
Chapter 56

I woke up to the ray of sunlight, flashing through my window and directly on my face, I turned around groaning and slightly opening my eyes, I was undoubtedly in the most comfortable bed I'd ever been in sleeping. I laid on my back while Jacob was wrapped around me. His arm slung across my stomach and his head was above mine as he faced towards me.

Our legs were tangled together mixed in with the thin grey top sheet. I smiled to myself as I looked over to see Jacob sleeping peacefully, softly snoring; he is so cute. I lifted my hand to move some hair the had fallen onto his face. He stirred slightly, snuggling closer into me while tightening his grip.

Jacob liked to snuggle while he sleep and I find it very adorable. Last night was undoubtedly one of the best nights of my life not because Jacob and I kissed but because we both had the chance to truly connect and share your heartfelt moments and emotions. It's incredible how those intimate moments can leave such a lasting impact.

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