All Chapters of Forced to Become His Maid: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
Chapter 21
There was chaos at the wedding, which should have been between Morgan and Scarlet, but instead, it was Sebastian Morris and Scarlet.Instead of being embarrassed, it's better that way, right? No problem, stay a rich man's wife, even richer, Morgan.Inevitably, Scarlet must accept her status as the wife of a man who should be her father-in-law and now her husband."I will repay this humiliation, Morgan. Don't call me Scarlet if you can't repay me, Morgan, with more shame than this. I will destroy you through your mother!" Scarlet muttered to herself.He was already determined to strike at Morgan's heart with his mother."Honey, are you happy?" Asked Mr Sebastian pleasantly to Scarlet.Yes, ever since they had been sex partners in a club one night, Mr Sebastian immediately liked Scarlet's overly pro and dominant lovemaking style; Scarlet was also very hot and able to keep up with him during hot play. Scarlet also likes her freestyle sex to be
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Chapter 22
Along the way to her house, Morgan's mum kept crying for who knows what.Morgan was annoyed with herself. What else would her mum expect from a man who, unfortunately, was Morgan's father?That made her upset and angry. Why must that lecherous man be her father? Why?"Stop crying, Mother; your tears are too precious for such a man." His mother only glanced at her only son, who had now brought her to her palace. The result of her sweat and effort.This was the first time Morgan's mum had come to his house. I don't know what that woman is thinking right now, but she's definitely very sad.Morgan knew that! His mum was deeply in love with the man who never loved her at all."Here we are, Mum; this is my house and wife!"BA BUMP!Wife? When did his son get married?With whom?"Her name is Jessica, Mum. She's my current wife.""Since when?""Since 10.00 am this morning!"Morgan's mother looked inte
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Chapter 23
Jessica has woken up from her sleep; this time, her status is different. She is the wife of Lord Morgan, the ruler.She saw that her husband was still asleep and sleeping peacefully even though it was already morning. Even the sun had appeared there.Even their curtains open automatically when the bulletproof window glass is attacked by the sun, the curtains open immediately.Jessica briefly stroked Morgan's firm jaw before getting out of bed.Jessica was eager to see that face smile sincerely. But she didn't know when that would be.Jessica finished her shower after a few minutes in the bathroom."Sir, wake up... It's morning. Let's get up..." Jessica woke up her husband."Leave me alone!" Morgan said as he flopped over onto his back."Master... Come on, it's noon." Jessica shook her husband's burly body again."You're so loud," Morgan complained as he settled on their bed."Here, have a drink..." Jessica handed
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Chapter 24
Morgan has gone to the office, and there will be a welcome party for Mrs Jessica at the company tonight, starting in the afternoon."Madam, what are you doing?" Ms Faye asked when she saw Jessica in the kitchen."Just making some tea for my mother-in-law, Ms." Jessica smiled beautifully there.Ms Faye was touched, even though Madame Liza had rudely said untrue things about their young mistress last night."Ms, please do Jessica a favour. Bring the cake for Mum," Jessica smiled back at Ms Faye.They walked to the garden, where his mother-in-law was being accompanied by the maid named Mia, who often threw tantrums with him."Mum," Jessica called softly.She hopes to get closer and closer to her mother-in-law.Madame Liza only glanced at her and looked away from her new daughter-in-law.Jessica could only sigh heavily; how hard is it to fight and struggle to break her mother-in-law's heart?"Would you like some cake?
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Chapter 25
Jessica was already annoyed. Every time there's an event, she has to get all dolled up. From the tip of her nails to the tip of her hair."Already, I'm tired..." Jessica complained when they had not finished doing her hair."Madam's last touch." They replied.Soon, her mobile phone rang, and it was a video call from her husband.Jessica saw that her husband had already appeared in his full suit."Why? I didn't call you to see your ugly face!" Morgan snapped at the expression on his petite wife Jessica's face.His little rabbit."They tired you. Tuan said it was just a small party, but why must I wear a dress like this again? It's the same as the reception yesterday." Jessica complained, starting to speak her mind."You're getting bold," Morgan growled."That's not what he meant.""I'm tired of arguing with you! You're getting bolder with me.""Sorry," Jessica said."Jonathan has picked you up!"
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Chapter 26
"Honey," Jessica whined, feeling heavy in her dress.Morgan only caught a glimpse of her."The dress is heavy, don't walk too fast," Jessica complained again.Why is Morgan so insensitive? He should be able to keep up with Jessica, right? That dress could weigh a dozen kilos!"Slow!" Morgan immediately picked Jessica up and carried her to the car that Jonathan had prepared.Jessica was shocked. Why had her car changed again? How many cars did her husband have? Is the tax paid every year? Without any arrears? Or even tax defaulters?TAP!"Don't think about it! I've never been delinquent in paying taxes! I even listed your branded items on my tax bill!" Morgan tapped Jessica on the forehead with his large index finger."What was I thinking?" Jessica asked quietly."Shut up! You're upsetting me.""I'll just go downstairs." Jessica wanted to sit next to her husband, but seeing Morgan's bulging eyes, she held back."Just sleep if you're sleepy or tired." Morgan brought Jessica to lean agai
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Chapter 27
Morgan was already seated on the sofa, where a neatly organised dinner menu had been prepared on short notice.Morgan abstains from eating food that has been heated, which is the most abstinence from food that has been heated on Morgan's dining table."You took so long.""Glug!"Morgan swallowed harshly when he saw Jessica come out in the red dress. It was not transparent, but her round breasts were perfectly exposed there."Don't look at it like that," Jessica whispered while trying to cover her thighs, which looked perfect in Morgan's eyes.Morgan heated up, his blood boiling at the sight of Jessica walking closer and closer to him.Truly, this was the toughest ordeal for her. If she hadn't thought about Jessica's hungry stomach, she would have been lying helplessly beneath her.Shrieking with pleasure there."Damn! She's so hot!" Morgan said to himself."What would sir like to eat?" Jessica started to get food
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Chapter 28
Morgan had already woken up from his beautiful sleep. Even the sunlight was streaming through the window panes of their room.This is the room where last night's ploughing of Jessica's new land took place. And who is the farmer?Morgan was the farmer who started cultivating Jessica's sweet fields.He felt so happy, beyond anything he had at the moment. Jessica is the most precious thing to him.If he had to exchange Jessica for his entire fortune, he would. But that wouldn't be possible. What she already has will always be hers."Mwah!"Morgan kissed Jessica affectionately on the forehead.Jessica squirmed and pressed herself closer into Morgan's arms, feeling her bare back stung by the morning sun.Morgan understood, and he pulled Jessica further into his arms and pulled up the blanket to cover his wife's beautiful back.Meanwhile, downstairs, Mrs Morgan was waiting at the dining table, but her son hadn't come down yet,
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Chapter 29
After consulting with the doctor yesterday, they were declared fertile and healthy. Jessica was only given vitamins containing folic acid to be ready to conceive Morgan's seed.And just like today, Jessica was forced by her husband to go to her father's office with him later."Honey... I don't have to come, right? I'm not comfortable being in the loop of your daily life. Um, I'll just stay at home. Or go shopping? You said I should." Jessica didn't continue when she saw Morgan's look had changed."Alright, I'll go with you.""Good Girl!" Morgan replied with a faint smile.He will make everyone submit to his wife."Already baby... Get off me." Jessica asked when she finished combing her husband's hair.Jessica and Morgan had gone downstairs for their breakfast. As always, Morgan greeted her mum and kissed the woman who gave birth to her on the cheek.That's what Jessica did, too, but it's still the same!Her mother-in-law
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Chapter 30
"Morgan!" her father snapped, not accepting Scarlet's treatment like that by his only son."Never mind, just walk through the meeting. I'm not a leisurely person who only attends one unimportant meeting like this. I'm just here to do my duty as Morris' grandson!" Morgan said without looking at his father."Honey, I'm going to the loo first." Morgan looked at Jessica with a furrowed brow."Go. Jonathan will take you!" Then, she stared at Jonathan with her piercing gaze."Keep your distance from my wife if you want to see the World tomorrow!""I understand, sir."They speak through eyes and telepathy alone. Morgan and Jonathan are the bottles and caps that clash and complement each other.The meeting had been going on for a few minutes, and right at the ten-minute mark, her ex-fiancé, now her stepmother, asked her husband to leave somewhere.That's why Morgan ordered Jonathan to follow Jessica during the meeting.Hi
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