
Chapter 24: Shen is so cute

When Lin Zoe opened the box, there was a lantern and two knots of different colors. The first knot was pink and the second one was blue. There were also two little pieces of cardboard, to write wishes, and some ink, with a brush. 

The lantern was colored pink and gold. It had floral decorations and drawings. The lantern had a wish on it written in pinyin saying; May love stands forever.

Emily was so touched by the words, she was moved to tears.

"Sister Lin, your wish is so beautiful. Is your special person, my brother?" Emily asked.

"Yes, it's him," she answered.

"Your gift is great. I'm sure he will feel your sincerity and will be happy,"

The words of Emily, encouraged her and made her feel more courageous. She felt that her efforts were not in vain and Shen will be surely happy. Its perfection and the wish on the lantern, will certainly make him feel moved.

"You're right, Emily," she said.

"By the way, the colors are great," Emily smiled as she examined the lantern. 

"I was inspired by pink for love and gold for good luck. When we will light the lantern, I will recite him a beautiful poem and the light of our lantern will guide us," Zoe said, with all her sincerity.

"It's so beautiful. I will like to be at his place." 

Emily and Zoe talked for a long time and thought about other places where they could go. Lin Zoe was speaking about the gift but, she always avoided the reason why she was trying to please Shen. She preferred not to reveal he was angry a few minutes ago, so she doesn't bother.

As soon as they finished speaking, Zoe realized it was almost time and rushed Emily outside.

"Emily it's soon time. Go and get changed," she said hurriedly.

"Yes, but..." 

Lin Zoe closed the door behind her and immediately got changed. She wore a beige hat, a white shirt, and a denim skirt. She placed her phone in her pocket and wore her sneakers. She went out and rushed downstairs to call Shen. 

After seeing him, she started feeling anxious and thought about her gift.

"No, No, Alya. I mean Lin Zoe, don't give up. You will get closer to him if you are more courageous and conscientious," she thought.

She walked over to the dining table, where he was reading, and she gently tapped his back. 

"Shen it is time for the lantern watch. Dress up and we go right now. Wear casual clothing,"

"Alright! I'm getting changed," he said.

He walked upstairs and closed the door as he entered the room. Lin Zoe, was happy and proud of herself behind. 

"Yes! Shen, I promise you I will not fail my plan tonight," 


Five minutes later, Emily was already downstairs in her casual clothing. She was wearing a yellow robe, a black hat, transparent high heels, and a white - pearl necklace.

"Emily, it's nice clothing. You look great inside," Zoe complimented.

"Thanks, sister. Where is my brother?" she asked.

"He's still ..." 

"I'm done," Shen Zi said, suddenly interrupting their discussion. 

"changing," Zoe finished, her mouth opened.

Shen Zi wore a white shirt, a denim panty, and white sneakers. He didn't seem like the mighty Shen anymore, just like a civilian. He looked even more handsome than before and cuter, which made her mesmerized.

Emily looked at her and closed her mouth.

"Seems like someone is a fan of Shen," she teased.

"Emily, stop saying nonsense," Shen said, shyly.

For the first time in her reincarnation, Zoe saw Shen being shy. It was a rare occasion that could not be seen by everyone. He rarely was seen in such a cool outfit and at the same time with such expression. She did not have to miss it.

Lin Zoe secretly took a photo of him and quickly hid it back in her pocket. She held his hand elegantly and took a photo of both of them, with matching garments. 

"Shen, we are wearing the same outfits. It's so lovely," she complimented.

He simply nodded and tried to smile and not show any cute embarrassment in his eyes. She held her laughter as she saw the helpless Shen, containing himself.

"Shen go with Emily in the car. I'm coming quickly," she said

"Be fast," he said, smiling at her. 

She nodded and rushed upstairs. She opened the room and took her box. Fortunately, she hid it under the bed or she will have been discovered. Holding it tightly, she went down and closed the house. 

She then locked it and hid the key in a flowerpot. 

As she entered the car, she locked the door and made a prayer for everything to be fine. Shen drove the car and activated the climatization. Emily was on her phone while Lin Zoe was daydreaming. 

"I don't believe I fell in love here, in a new soul. He is so cool and handsome," Her dreams were popped off by a needle, when she went back to realization. 

"Wait! I have fallen for him. But who can resist him? I hope, he can like my gift," she thought. 

She prayed earnestly then held her head, excited. Emily who stopped using her phone, smiled and was curious about that sudden ecstasy.

"Hey, sister Lin," she murmured in her ears.

"What is making you so happy?" 

Lin Zoe blushed and was even happier. She almost laughed. She remembered the photo she took and kept it preciously on her phone. She utmostly did not have to tell it to Emily.

"Uhm... I feel like everything will go smoothly for this night," she murmured back in Emily's ears.

Emily nodded and went back on her phone smiling. She did not have to think twice to understand that there was real love in her head.

Lin Zoe took out her phone and checked on the time. It was already 6 p.m and the lantern was at 7 p.m. They will take time to eat street foods outside and visit shops with Emily. Shen had stopped driving and they saw the night market.

"Girls let's get down. We are already at the night market," he reminded.

"Yes, we are getting down," they both replied.

Lin Zoe took her box and closed the door of the car. She then got close to Shen and murmured in his ears.

"Shen, it's still 6 p.m. The lantern show is at 7 p.m. Why don't we go and eat some street foods?" 

"It's a great idea!" he said gently.

"Ahh!" she made happily.

"He spoke to me so gently now," she thought.

"Hey let's stop standing here and get some snacks," Emily took their hands.

"Yep!" Zoe made.

"Hey Shen, have you locked the car?" 

"Emily, I'm conscient not like you," 

"What did you say?" 

"Please stop fighting. Let's look for something to eat instead," 


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