
Chapter 20: Emily

After having a fancy dinner yesterday with Shen, we went back home to have a rest. The day was tiring and I instantly fell asleep at home. The next day, my boss, Tsu Lian, called me and gave me a month's vacation, to rest and recover from trauma. 

This time, I stayed at home and was busy cleaning while Shen went away to his office. 

"Ruffle this area, clean this place and this one, and don't forget to arrange the flowers," she said. 

I was busy dusting the walls and removing the cobwebs, and I didn't realize the time. The house was being renovated and cleaned. She was making the autumnal cleansing. The house had to be clean while Shen was still working.

It had to be kept a surprise. 

She sat down her maids and asked them to rest while, she will get out and buy ingredients for Shen Zi's autumnal cake. As she was preparing to get to her room, she was stopped by one of her young maids.

"Madam, do you need some help?" she asked, gently as she shook her dress.

"No! Please rest and I will get back home and cook. You may also leave early today. It's 2 pm,"

"All right! Thank you, madam," they said.

She rushed to her room, and changed into warm clothes, wore wool gloves and leather shoes, then went outside and walked to find a taxi. The breeze was warm and fresh; and she smiled at the good weather, with such a nice breeze. The city was a bit noisy and the skyscrapers dazzled over her head. 

It was already evening, and the sky started changing its colors. There was a nearby shop mart beside home, which she could reach quickly with the help of a cab. She stayed at a stationary and waited for a cab.

The cab finally arrived, ten minutes later on. She entered it and they reached the shopping mart, in no time. After paying for the cab, she entered by the great entrance, which welcomed the people, with a welcoming light vibe.

She reached a trolling cart and started shopping. 

"Phew, there is still some time before I get home. Surely, Shen will be happy," she said. She took a list from her pocket and checked what she needed for her preparation. 

The autumnal cake list contained ingredients going with the season; cinnamon, cranberry, apples, and lemons. Then she added, flour, eggs, butter, milk, sugar, caramel sauce, vanilla essence, and vanilla sugar. She also included some maple syrup. 

Only thinking about those, made me licker my fingers. 

She assembled all that was on her list and paid them off. Then she hurriedly went in another cab to get home with her bags full of ingredients. 

At last, she was back home and took out all her bags, then took an apron to cover herself. There she went. 

In a clean working space, she took out her flour, butter, sugar, milk, eggs, and vanilla. In a large bowl, she used 200g of flour, after, she melted down 100g of butter and placed it aside. In the flour, she added a sachet of baking powder (not baking soda), then she put a pinch of salt inside. She poured 150 g of sugar inside, then placed the bowl aside. 

She ruffled a little bit her apron, then went on. 

In another bowl, she broke three eggs and added 50 g of icing sugar, with a tablespoon of vanilla essence and vanilla sugar. With her machine, she mixed the mixture until whitening. When it was all over, she removed the eggs and poured them into the flour bowl, and then added the butter. She took her rubber spatula and mixed the mixture, while gently adding milk until it made a pasty liquid. 

After that, she took her grater and grated a little bit of cinnamon and lemon zest in the paste. She lightly buttered the baking pan and passed the paste inside. 

She warmed the oven to 150 degrees and then cooked it for 25 minutes; regularly checking. She washed the fruits; cranberries and apples, then she dried them in a tissue. She placed the cranberries in a bowl and took three apples.

She removed the skin of the apples and passed them in a pot, with two tablespoons of lemon juice and water. She boiled them for a while then, removed them, and placed them in her blender. She added sugar and a little bit of cinnamon inside, then blended it.

It blended and blended, then she removed the paste and placed it in two ramekins. She had cooked -- applesauce. 

"Hmph! When I was again a popular star, my applesauce was legendary." 

Now the cake had been cooked and she had to ice it. She poured chocolate and caramel sauce on the cake, spread icing sugar, then topped it with fresh cranberries. She added a bit of whipped cream and placed it in the fridge. 

Lin Zoe went to arrange the dinner table all by herself: candles lit, table cloth, covers, plates, cups for juice, wine, and the ramekins covered. She sorted out some iced tea and placed it on the table. 

She removed her apron and jumped on the sofa. She was now waiting anxiously for Shen's return. 

"Wow! I finished the cake. Now I hope, Shen can come quickly. What is he doing?" she asked herself. It was then she realized, she was still in her outdoor clothing and went upstairs to get a shower. At the same moment, someone was knocking at the door. 

She changed and rushed to see who was there. Guess who it was! Shen Zi with a bouquet of roses at hand and his wallet. 

Lin Zoe was shocked and her eyes bulged outward. 

"Honey, I brought you some roses," he murmured. She looked at the roses, took them, and smelled them. They were fresh and fragrant. 

Still outside, she said, "Okay! Enter then. I will put the flowers in a vase."

Lin Zoe poured some water in a clear vase and placed the roses inside, then decorated the dining table with it. Shen sat at the dining table and noticed it was not dressed as maids did usually. He also noticed it was neater and clearer than before. 

"Mrs. Shen, what happened to the house?" 

"Oh! I did autumnal cleansing. The dining table was arranged by me." she added. 

Seeing the warmth and personal touch she made on the dining table, he smiled and waited for the dinner. Lin Zoe brought the cake sealed in a glass cover, and a knife to cut it. The cake looked nice and smelled autumn's products. 

He dazzled at the cake and instantly felt the urge to taste it. It smelled very nice, even at a cold temperature. 

They started eating as someone, entered the house, which Lin Zoe forgot to lock. They saw a young maiden with black hair and warm clothes. 

"Who ar yu?" (Who are you?) Lin Zoe, asked, munching the cake. 

"Sister Lin, don't you remember me? I'm Emily." 

"Emily? sister-in-law ?"


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