
Chapter 2

The next day, Alex was walking down the school hallway when he noticed the new guys, not that he would miss them. All seven of them were standing together looking like something that belonged in some magazine that would have an article titled ‘how to get the perfect skin routine with just 7 easy steps.’

At that moment he wished his locker wasn’t right next to them, he really wanted to avoid the sore thumb that stuck out so prominently. No Alex, you can do this. It's not like they’ll notice you.

Sucking in a breath, Alex made his way to his locker trying his best to conceal his presence. Math book, that’s all he needed yet for some reason, as soon as he got remotely close to them, they ended whatever their discussion was and directed their gazes to him.

Now he was under the spotlight. If it was just the three then maybe he’d have the ability to ignore them but there were seven of them. Seven! Not to mention they all still have that look of superiority in their gazes.

Alex didn’t bother staying any longer and grabbed whatever book his hand got first, shut his locker, and removed himself from the situation.

“Christ they're so weird,” He mumbled to himself as he continued down the hallway.

“I know right.”

Alex looked to his side to find Josh having appeared out of whatever hole he jumped out of. He wasn’t going to question his sudden appearance and instead sighed loudly, looking down at the book he had in his hand.


Close enough.

“I saw everything, man their looks are freaky,” Josh continued his arm natural finding its way around Alex’s shoulder.

“Fucking hell, they must be a bunch of rich kids that think they're better than others,” Alex began, ready to rant but stopped there. He wasn’t going to give a shit about these new kids. 

”Jennifer actually tried one,” Josh said, shaking his head chuckling, “Got rejected hard. Kudos to her though for having the balls.”

Alex scoffed, not surprised in the slightest. Just gave him even more reason to avoid both Jennifer and the new kids.

"Anyways wanna go play some video games after school?" Josh asked brushing the topic aside, it was probably for the best.

"Can't, gotta pick Jamie from school later." Josh sighed before smacking his shoulder

“Big bro of the year huh?” Josh pursed his lips, squinting his eyes looking like a complete idiot.

“You wish you had me as you big brother,” Alex said, pushing Josh’s face away, mimicking the expression.

As the day progressed, lunch rolled in. The cafeteria filling in moments. Alex and Josh had just taken their seats, Josh looking like some starved dog, ready to devour a bone.

“How can you enjoy this budget pizza?” Alex questioned. He was already pushing his slice to Josh who didn’t hesitate to gobble it down.

“Pizza is pizza, whether budget or quality.” He finally said after.

“For someone who has a passion for cooking, you sure don't give a shit about what you eat.”

“Cooking and consuming are two very different things, my dear friend. I would never make such trash,” Josh said, burping merely seconds after getting Alex to raise a brow. 

“Btw, there’s a rumor going around,” Josh said, lowering his voice and inching close. Alex gave him a look. Josh knew all too well how he never bothered rumors, as someone who’s had multiple rumors about himself. Ranging from dating this girl to that one and even having one claiming him to be gay, he knew well enough that nine out of ten weren’t legit. 

“It's about the new kids." He whispered, checking around to make sure they weren't close enough, "Apparently they aren’t human.”

Alex had to take a moment to make sure those words had just left Josh's mouth. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His friend had gone completely mad. Alex didn’t bother to let Josh finish before standing and leaving. There was no way he was believing such garbage.  Yeah, they gave off a weird vibe but he wouldn’t go as far as branding them nonhumans. That was just crossing the line.

He really prayed his friend would stop being so gullible.

“Alex, don’t leave me!”

Pretending he couldn't hear him Alex left the cafeteria.

Now walking outside, Alex let his mind wander and couldn’t help but think deeper about the new kids. Their town was relatively small meaning everyone knew almost everyone yet these guys seem to have fallen from the sky. Maybe they just moved into town, that would make sense. Of course, it would, what other explanation could there be.

Alex shook his head. Were Josh’s words actually making him think otherwise?

A strong gust of wind blew, Alex, looking up at the cloudy sky with a sigh. It was always cloudy, the sun coming as often as rain in a desert. Rounding a corner, Alex found himself at the back of the school building. A dumpster sat nestled in the furthest corner, a wall closing off any more path for him to walk on. He was ready to turn back, the dumpster smell and dark alley vibe giving him slight chills.

Before he was able to leave though, he heard a quiet whimper. A dog maybe? He was tempted to follow the sound but knew from enough horror movies that moving towards the red flag always meant instant death. In this case, many red flags were being raised.


Alex already had his back turned when the voice suddenly came from behind him. He was sure there wasn’t anyone there before.

Swallowing the lump forming in his throat, Alex was ready to play the deaf and the dumb and just walk away but his body had frozen for some reason. He shut his eyes, muttering words of encouragement before slowly turning his head.

What he saw made his heart sink, his eyes growing wide. The air that was abundant just seconds ago seemed to disappear completely. Standing behind him was a male looking to be whatever age, he didn’t care to notice. What brought his attention though, was the blood that bathed his clothing and stained his face. His crazed red eyes held madness in them and its wild hair was dampened in the crimson liquid. In each hand, heaps of what looked to be flesh.

Alex snapped his head away from the scene, his hand moving to his chest as he gasped for the nonexistent air. After what felt like years, he was finally able to move his legs. He stumbled over his own feet but that didn’t stop him from scampering away. The world around him  turning hazy

Tears began streaming down his flustered cheeks. His lungs burned, heart ramming against his chest as he forced his body away from the scene. After stumbling for the hundredth time, Alex crashed onto something hard. Even with his unclear vision, he could somehow make out the gold eyes that shone under strands of snow-white hair.

He tried to beg for help but before he could he was sucked into the world of darkness.

Prying an eye open, light instantly filled Alex’s vision leaving him in a moment of blindness. His head throbbed so hard it felt as if someone was punding it. His throat burned and his eyes stung.

“Alex, Alex. Are you awake?”

With his eyes still squinted, Alex could make out a head full of brown curls bouncing about beside him. He blinked slowly before forcing himself up. He was instantly supported, his eyes finally adjusting.

“Josh?” Alex croaked. “What happened, where am I?”

Josh let out a sigh, standing straight. “We’re in the nurse’s office, you had an asthma attack and passed out. If it wasn’t for one of the new kids, who knew what would’ve happened.” Josh was clenching and unclenching his fists, pacing up and down the room. 

“Stop doing that, it's making me dizzy,” Alex said, hoping to get the other to stop. “You said one of the new kids helped me? Which one?” Alex questioned, already standing even with his head throbbing. He wasn't ready to investigate the reason why he'd fainted.

Josh stopped his pacing, turning to Alex with knitted brows visibly against the idea of Alex standing. “I'm fine, I wouldn’t be able to stand if I wasn’t.”

Josh sighed, folding his arms. “It was the dude with the white hair, you know the guy that seems to be the leader of the group.”

Alex hummed, recalling everything but the second he did, a wave of fear washed over him. What did I see there? Who was that and why were they covered in blood, and what in the world was that they were holding in their hands?

“Alex, you don’t look fine.”

Alex snapped out of his thoughts, Josh sternly looking at him, both hands on his shoulders. Should I tell Josh what I saw? Alex sighed deeply, meeting Josh’s gaze.

“There’s something I need to tell—” Before he could finish, the bell rang getting the already throbbing headache to triple. That bell was nothing but demonic. 

Josh dropped his hands, looking to the door. “I've got to get to class,” he said before finally looking at Alex.

“You sure you're okay?”

Smiling lightly, Alex smacked his back. “I'm fine, stop acting like my mum.”

Josh finally cracked a smile.

The two separated in the hallway, Alex walking back into class. He could’ve stayed in the nurse’s office longer but he wasn’t ready to be left alone with his thoughts, at least not yet.

Taking his seat, Alex was instantly aware of his deskmate who was deep in a book to notice him. Didn’t he see that person? Josh said he’s the one that brought me to the nurse's office.

Alex was debating whether to thank him. He didn't really look like he wanted one but then again it would be rude if he didn’t thank him. He would've been a goner.

"Hey, thanks for helping me out earlier, really appreciate it." That was decent enough right?

All he got as a response was a side glance and nod before the dude went back to his book. Well, he was expecting as much. Not feeling up for any more talking, Alex took his gaze outside. The second he did though, he was met with the gruesome image of that stranger.

His chest grew tight, a knot forming in his stomach. He was already clutching onto his chest when a voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Are you alright?"

Alex looked to the person beside him. "Huh?"

"You fainted."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," Alex said, mumbling most of his words. "Again, thanks for helping me out. I'm Alex by the way."

Alex very quickly wished he could take back his words, The teacher had already given them his name. on top of a headache and a constricting chest, now he had self embarrassment to add to the mix. 

"I'm Xavier."

At that moment, Alex locked eyes with Xavier. It was the first time he had a proper good look at him. The moment only lasted a few seconds before Alex quickly turned away. Now that he had gotten a better look at the male he came to the same conclusion he had previously, he was really attractive.

He had such striking gold eyes, hair as white as snow. His sharp features a great contrast to the smooth, almost porcelain skin. How was he so pale, no all of them were. All had such pale skin that it looked white. 

Josh's words came thundering in his thoughts making him think twice about what he said. No that's stupid, there's no way. 


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