All Chapters of HIS SECRET WIFE: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
52 Chapters
BRANDY“You are getting married in three days.” Three days later and I still couldn’t believe it. Have you ever been stuffed in a car? Four bulky men stuffing me in the backseat of the car like a filling in a turkey. I did not know if to scream, cry or laugh, shocked to the core. “Brandy, It’s not that bad.” My sister Beaula said, and I could hear the lie, ripping a shiver from me. “Well, she shouldn’t have eaten so much if she wanted to look good for her wedding.” “I doubt she even thought she would marry.” Anna chuckled, our eyes caught on the review mirror. I had barely dropped my bags in my room when the news were sprung on me and Anna was right, I never thought I would ever see the day when someone called me their wife. The revelation had left me scattered in confused emotions. For one, a thing I had never thought would happen to me was happening, and secondly, I was being married off without my consent. “Be nice.” Emily threw daggers at Anna before she ran her hands dow
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I felt him as he got near. All hairs in my body soared up with his approach and I wanted to run out yet my legs failed me. My brain short circuited and it was when a hand firmly grabbed me that I snapped from the shock but the fear slapped me dead faced. The hand was foreign. The grip was so tight it was like he wanted to break my hand. A pull told me he wanted me forward so I quickly moved up and nearly tripped on the stupid dress that was too hot. My father was gone, just a stranger before me but to be honest they were all strangers. He pulled me to the position he wanted me and the tension in the room told you that this wasn’t a happy wedding. This wasn’t a wedding at all, it was a funeral, mine. All I saw were dress shoes, such large dress shoes!He was tall, way taller than me. The man was bulky, ‘crush me with his thumb’ bulky. The air about him preceded danger, so much danger. His cologne was strong, expensive, and smelled deadly too. At that point everything about him
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Tiles so sparkly they looked like glass. Eerie silence greeted my ears, two guards at my side but they didn’t step further in because a lady in a uniform stood with a bowed head. The security was tight, so many guards canvasing the grounds. I wondered if the house would be my new home. Somehow, I was disappointed it was so near to my dad’s house. “Ma’am.” The woman greeted, she looking to be around her late thirties or early forties. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail so tight it gave her a painful facelift. Her hands were clasped together, posture strong but slightly bent in a respectful manner. “Hello.” My voice came out so firm I was grateful. “Would you like me to show you to your room?” She asked. “I would appreciate it.” I said with her quickly turning and led me to an elevator. It was my first time seeing an elevator in a house. Actually, it was my first time being in a house that did not belong to my father. Reflective glass was all that surrounded us until we step
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STORMAll that could be heard was the sound of our fast patting feet as we marched through the quiet halls to the door. My father and I took the steps two at a time, our cars waiting with the doors opened wide for us. “Come in for a second.” I followed my father into his car, the door closing us in the dark confinement. “Are you sure you don’t want to switch?” I thought over my father’s words and chewed on them but I was too tired to even think. “As much as it was to Madroi’s favor, he didn’t have to give us the ugly one, any of the other girls would do. I can get him to switch with one of the older sisters.” A sigh pulled from me, sitting back and closing my eyes. The image of my new wife drifted into my head and a shiver ran through my body but I had more important issues to worry about so I couldn’t spend more time there. “No father, she is fine.” I said , sitting up and turning to stare at the man I looked up to for so long but I was not sure if I still did. He seemed to
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BRANDYDeath came for me in the shape of a loud blurring sound. I groaned out loudly, the throb in my head deadly itself. As I drifted more into consciousness, the pain grew and the sound grew impossibly irritating. “Can you move?” A voice came, so near. I groaned again, wanting to move but my body felt like concrete. It was a debate between switching the alarm off or staying exactly where I was and the alarm soon gave me no choice. “Hell.” I groaned out, nausea hitting me hard and taking my mind from the hard object poking my abdomen. I rolled so fast jumping out of bed to stop and bend as the room span so hard. There was no escaping it so I hit with all fours and quickly crawled away to the bathroom where I threw up in the toilet bowl. The smell of wine hit hard and it smelled fermented and awful. I quickly flushed, feeling a bit lighter. A heave pulled from me, my hair sticking to my forehead. I crawled to the sink, pulling myself up before I rinsed my mouth then brushed
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STORMMy wife was a strange creature.I didn’t know if to be angry or amused. I knew women who could shop but never fifteen thousand dollars in six hours. My eyes were still wide. Of course it was nothing to me but still, a tough pill to swallow. She had no care, moving her head and shoulders as she drew on her iPad and typed on her laptop. In a way she looked in a zone, absorbed. What was she doing? I tried to recall the little I knew about her only to recall a name. Her hair was better, her face not bad. A frown was inched deep in my face, being disturbed by a text buzzing my phone. I snapped back to work. I had to bare five more hours before getting to the house to sleep. I was at my sleep deprived breaking point, barely concentrating. Once again I found my eyes on the creature I was tied to. Her hand was greedy, crumbs on the corner of her lips as she chewed only for her to take another large bite at her pie. She loved food, just devouring it all to take a cookie next. M
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BRANDYSomething was poking me. I quickly scrambled up, ready to fight. Music blurred, vision blurry with everything aching on my body. I pushed up, pulling the headphones from my ears, leaving them throbbing from the abuse. “Shit.” I huffed out. “We are leaving at six, be ready with your packed bag.” I jumped, turning around to find a huge man standing next to me. I couldn’t help but scurry back only to stop and realize he was my husband. I was married now. I sighed, a hand running over my face. I felt as bad as he looked. His under eyes weren’t better at all, as if he hadn’t slept at all. “Okay. I will borrow a packing bag though since I doubt you will be landing me your card anytime soon?” I gave him an eye, testing my luck in case he changed his mind and gave me the card again. My smile wasn’t returned, Husband turning and walking away. He looked pissy as hell, leaving me fearful for those who would spend the day with him. “Have a great day!” I screamed as the door cl
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STORM“We will discuss the matter further tomorrow McAdams. It is not a matter to be settled over the phone.” I pushed the door open, nodding my head to Jacobs who guarded the door. I span around, closing the door while pulling the phone from my ear. Just a shower and a change of clothes before dinner and hopefully a good night with Miranda. I told myself I deserved it, a day to relax and enjoy myself. My dick was painfully hard every morning. It had been a while. I could already see myself burying my cock in her, deep, just stroking her over and over. I felt my dick twitch in my pants in agreement. The bedroom door was pushed with my foot, my attention on the text that just entered. Miranda: I am readyAnd so was I. I hit something hard, cursing as I pulled back only for my eyes to widen. They could only get larger as they settled on the case that had not been there when I left in the morning. “Shit.” I turned so fast, marching out of the bedroom back to the living room onl
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BRANDYI heard it at some point, the alarm. Yet I could not recall movement. Something warm lay under me, arms gripping me tightly. I wanted to bury myself deeper but something kept nagging me. Something was wrong. There was an alarm. I fought with sleep for what seemed like eternity and when I finally came to my senses it all clicked. My eyes opened wide, seeing skin. Husband was under me, holding me firmly. My heart went ballistic. Calm down, I whispered in my head, not wanting to wake him. I was not surprised, I was a very busy and restless sleeper, having found my way to him. Was I heavy on him? My eyes went wider, trying to shift but his arms were not giving way. I could not see his face but I knew he was deep in it. Then I recalled my cause for concern. An alarm. “Fuck.” I pushed up, barely successful. My hand lay on Husband’s chest, shaking him a little. “Hi, your alarm, you need to wake up,” I said, trying to recall when the alarm rang but knew it was well over a
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STORMYou try to pass an olive branch and get slapped with it on the face.I should have left her to rot in that bed. My cock had flooded my brain with stupid hormones and now my whole day’s schedule was fucked up. Pissing shit. I jumped out of the car, no time to waste. My feet stretched, rushing past the opened doors. Everyone stepped aside to make way, greeting and wasting their breaths on me. I could hear small feet pat after me, sure she was running at that point. Good, maybe lose some weight while at it. Okay, that was a low blow, even I knew it. I swiped my thumb into the executive elevator, the doors opening. I turned, realizing Brandy
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