
Natalie 2


What a waste of three hours. After my mom finally made her appearance and filled out the necessary forms, I had to wait for them to get my schedule sorted. I missed the first three periods of the day. But I finally have my schedule and I am being shown to the cafeteria by a very sweet girl who works in the office as an aid.

I pick a protein packed lunch today. I am going to tryout for the school's soccer team since I finally started school at the beginning of the year like a normal person. So I need the extra energy for later.

I find an empty table in the back of the crowded lunch room and sit down. When eating lunch I prefer privacy. I like being by myself for two reasons 1.) I like my own company, my own thoughts, it is easier to plan and focus that way and 2.) I feel like it makes me look strong. I like looking independent. I am not the new kid desperately looking for a clique, I am Ms. Independent in my book.

Plopping down I decide to study my new schedule. I am in the advanced courses, per usual.

Even jumping from school to school I have never lost my determination for good grades. I am going to succeed in life and to do that I need a good base. 

English AP

Chemistry AP

Spanish AP


Algebra II AP

World History AP

Girls Athletics

The only class that has me wanting to groan is, algebra. It is my hardest subject.

 While placing my schedule back in my bag I notice a shadow fall on my table. I look up quickly to find Mr. Bedhead smiling at me.

I try to remember his name for a moment but all I can remember is my rude nickname.

“Hi, is it okay if we sit with you? It's my sisters' first day and it seems quiet over here,” he asks and I glance at his two shadows to find them smiling at each other.

 “Sure," I answer awkwardly.

“Thank you..... Natalie right,” bedhead asked with a perfect smile.

“Um yeah sorry. What's your name again,” I asked while cringing?

“Ryan, and these are my sisters Lacy and Stacy,” he says while beaming at them.

Ryan sits down across from me while the girls sit across from each other. They began to have their own private conversation with their hands and I quickly spot the hearing aids in the girls' ears.

Ryan takes the silence as his cue to began the “new kid quiz”.

“So are you new to town,” he asks and I shake my head. 

"No, been here for two years we move around a bunch," I answer as I begin to eat.

“Military," he guesses just like everyone else does. 

 "No, just what my mom likes to do," I reply bored with the exchange. 

“How old are you,” he asks while trying to sound genuinely interested. 

"17," I answer.

“Me too. Turn 18 in a month though. How about you," he asks excitedly and I bite back a sigh. 

"October 14 is when I turn 18," I reply. 

For the rest of the lunch period he fires questions at me that I am so used to repeating I feel like a robot. Finally he asks how I am liking the school so far and 

I pause. No one has asked me that before and the question actually makes me look up to answer him.

“Its just another building," I say with pure honesty.

He frowns for a moment and finally the bell rings marking the end of this lunch/torture period.

I smile before saying, “nice meeting you.” Then I make my escape. I am so happy to be free of questions that I am walking without paying attention.

After two minutes of mindless conversations with myself I realize I am lost in this stupid school. I check my schedule and realize I need to find the stupid Algebra class.


I am so mad at myself for being wrapped up in my own thoughts to do something this dumb. Luckily for me, I make it moments after the bell rings again signaling the start of class.

The teacher gives me a questioning look, so I show him my schedule and mutter my apologies.

“Oh, okay you are a new student. That is great. Go have a seat at that table across from Mr. Wilson," he says before looking at the body of students already sitting down.

"Mr. Wilson raise your hand for Ms......Marshall," he orders while glancing at my schedule again to confirm my name.

I spot a hand move into the air and walk down the aisle in the middle of class. I go to place my bag on the back on the chair when I realize Mr. Wilson is none other than bedhead with a smile. I can't get rid of this guy apparently.


As I run my laps I think about my sisters. I am so proud of them. They want to be at school with me. They aren't scared of being around new people.

I have always had the same friends and the same routine. My weeks always consistent of football, studying, church, and family meeting night. I never experience anything new and I never push myself to go to new places. Wow, suddenly I feel boring.

"Wow I have no life," I pant as my thoughts explode out my mouth.

Maybe I could ask out that Natalie girl after getting to know her.


The next two classes drag on. Each class I hope to spot the new girl, but no luck. Maybe she isn't a senior or worse... maybe she is a freshman.

I barely pay any attention to my teachers which isnt really a problem. I dont have to try too hard at school because everything seemed to come naturally. I am typically the person most the teachers ask to help others. My mom is an ex teacher so summers aren't just lay around time. She normally preps us with the next years material so technically I can't take all the credit for my smarts.

Colleges are already interested in me due to my football talents and the great GPA is definitely a bonus. My parents really have set me up for an awesome life. They have worked hard for their careers and I an going to make them proud.

I lean on the wall wrapped up in my own thoughts while waiting for the girls so we could walk to the cafeteria. When I hear giggles I look up.

The girls are holding hands with each other as usual and looking at a boy with glasses. As I approach I hear Lacy say, "yeah that was my dad's class."

I smile she is so proud to be our father's daughter. Both girls are angels in my book.

I decide to cut in the conversation quickly so I grab Stacy's hand. I can't get to Lacy's since mystery boy is next to her... gawking.

"And I am their big brother, Ryan," I say before looking at them and pretending to scowl.

"What did I say about boys," I playfully demand and Stacy giggles.

Lacy turns red.

So mystery boy had Lacy crushing, interesting.

Stacy stops giggling and whispers so Lacy can't hear her, "That's Matt. I think Lacy likes him."

I chuckle, "I think so too."

After losing Matt in the food line we start heading to my usual table. But before we get there I finally spot Natalie. She is sitting at the corner table all by herself.

"Do you two mind if we sit with Natalie," I ask suddenly and Stacy giggles again before covering her mouth.

Lacy smiles and asks, "Do you like her."

I instantly feel my ears getting warm again.

Dang geniuses.

"No, I just thought it would be nice since she is all alone. Please you guys," I beg while trying to sound innocent. 

They glance at each other and nod which makes me smile.

"Thank," I say and we head for Natalie's table.

Natalie is studying a piece of paper with a very determined looking face as we approach her and I began to worry that she might not be in the mood for company. I must of slowed down because Lacy gives me a bump from the back. I gulp while increasing my speed again.

I can't turn away now my sisters will laugh at me. They already know something is up. If I chicken out it's all over. My pride demands I see this through.

With a deep breathe I stop in front of Natalie's table and wait for her to look up.

"Hi, is it okay if we sit with you? It's my sisters' first day and it seems quiet over here," I asked way too politely.

Lacy and Stacy instantly share a look that I barely catch from the corner of my eye.

"Sure," she says sounding slightly annoyed. 

"Thank you...Natalie right," I ask trying to sound friendly. 

I see her nod before a look of pure panic crosses her face. 

"Umm..yeah sorry. What's your name again," she asks and my ego takes a hit. 

Internally I laugh at myself a little though, she forgot my name. Wow, I sure made an impression.

"Ryan, and these are my sisters Stacy and Lacy," I say with a big smile.

I dont want her to think I am offended by her forgetting my name. We only talked for about 45 secs this morning. It would be ridiculous for me to expect her to remember.

I sit down and the girls took spots across from each other and began signing about Matt. I will have to tell them thanks later. I know they were giving me the opportunity to get to know Natalie. So I begin to fire basic questions at her. She answers each one like it is a script.

After each answer I secretly wish for her to ask me one. To show some kind of interest but she never does. She isnt even looking up anymore. She is focused on her food and just answers my questions on autopilot.

Finally I realize I only have time for one more. It is a stupid question about liking school, but she finally looks up.

"Its just another building," she says catching me off-guard. But something about her tone makes me feel sad.

Her answer has an emotion behind it, but I am unable process what emotion before the bell rings. 

 Natalie says a hasty goodbye and flees in the opposite direction of my next class. Well I guess there goes my hope of her being in my next class with me.

The girls and I make our way towards math hall. Their door is one of the first doors on the hall while mine is in the middle.

 I like math. It was easy. There is always a way to find the correct answer. Mr. Pierce is one of my favorite teachers too. He let's me do my thing and rarely gives me extra work.

The bell rings and I grt ready to drift back to my conversation with Natalie and her last answer. But before I can she enters the room looking flushed and irritated. I almost laughed at her appearance.

She must have gotten lost. I am so amused by the look on her face I almost miss Mr. Pierce telling me to raise my hand in the air. Luckily I hear him and I raise my hand. 

  I do a happy dance in my head. Natalie walks down the middle of the classroom with her back straight and avoiding the eyes of the other kids. I am starting to learn that when things dont go her way, Natalie gets very embarrassed and flustered.

 She avoids looking around so much that when she sits down in front of me and looks me in the eyes her whole face morphs into a mask of shock.

This time I can't hold back my chuckle. She automatically squint her eyes at me.

"Sorry, I promise I'm not following you and technically I was here first," I say quickly defending my presence between chuckles.

She seems to relax after a moment as the truth of my words set in. Then she completely shuts my presence out. She unxips her bag and pulls out a very organized binder. The rest of the class I try whispering to her but she only glares at me in response.

She takes perfect notes. A person who wasnt in class could have learned the whole lesson from just her notes. I can't help but feel impressed. Not to brag but normally girls want to talk to me or even flirt but Natalie makes sure I dont distract her from class at all.

So instead I secretly study her. When she is learning she looks at peace. Her beauty shines more. I can admire her big eyes and their unique colors. Godh, she is pretty.

 She has on perfectly applied makeup. Not heavy like a bunch of girls. She has a plain black t-shirt on with a nice pair of jeans. She is wearing hoop earings. Her lips are plump but not big. And she has an adorable small nose.

While I am observing her Natalie turns in my direction and starts putting her things away. I blink a few times and realize everyone is gathering their things. The bell must have rung.

 She really makes me zone out. I stand up and grab my bag. Trying to act like I knew it was time to go.

"Do you need help finding your next class," I ask while figuratively crossing my fingers.

"No, thanks, I can manage," she says with a sarcastic smirk. 

I shrug before saying, "suit yourself."

But really, I was disappointed.

My disappointment was short-lived when I entered my next class and saw her sitting in the front row. We even got to walk to the locker rooms next to one another at the end day. I still cant believe my good luck.

 After school Football practice blew by and as I drove home, I smiled as I sang along with the radio. My sisters made fun of me the whole way, but I was just so happy.

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