All Chapters of Alpha’s Regret; Omega’s Comeback: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
94 Chapters
Chapter 21
Naomi povWhile I was showing myself to the world as Princess Naomi, or was a feeling I wished to experience for the rest of my life. Even though I have been living as a process for about a year already, it still didn't feel like I was a princess, but right now I am, everyone is waiting to see my face and hear my voice, a feeling I never imagined to have. I have been looking for Christina in the crowd but she is nowhere to be found. It's either she couldn't make it to the party or she found it hard to believe that I am now a princess. I felt a little sad because Christina seeing me in the spotlight would have been the happiest. She has been rooting for me all my life. While I was stepping out, I sighted Alpha Baron. He looked as good as always and just as I guessed he was putting on a red suit. That's really his favorite color because he thinks it's his good luck color. Ever since the special invite, Baron has been getting too much attention and I know he would be very happy bec
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Chapter 22
Alpha Baron povI had the greatest shock of my life last night at the Princess welcome party. It was slowly making sense to me why I got a special invite to the party. She invited me intentionally to tell me who she is and what she can do. I can't believe I rejected the same princess I have always wanted, if I was too harsh on her she would have forgiven me. “I did too much.” I muttered to myself as I was beating myself up in the room. Somehow I felt there was still hope between us because our mate bond still has a very strong effect on us which is why she found it hard to push me away last night. I recalled telling her to leave with me because she's my mate, but she refused. I know that I have wronged her but I will not let any other man take her away from me. “I'll have to win her back, no matter what it takes.” I muttered to myself and fell on my bed. I can't believe I missed such a good opportunity because of my hatred for Rogues. I should have given her a chance to explain
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Chapter 23
Naomi povMeeting with the alpha Baron was a happy sad feeling, the look on his face when he finally figured out who I was. He must have really regretted what he did that day because I could feel it, I could see regret all over him as we were talking. I almost forgot what he did to me when I saw how sad he looked and how he was apologizing. I would have forgiven him if his actions didn't cost my father's life. I couldn’t pay the aged man back for being there for me even with the way he was treated in the pack. He took me in risking his position and everything he had, now he’s unable to see his precious little girl live the life of a princess. “Dad, I know you’re happy wherever you are.” I muttered feeling sad. Last night's party was a good one, and I’m happy I got to meet so many influential people and the best part is that they liked me. While I was still having my lazy morning thought I heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” I stopped locking the door when I realized Albert wou
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Chapter 24
Naomi povAfter a very rough first day at work, a day full of surprises I finally headed back home. While I was going back home I kept thinking about my sisters and how they will feel when they hear what my father did. It was stressing me out because I really don’t want to have any misunderstanding with my sisters, so far we’ve had a good relationship and I want it to remain this way for a very long time.After a short ride we finally arrived at the house. It was getting dark, I checked the time and I arrived at exactly dinner time. “No.” I muttered sadly when I saw the time. I would be meeting them the moment I walked into the house. “Ma’am.” The driver called trying to remind me to step out of the car because we are at the mansion already. I got out of the car and headed inside the house. “Welcome home darling.” My father said excitedly as I walked inside the house. I sighted Annabelle and Cassie already at the diner and no one was saying anything to me. I had a lot on my mind
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Chapter 25
Alpha Baron povAfter spending two days in the Dragonmoon pack, I sent messages to Naomi both days but she never replied to me, she ignored the messages after reading them. I didn’t know what else to do, time wasn’t on my side and visiting the Pack house, I’ll need a good reason to visit.Nothing seemed to be going the way I wanted it to go which was a little very frustrating to me, I really wanted to see her again and let her know that I have always loved her. I just couldn’t see myself being with a Rogue. With the little information I was about to get it showed that she will be very busy from now, trying to figure out her new work and how to go about everything there. As much as I really wanted to see her, I still thought It’s only right for me to think about her too and the work might be too stressful for her. I got a message yesterday from the pack head chief and with the situation of things it seemed like I had to return to the pack.I had my things already sorted out in the
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Chapter 26
Alpha Baron povWhen I got back to the pack, I heard news about what happened while I was away and I became very worried, i was distracted by my misunderstanding with Naomi which is why I was not able to return as soon as possible. Most of them in the Raven Claw pack heard the news about Naomi's new identity. Most of them felt bad for treating her badly, while some envied her. It’s been years since the Rogues ruined the pack and while I was away there was a trace of Rogues attack, it brought back memories of my past and how my parents struggled to keep me alive when they were about to die.“I will never let them get away this time.” I muttered to myself. Williams and I went on a short trip where we’ve been working on something Special.We have been training a special army that no one is aware of. My army was getting stronger by the day, and now may be the time to let Everton know about them. When we saw them I was pleased to see how good they've become, they are stronger than I i
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Chapter 27
Naomi pov“Good morning Cassie.” I greeted excitedly as I was pouring myself coffee.“You woke up feeling very excited today.” Cassie said to me and I handed the cup of coffee to her and made it for myself. “You’re not working today?” Cassie asked me curiously. “I wasn’t feeling well.” I explained to her and headed to the sitting room. When I got to the sitting room, I sat down and dipped my coffee. “Good morning dad.” I greeted him with a smile on my face, my father was too I to what he was reading which made me wonder what the information was about. “Why do you look so into that Paper?” I asked curiously. My father smiled and stared at me. “There’s so much going on right now.” He said calmly as Cassie joined us. “Looks like Annabelle is the only one that decided to work today.” My father said to us as we all laughed. “Well, I chose not to.” Annabelle said from behind and pecked our dad on his cheeks. “Ohh, was there a meeting that you didn’t tell me about?” My dad asked us s
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Chapter 28
Naomi povI was shocked to hear what Cassie said to me because I have never said anything to her or anyone about being In love with anyone.I was startled to hear her talk about me being in love, I know that I’m not in love with Alpha Baron, right now the only thing I feel for him is pity, I feel pity for him l.“I am not, stop it Cas.” I said to her being very defensive. I don’t know why they said something like that if I’m not giving the energy that I like someone.“It’s fine, she was only joking.” My dad tried to calm me down because he could tell that I was mad at what Cassie said meanwhile she didn’t mean any harm when she said what she said, I also didn’t know why I reacted the way I did.When we were done having lunch I headed out of the house to take a walk. While I was taking a walk I checked my phone and there was still no reply from Alpha Baron.I just knew I shouldn’t have been nice to him in the first place.He is always doing things that will get me upset with him just th
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Chapter 29
Naomi's POVStill sulking, I wrapped my hands across my chest, my gaze fixed on the floor. I really didn't understand why my father was upset because I went out. It wasn't as if I caused any trouble out there. While I was still bemoaning the turnout of events which did nothing but to spoil my mood, I heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was my father, I quickly pulled myself up and just as I was about to move my feet, Cassie's voice came through, “I know you are in there, should I come in?” She asked with a little voice. Sighing, I changed my direction towards the door and then pulled it open. In her hands was a plate of cookies and the other held some juice. “If you don't stop frowning now, I will return these.” She threatened but since I knew she was bluffing, I shoved her words aside. Returning to my bed, I fell on it and then wrapped my hands across my chest once more, staring hard at the wall in front of me. “Come on, he acted that way because he cared about you.” She sai
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Chapter 30
Alpha Baron’s POVDrained from the long meeting I had attended the previous day and from staying up all night trying to come up with a solution to put an end to the rogue's attack, I fell on my seat, rubbing my eyes with the back of my palm. Suddenly, I sat up and immediately went to brew myself a cup of coffee. When I was done, I returned to my desk only to pick up my phone. “Dammit!” Naomi had texted but I had been too busy to give her a response.Grasping my phone with both hands, I facepalmed myself for not replying to her message on time. It wasn't as if it was on purpose but I still felt bad about it. Biting my lower lips, I quickly texted her a response and then tossed my phone on the table, hoping she would reply soon but that wasn't the case. For a few days now, I have been having a sleepless night concerning the rogues who were bent on ripping the pack apart. While everyone was asleep, they always came around to launch their attacks but thanks to the guards who are alwa
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