
Ian 17

IAN POV (two months later)

"I can do this. I can do this," I chant over and over in my head as I stare straight ahead. My hands are on the support bars, and my legs are underneath me, but my brain is miles, no years away. 

The future I want is playing over and over in my mind as I encourage myself to take my first unassisted steps. My first steps without a harness or Susan supporting some of my weight. My leg muscles are protesting, but that's expected. 

"Come on, Ian. Walk to the walker! You can do it," Susan cheerleads, and a smile breaks across my face at my enthusiastic friend. 

Thank the Lord for Susan. She has been a massive factor in my progress.....and I believe she is a robot disguised as a human. I have never seen her down. I have never seen her upset or sad. Her moods range from happy to joyful to crazy excited, in that order. There is no off button when it comes to Susan. She enjoys her job and makes our sessions easy. 

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