All Chapters of Her Alpha King: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
49 Chapters
-ALYSSA--Alyssa, that is what my grandmother calls me. "Yes, Grandma, I am coming.". I replied, walking down the stairs to the kitchen. I immediately reached the kitchen, and the smell of her cookies hit my nose. My grandma loves to bake cookies in her spare time, and I must say they are the best you can ever taste.Enough with all my gibberish. I am Alyssa, and I am a werewolf. My grandma is not my blood if you get me. We are not blood-related anyway. She told me she saw me in the woods near the Silvermoon Pack while on her journey back to Riverdale Pack where we live nowShe was in her wolf form when she heard a loud cry in the woods and decided to see what it was. She took me with her, took me to her home, and treated me like her own grandchild. I love her with all my heart. And I bless the day she found me crying my lungs out in the woods.In a few days from now, I will turn sixteen. I shifted when I was ten, but the normal age for a werewolf to shift is fourteen. My grandmother
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---XAVIER--I am Xavier, the Alpha King of all Alphas. It has been more than a fucking decade, and I haven't met my mate. Since I turned sixteen, I have always yearned to meet her, but I guess luck was not on my side like that of my parents, who met each other at sixteen years old.Every year, balls are organised on my behalf to find my soulmate in different packs.I have been going to the balls for nearly a decade, and I vowed not to go again if I don't find my mate this year. My wolf is always sad because he claims he is lonely without his soulmate. I always have to shut him out when he nags, because it also hurts me. I do not want people to mock me and say that I am weak because I have not met my mate yet. which I continue to prove them wrong that not having a mate by your side to rule does not make you a weak Alpha. People always bow when they hear my name. They all want to be in my good books to prevent having problems with me. Scumbags, do they think I don't see it all. The b
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Chapter THREE
--XAVIER--We will be leaving tomorrow to attend the ball. I am usually accompanied by my Beta, Nathaniel, and my Gamma Jude, along with unmated males and females who look forward to finding their mates. But this year, Jude will not be able to make it since he is not well.One thing that makes my pack different from others is that my Omegas, which are the lowest range in a pack, are also given the chance to come along to the balls to also search for their mates in other packs. My things have already been packed by my two specific maids assigned only to me. My mother went all out and shopped for new suits for me. I hope she does not get disappointed when I come back with no one, like always. She would always lock herself up in her room for a couple of days.I am the only child of my parents, and what keeps her sad is me not getting an heir in the future to continue the lineage, which will make greedy bastards make conspiracies against me to get me off my throne. I was interrupt
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---ALYSSA---My day was basically spent with Emily and Grandma with good wishes from people here and there along the line. Around 1:00 pm, a message was announced around the pack that a pack meeting would be held. We were all curious about what it was because only important events were announced by the pack's alpha directly to us.I was getting ready for the meeting. I walked to the closet and picked up leather pants and a strapless top. I am so full right now that I can barely move my legs. From the amount of food, I ate which was shoved down my throat by grandma and Emily with the excuse, "Today is your birthday Alyssa so you need to eat a lot" I put on my dress and walked to the vanity table.I looked in the mirror and my blue eyes had a sparkle in them, maybe due to me turning 16, which is a big part of everyone's life in the werewolf realm. Practically, that's where your life starts.My cheeks looked chubbier. Why won't it? From all the food grandma has been shoving down my throa
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--XAVIER--It has been a whole week since we left the Bloodmoon pack. We have visited several pack houses, but, still no mate as usual. I sometimes feel I was not gifted one by the moon goddess, but I have to keep going for the sake of my pack and also for my mom.The Shewolves, during the balls, were so clingy, wanting to have a dance with me as soon as one ended with another. I won't blame them. I was quite handsome, with green eyes that always held mischief and a body like that of a Greek god.Some called me Adonis when I was not looking, and I also heard all their fantasies about me, which were so ridiculous and disgusting, which kept Zain growling in my head.Another thing happened in a different ball when a she-wolf who belonged to the moonlight pack, claimed I was her mate but refused to accept her, which created a scene, and she was taken away by the guards.I was so angry at that point that my wolf wanted to surface and kill her at once, but I was held by Nathaniel, who stood
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--Alyssa--Looking at myself in the mirror, I was stunned by the transformation that Mrs. Anderson's had made on me. I looked mature—yes, that was the word—but not in a bad way. It was like seeing an older, more refined version of myself, and I had to admit I liked it.Emily, who was getting ready alongside me, was equally impressive. Her makeup highlighted her eyes, and her hair was perfectly styled to complement her gown. She looked like she was about to step onto a red carpet.I have to admit, the makeup is the only thing I'm excited about tonight, I confessed. Despite all the preparation, I couldn't muster any enthusiasm for the ball we were about to attend. It was supposed to be a magical evening, where everyone had the chance to find their mate, but I didn't want to be bound to anyone tonight."Thank you, Mrs. Anderson," I said to her, who was tidying up her kit. She smiled at me and nodded, then gestured toward the doorway."You girls look so pretty!" Grandma exclaimed as she e
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--Alyssa--He was getting nearer and nearer, and I could see every detail of his grim expression. This was real, and I had to get out of here. Now.I glanced at the door, wide open, almost inviting me to make a run for it. But I knew better than to flee through the front—he'd catch me in an instant. He was Alpha Xavier, the alpha king of all werewolves. Known for his ferocity and merciless tactics, he was someone to avoid at all costs.My heart raced as he approached. His steps were steady, calculated. There was no emotion on his face, just cold determination. I couldn't let him reach me. I had to act, but how?Using my werewolf speed, I shot towards the door like lightning, my mind racing with the urgency of escape.His voice, like thunder, echoed through the room, "Get her!" he roared, barking orders to his guards.But they couldn't catch me. I was a white wolf, and my speed was unparalleled. I knew that heading to my grandma's house wasn't an option—she'd try to protect me, and tha
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--Alyssa--"Make sure you find my mate, or else!" Alpha Xavier's voice boomed through the forest, a menacing echo that sent shivers down my spine. I pressed myself deeper into the carved tree, desperately trying to stifle my sniffles.Even though I knew I was well-hidden, I couldn't shake the fear that they might discover the secret door. The intricate carving might look like just a part of the tree's bark to the untrained eye, but if someone looked closely, they could see the outline of a hidden entrance. I couldn't afford to let them see even the slightest sign that I was here.The guards shuffled through the leaves, their heavy footsteps growing louder as they searched the area. I listened intently, hoping they would move farther away, but they seemed determined to find me. The crackling of twigs and rustling of branches filled the air, adding to my anxiety."What are you going to do now, Xavier?" a male voice asked, breaking the tense silence."I have to find her, Nat," Xavier rep
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--Xavier--Back in the Packhouse, the tension was palpable. It had been five whole hours since Alyssa, my mate, had run away, and my anger was growing by the minute. My blood boiled with each passing second, and every glance at my watch felt like a ticking time bomb. I was Alpha Xavier, ruler of the pack, and it felt like the entire world was falling apart just because my mate had vanished.Alpha Kane, the Alpha of this Pack, informed me that Alyssa lived with her grandmother, who was on her way to the Packhouse.Everyone had gone home by now, their festive spirits dampened by the chaos that followed Alyssa's disappearance. My mother, the one person who had been more eager than I was to find my mate, was arriving shortly. She had always been obsessed with me finding my mate, convinced it was the key to my happiness. Now, she'd be upset by the turn of events, fearing that my mate might reject me. She couldn’t.The guards continued to scour the woods, searching tirelessly, knowing full
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--Alyssa--It had been two days now, and my hunger was gnawing at me like a wild animal. I heard the sounds of people nearby yesterday, but today there was nothing—just the eerie silence that pressed in from all sides.My stomach rumbled, a constant reminder that I needed food, and soon.But I was still scared to leave the safety of the small cabin where I was hiding in the tree. What if the people who came yesterday were still around, lying in wait? What if they were searching for me? It was a risk, and I was exhausted from hiding and running, but I knew I had to make a move. It was now evening, and the approaching darkness gave me a bit of courage. It might be easier to stay hidden in the shadows.I sniffed the air, checking for any scent that might indicate someone was nearby. Nothing. Just the scent of the forest—the damp earth, the distant smell of pine, and the faint scent of a nearby stream.I opened the door cautiously, peering outside to make sure no one was around. The coast
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