All Chapters of His Self Chosen Luna: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
Sixty One
FinnI couldn't get the thoughts of Everest out of my mind. Having formally introduced myself as the principal to her, I was rather expecting Everest to confront me or better still question me for some issues but she didn't. At that point in time I felt uneasy. My mind was diverted as a result of that. How on Earth would she react normally as if nothing had happened? I expected a change in her attitude or maybe something to give her confidence that I am fully capable of taking good care of our child. Besides, I was fully ready to take the responsibility at any cost knowing that it belongs to me.I attended several meetings but found it really difficult to concentrate. I checked around for her but haven't seen her lately. All I did was sit in order to calm down a bit. "Why are you still restless?" My wolf asked.I took a deep breath,"Actually , I find it uneasy and right now I feel unrest because I have covered lots of thoughts," I replied."You really need to calm down. Being in su
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Sixty Two
"Everest, Hold on!" I exclaimed, as she paused while her back faced me.I walked towards her to have a conversation with her but it seemed like she didn't want to talk to me. But even at that I was persistent and wasn't discouraged."Please wait! "I pleaded as I showed up at her face, giving her a sad look. What I realised was that she couldn't look me in the eyes. Her head was lowered.I could feel my heart beat heavily, so also I could hear the sound of her heart beat. That implies that we both felt the same way for each other but she seems to challenge the feeling.I sighed,"Everest, look up! Take a look at me!" I placed my hands on her jaw, raising her head. Without letting me lift up her head, she did it herself. But that wasn't enough to push me away.Everest cleared her throat."Good day principal!" She saluted, as she bowed her head. The formality she showed me made me feel hurt. It was unlike her to behave in such a manner with me. I was used to the way she was so free with me
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Sixty Three
AliceWhat effrontery! That stinky little thing! How dare she! How could she rebuke and speak to me in such a manner? I yelled at the top of my voice in annoyance.I paced around my room and threw things away in anger. I could feel my body trembling. My breath was suppressed as a result of that.For the fact that I was shut by Everest, she got me so pissed that I couldn't be patient anymore. As a matter of fact, I lost it. I couldn't just wait to see her suffer and also be pleased that I spared her good for nothing in life.I had tolerated her for quite some time, it is high time I carry out my plans against her as soon as possible.I clenched my fist. "I'm going to see that I press out every single breath she has' '. I groaned."What if your sister comes in your way?" My wolf asked.I chuckled. "My sister? She wouldn't dare! She can't stop me from doing what I want to. Even if she tries to, I will equally get her out of my way by all means. Even if it cost me so much!” I yelled."If
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Sixty Four
Alice "I've been a very bad sister," I stated, as tears rolled off my eyes.Adrienne shook her head in disagreement.``No! not at all! Why would you say that?" She asked.I sniffed, creating all sorts of emotional looks."You don't have to make me feel good. I know I have always been a bad sister to you. I couldn't show you the love you deserve.” I concluded.Adrienne frowned, she looked so concerned. "No, you don't have to say that. I have never seen you in such a state before. Don't tell me that is the reason behind your tears."I shook my head. "Of course! Why won't I cry over such a matter. I've come to realize that I've been unfair and cruel to you". I stated."No you haven't!" She replied.I sighed."You and I know that I have. I'm sure by now you must have been upset with me. You must have taken me as your enemy.” I pouted.Adrienne chuckled,"That is impossible! I can never refer you as my enemy no matter what the case may be. You're my second half, I'm incomplete without you."
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Sixty Five
Alice It felt so good that I was able to keep up my act to my sister. I'm fully certain that she must have been convinced enough. She must have thought I was a changed person and is willing to turn a new leaf. I had no other choice but to make use of this means. Else, I won't be able to get back at Everest. But first, I have to make use of my sister as an instrument inorder to monitor Everest's movement. Knowing fully well that it would be very difficult to carry out the task without her assistance.Adrienne took a pause, staring at me with a puzzled look. “I have no idea who Elena is. Besides, I have never heard her talk much about her family. But why do you ask?" She wondered.I was speechless for a while trying to figure out the response to give to her."I was a little curious to know who she was". Adrienne chuckled, "You must be mistaken. Maybe you must have heard the echo of the name somewhere else. Besides, I doubt anyone else bears the name here in the Luna Academy" she respo
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Sixty Six
EverestI was very much exhausted as a result of the ceaseless lecture I attended. The Luna Academy reminded me of my days in high school. This was worse than high school, this was more like a university. Though, I had fun. It was so interesting and surprisingly I had learnt a lot. I would surely prove Alice wrong.We were informed that If there was progress, we could stage up to the next level of being lectured on how to be a good and perfect Luna. It was totally amazing. I could say that at that point in time, I was mind free about any other thing. When I thought of the principal, My heart skipped a beat. We haven't talked about the child, sure enough he feels he isn't connected to this child. After all, I haven't admitted to his claims and the events that had happened that night. And it's best that way, I would be the father and mother to my child. Elena snapped her finger at me."Hey! What is wrong? Why the sad face?" She questioned.I let out a sigh."It's nothing serious." Elen
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Sixty Seven
EverestElena giggled, "Gosh! You were really awesome. You correctly answered the question which the lecturer had asked you. I had no idea you were this smart and intelligent."It was so funny that I couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed out loud."Wait! Is it because they applauded me? just because I answered the questions correctly? You're unbelievable!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe Elena could be this funny at all. "Come on, I'm serious! Why are you laughing? Is it funny?" I shut my mouth while I laughed, but it had increased more, "Of course it is! How do you expect me to react to it? Honestly, you sound funny right now. I'm so sorry but I have no choice but to laugh in your face. Well, I didn't see it as a big deal. It's no big deal to me And being praised isn't something I should be excited about."Elena let out a sigh."Really? Do you think so? If it wasn't a big deal to you, then it was to me. Come on, They all applauded and it was looking so cool. I felt as if it was I who t
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Sixty Eight
FinnHaving seen Everest walk out on me, I felt so sad that I couldn't stop her. I felt absolute unrest and was afraid I had closed her gradually. It was so obvious that she was avoiding me and wasn't ready to listen to me.I heaved a sigh."I have no idea why it had to happen this way" I started."You don't have to feel sad anymore. The fact that you had approached her and had made efforts to speak to her, it was worth it. Maybe she needs some time to think it through. Just give her some time." My wolf suggested. I shook my head. “That is indeed a very great idea. Besides, I wouldn't want to oppress her nor do I want to compel her into doing what she doesn't want to do." Maybe all she needed was actually some time. I guess I was too straight forward and had done things in a haste without reasoning properly. I wished we could return back to the way we used to. I had no idea if she was still angry about that day I had taken her to the hospital or the fact that I was an announced pr
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Sixty Nine
Finn“I'm listening. What about me?”"We had come to the conclusion that It is high time you settle down. You need to find a mate. And as a matter of fact all you need is to relax and let someone take good care of you. Look at how skinny you have become as a result of the stress you put yourself into. Take a look!"Mother exclaimed.What was this about? Wasn't it the reason the Luna competition would be happening? “Mom, that's why we are running the Luna Academy, isn't it?” I asked.“Yes darling, your brother has found his mate and they've bonded. But the winner would be your mate, you would need to bond with her. I and your father thought about it, you can still broaden your horizon just Incase you ain't pleased with the results. And I'm willing to help you.” “Yes son, I agree with your mother. That's why you need to take a break, explore elsewhere for now.” My father chipped in.Seeing their persistence, if I was to press forth giving them an explanation, It might result in an argu
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AliceI felt as if my body was already leaving me. Just when Everest had caught me, I lost my balance.As a matter of fact I was sick and tired of the pretense. How on earth do I cope with her attitude? I just couldn't take it anymore.Having figured out what to do, I was prepared and ready to carry out my plans. It turns out that Everest wasn't convenient at all. It was more like a waste of effort for me.I couldn't watch myself being stressed out just because of a lunatic. But how on earth did it turn out to be that she wasn't present in her room? I wondered.Anyways, that was by the way. Today was the day I needed to carry out my plans against Everest. If it turns out that I succeed, I will be the happiest person ever.It would only take her luck to have saved her today. Today was the day we were to make dishes as a test in the Luna Academy.I knew I couldn't beat Everest in the competition, knowing how good she wasI let her win over me countless times, but I won't let her anymo
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