Was he serious?”“My father does not joke, not about murder. He wa
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VINCENZO POV EVERYONE in my household hated me. It had been two weeks, and Dimitri still wouldn’t speak to me, his eyes full of sadness and heartbreak. Zia was furious that I’d sent Valentina away. I couldn’t tell her why, except to say that Valentina had betrayed me. Zia replied that it was nonsense, that Valentina was in love with me and I had ruined it with my temper.I didn’t have the heart to correct her. Even Marco seemed to tiptoe around me, acting like I was a volcano that might erupt at any moment.Perhaps I was a bit on edge, but wasn’t I allowed? I was the most important man in Calabria, perhaps all of Italy, and I had a secretly gay son and a gold-digging traitor pregnant with my child. I increased the speed on my treadmill and my legs began to burn. I’d already logged one hour running, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep going. But I couldn’t stop until I was exhausted. It was the only way I could sleep.I had removed all traces of her from the house. I forb
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VALENTINA POV THE TERM “MORNING SICKNESS” was a lie, no doubt invented by a man to give the impression that it wasn’t so bad. Newsflash to women everywhere: it was fucking awful.I rolled over and reached for another ginger candy. While these little golden ovals didn’t eliminate the nausea, they definitely reduced it. And pregnant beggars could not be choosers.After I sucked on the candy for a few moments, I felt ready to get up. No, wait. Not so fast.I flopped back down and closed my eyes. I hated this. I hated being in Italy. I hated being a woman. I hated being pregnant. And I really, really hated the father of this baby.I no longer referred to him by name. He was either “my baby’s father” or “IL DIAVOLO” whenever I had to mention him in conversation. Which wasn’t that often, considering Dimitri and my sisters were the only people I spoke to.At least the beach was beautiful. The house was predictably gorgeous, right on the water, with large airy rooms and expensive furnishings
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Quando il diavolo ti accarezza, vuole l’anima.(When the devil caresses you, he wants your soul.)~~~ Italian ProverbVINCENZO POV ~~~~I often dreamed of blood. Rivers of it, filling my mouth and choking me. Drowning me and everyone I cared about, with no hope of survival.The dreams started back when I was a foot soldier, still being groomed under my father’s watchful eye. In those days, the boss’s son did not receive a pass on the more gruesome of tasks. No, they used those tasks to harden me, to turn me from a boy into a man. A man capable of leading the world’s most dangerous mafia. The ’Ndrangheta.There had been no choice for me, no other life to consider. As the years went on, I followed instructions and never dared show a hint of weakness. Torture and killing became second nature to me, work I learned to love. It earned me respect from my ’ndrina brothers and fear from my enemies. Whispers followed me wherever I went, the tales of my cruelty spread far and wide.This made my
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VINCENZO POV ~~~I rubbed my eyes behind my glasses. The words on the screen were fuzzy, my body too tired to focus.Sighing, I picked up my Campari and tonic. I’d taken to drinking early in the afternoons, a habit Marco disliked immensely but one I found necessary to dull the ache inside my chest. The past two nights I had fallen into bed in a drunken stupor and passed out for a few hours. It was an improvement over weeks of sleepless nights.Marco sat in the corner on his phone, pretending to ignore me while really watching me closely. He wasn’t fooling me. I read the numbers on my screen again, wanting to prove I was still on top of my empire. “Toni just made us over two million Euros by shorting a tech stock.” Marco grunted.“Maybe we don’t need Armani for this computer idea.” He didn’t respond.I drummed my fingers on the desk and sipped my cocktail. When I drank, my thoughts frequently drifted back to her, even when I tried to prevent it.She’d made a fool of me. I’d mooned ov
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VALENTINA POV ~~~I hadn’t heard that sexy Italian rumble in weeks. My chest cracked, little fissures of misery opening up again, all the aches I’d tried to bury. I didn’t want to miss him. I needed to keep hating him. I should keep hating him. He certainly didn’t deserve my forgiveness, the dick.“Go ahead,” Dante said in English. “You are on my car’s speaker.” “Tina,” Vincenzo said calmly. “Are you well?”Tina. Not Valentina or dolcezza. Tina, as if I was an acquaintance or old friend. Prickles of sadness coasted under my skin and buried in my chest like needles. If that was the way he wanted to play it, then fine. “Just great, il Diavolo. You?”He didn’t answer for a long second. “Dante will take care of you. I will see that he sends you wherever you wish to go—with my blessing, of course.”A lump formed in my throat and I couldn’t speak. He was washing his hands of me, for good this time. I shouldn’t have been surprised. It was exactly as I had told Dante. Vincenzo didn’t want
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VINCENZO POV ~~~~When most mafia soldati killed, they wore black. The color hid bloodstains better than any other. I preferred to wear white. I wanted the next man to know what happened to the man before. I wanted to see the fear in his eyes when he realized what I was capable of. Right now, my white shirt was soaked in blood. The metallic smell filled the dungeon and my nostrils, the floor sticky under my leather shoes. It had been so long since I let the darkness take over, and I welcomed the sensation. I needed to kill, to feel life draining out from under my blade, hear their cries as they begged for me to stop. My heart pounded, my body alive after weeks of being numb. I had a purpose now and that was to get my dolcezza back. Anyone who stood in my way would regret it.Two men lay crumpled on the stone floor at my feet, pools of red beneath them. They hadn’t talked—but I was betting the third one would.We captured three of Armani’s men yesterday, brought them back to Sidern
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VALENTINA POV ~~~Clean and modern, Dante’s beach home was the complete opposite of the castello. The property stretched out along the Gulf of Naples, each room boasting a magnificent view of the water and Vesuvius. Mariella lived here, while Dante’s wife and children were somewhere else, and he had the luxury of going back and forth, the cheating bastard.Even though Dante was hardly around, his guards were always present, as was Mariella, which meant I was never alone, and I was exhausted from it. Most of my time was spent wondering if this was the day I’d be tortured or raped in revenge against Vincenzo. Or worse, the day Dante realized I was of no use to him and put a bullet in my brain.I hardly slept. I ate to keep my stomach settled, but I worried that each bite of food was poisoned. Every noise made me jump, and my nerves felt stretched to the breaking point. How much more of this could I take? How much longer before they realized I was pregnant with Vincenzo’s baby? What w
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VINCENZO POV ~~~~I knew something was wrong as soon as Dimitri, Marco and five of my men crowded into my office on the yacht. We had dropped anchor off the coast of Napoli, not far from Dante’s beach house.“Papà,” Dimitri said in his most reasonable tone. “You should sit.”Marco grimaced, knowing me well enough to understand how this came across. No one told me to calm down or take a seat. I was the head of this ’ndrina, the capo, and I could never show weakness. “Tell me,” I barked, remaining on my feet.“A message has come in from Armani,” Marco said. “It’s bad.”I appreciated his directness, but my gut cramped all the same. What had Armani done to her? If he had hurt her, I would bomb the entire Gulf of Napoli, skull fuck his corpse, then go after his wife and children. “Show me.”Dimitri handed me the phone and I froze. My glorious girl was on her knees, her face covered in tears while a Glock was shoved in her mouth. Dante had her restrained, ropes crossing her body, under he
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